Several times I’ve posted about the accolades Chronically Vintage has gotten, but others have yet to be publicly acknowledged. Before the absolute rush of the winter holiday season besieges us, I want to take a few moments and extend my utmost of deepest thanks to handful of incredibly lovely people who have passed along blogging awards to this site. I cherish each and every one of these awards, the fact that you thought of me when pondering whom to extend them to, and also to those bloggers who have passed along other awards to me before in the past.
Sometimes I’m extended the same award by two (or three, etc) different bloggers, after I’ve already posted about receiving it (the first time). When this is the case, please know that I do not appreciate your own gift of an award any less. Whether I receive an award once or a million times, I enjoy and treasure it exactly the same. This post however is going to focus on blog awards that I’ve not yet written about receiving. To everyone who has ever bestowed an accolade my way, and equally to everybody who visits the humble pages of this blog, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I truly hope that those who presented me with awards won’t mind if I veer away from their “rules” of acceptance a tad. Having thought it over, what I’m going to do is share the awards I’ve gotten below, and then pass along a brand new award that I’ve just designed myself to each of those who have so generously tagged me with an award in the first places, as well as to a handful of my readers whose blogs never fail to fill me with an abundance of inspiration.

{From the sublimely pretty (and always massively informative) pages of Kori's beautiful blog, Blonde Episodes, come her handmade award featuring none other than Marilyn Monroe herself.}
{The Bella Sinclair Award came via the immensely creative Stephanie of Dream Kingdom.}
{Adorned with a very pretty mermaid, the Splash Award from a gift from Kathie and her wonderful blog, My Net Finds.}
{From the elegant, cheerful pages of Simply Colette came the (very chic looking) I Think You’re An Awesome Girl award.}
{A talented fellow photographer and blogger, Yelena (from June Daisies), honoured me with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.}
{A second gift from the wonderful Kathie of My Net Finds came in the form of the Dragon Loyalty Award.}
{From one the hepest cats in the retro blogging sphere, Keith of the Dino Lounge, comes the Your Blog is Better Than Ice Cream award.}
{Two very lovely ladies, Emma of Emma’s Music and Kori of Blonde Episodes, both presented Chronically Vintage with the Beautiful Blogger Award.}
{And last, but certainly not least, a different duet of fantastic gals (Personalized Sketches and Sentiments, and My Net Finds) brought a dose of happiness my way with the You’re the Sweetest award.}
If your name, or that of your blog, is listed above (as someone who gave me an award) or below, please accept Chronically Vintage’s first ever homemade award. It’s brimming with love and appreciation straight from my heart, for your kindness, friendship, and devoted readership of this site.
a Thirty-Something Mama
Andi B. Goode
A Red Lipstick
A Vintage Chic
A Vintage Spirit
BonBon Rose
Casey's Elegant Musings
Charming Vintage Recipes
Dad's Dish Retro Blog
Dustjacket Attic
*French Charming*
Golden Girl of the West
Greetz from Tiz
~*Just Add Glitter and Stir*~
Kaleidoscopic Refrains
Kitchen Retro
Le Blog de Stéphanie
Lemondrop Vintage
Leproust Vintage
Madeleine's Wunderkammer
Millie Deel
Miss Matilda
Retro Ways
Some Like it Vintage
Strawberry Koi
The Adventures of GingeyGinge
The Bargain Hunter Extraordinaire
The Call of the Jitterbug Doll
The Frivolous Flapper
This Homemade Life
The life of a twenty-something
Time Machine to the Twenties
Vintage Me
Vixen Vintage
The rules of this award are wonderfully simple. All you have to do, if you so chose, is to accept the award, stick its graphic someplace on your or site (sidebars are great for this) or post about it on your blog, linking the award graphic back to Chronically Vintage. From there on out you’re welcome to pass this award on to as many other blogs that you deem to be Chronically Fantastic!
{Please feel free to use either the larger version of the Chronically Fantastic award graphic, or this handy smaller size, to place on your own blog or website – whichever version you prefer.}
It is never easy to select people to pass along any award to, especially when there are so many top-notch blogs out there, so if you don't see your name in the list above, please don't feel left out. If you've ever visited this site, you are instantly worthy of this award and are welcome to pass it along to yourself!
Scores of thanks again to those who have presented me with awards, as well as to every one of my readers, you all mean the absolute world to me, and truly are, Chronically Fantastic!
Aww sweetie, I was just coming over to leave you a message of thanks for all the incredibly uplifted and wonderful comments you leave on my blog, how much I look forward to reading them because they always bring a huge smile on my face; and I see once again you have made my day with this gracious award. Thank you, thank you thank you! Jessica, you are beyond sweet and I am so glad that I have the pleasure of following your adorable blog.
ReplyDeleteLots of Hugs,
Aw... thank you thank you thank you Sweetie!! You've inspired me to create an award section for my blog with ample space for the awards and link backs. Great post!!
ReplyDeleteOh how lovely! What an awesome award you've created dear Jessica and thank you. Hope you are having a wonderful week. :) xoxo
ReplyDeleteJessica! Thank-you so much for this! I was reading through all your lovely awards and thanks--you're so very gracious--and when I saw the award you created, I just got a big smile on my face--I just love the image! It IS fantastic! Then, to see my name below--I just giggled! Thank-you, dear friend, for thinking of me...I'll display this VERY proudly!
ReplyDeleteThanks for much Jessica! I really appreciate the honor.
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
amazing awards!congrats!
ReplyDeleteHello Jessica,
ReplyDeleteYou are such a wonderful soul. You have a magical way with words and always give me so many fun places to go check out!
Thanks so much for giving me your Chronically Fantastic award. :0) It will live happily ever after on my sidebar! :0)
Have a lovely day..
Scatter Bliss,
All of your awards are well deserved. Your blog is thoughtful, kind, and a delight to read!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Thank you as well for passing this on to my little corner of blogosphere world :-)
xoxoxo Have a super weekend!
What a lovely post! Thank you so much for including me! I've had so much fun sharing time with you and your wonderful blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving me my first blog award, and congratulations on all of the well-deserved awards you've received! You're the best! :)
ReplyDeleteHey Jessica! I just stopped by your blog now to let you that I've given you the Over The Top award, and then I saw that you gave me the Chronically Fantastic award! It means a lot to me, thank you very much! You're always so kind and sweet!
ReplyDeleteI wish you a lovely weekend!
This looks so fabulous!!!
ReplyDeleteAww! Thank you :) You are awesome!
ReplyDeleteJoyful Friday afternoon greetings, my amazing readers, thank you each very much for your wonderful comments. I hope you know how much they mean to me - and how deeply I feel you all deserve this blog award.
ReplyDeleteMany the muses of creativity and happiness smile upon you all this weekend!
♥ Jessica
Awe darling Jessica, wow..I am truly honored and humbled by your personally created award! It's soo you! I simply LOVE it! You have been a great inspiration to me dahhhling, being that I am a rookie blogger :) so thank you so very very much! and congratulations on all your very very well deserved awards! You are soo very loved by all of us that follow your musings! I will proudly display my Chronically Fantastic award on my page! Once again, many many thank you's! Have a wonderfully fun filled sweet weekend doll!
ReplyDeleteThis is darling Jessica! Thank you so much for creating this adorable award and for passing it along to me. Have a fantastic day honey! Kori xoxo
ReplyDeleteOh wow, thank you so so much! How lovely of you my dear :)
What a wonderful thought- I so want to be chronically fantastic and vintage minded! I will wear my badge proudly! Congrats on your oodles of well deserved awards for your lovely and insightful posts.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your awards dear! What a lovely post. I just love the award that you've created and I'm very touched that you chose me as one of the bloggers to pass it on to :) Thank you so very much, this most definitely brightened my day.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, beatiful dears, huge thanks for your immensely sweet comments. You're each deeply welcome for the award - thank you for creating the stunning, inspirational, always enjoyable blogs that you each do!
ReplyDeleteJoyful wishes for a serene & wonderful weekend!
♥ Jessica
Congratulations to the receivers of the awards. And thanks for sharing all these links to those blogs. I am sure they all will be lovely to visit. I know how I will spend my afternoon today ;-)
ReplyDeleteI want to say a massive thank you [I somehow managed to miss this post the first time oops] your award really has made my day! I'm so delighted you not only take the time to read my own blog, but that you feel its worthy of your comments! Thank you so very much doll, your thoughts, regards and comments are always so very welcome!
ReplyDeleteThank you once again sweets! x
thanks ever so much, doll! You really are the sweetest. xoxo.
ReplyDeleteKristen, Pink Flower, FrivolousFlapper, thank you each very much for your beautiful comments. You're ever so welcome, my wonderful dears, thank your the engaging, gorgeous blogs that you each create.
ReplyDeleteHuge hugs & blissful weekend wishes to one and all!
♥ Jessica
Congratulations on your very well deserved awards my dear.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for including DJA in your list for your gorgeous award. I love it, especially because you made it.
@ Dustjacket Attic, you are so very welcome, my sweet friend. Your site is a chest of the most delightful photographic treasures imaginable. It's an honour for me to count you amongst the recipients of this award.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the beautiful work you do!
♥ Jessica
I don't think I said thank-you but I did mean to! =D
ReplyDelete-Andi x
@ Andi, you're super welcome, sweet heart! I can't begin to tell you how much your blog inspires and continually fuels my own vintage fashion fever, you deserve this award and countless others for the amazing blog, ideas and vintage outfits you share with all of us.
ReplyDeleteThank you for creating the stellar blog you do, honey!
♥ Jessica