
May 27, 2009

Five extremely helpful vintage related YouTube channels worth following

Over the last few weeks of spring I’ve probably watched more YouTube videos than I did in the past year combined. What spurred on my clip viewing frenzy, you might ask? A desire to better hone my vintage hair and make-up abilities. While I don’t feel like the novice that I did as the lone vintage wearing teenager in my high school, I have no problem admitting that I have more confidence in my “modern look” make-up and hair skills than my forties and fifties ones.

While I’m not sure if I’ll ever reach the level of mastery that some of the deeply talented ladies on YouTube (and within the vintage community as a whole) have, I definitely feel that through watching clips from the five channels below, I’ve both learned a lot and improved some of my skills.

I’ve highlighted one video from each stream and also linked to the video creators’ respective channels. Should, like myself, you be looking to improve, brush or beginning learn from scratch the secrets, tips and techniques of gorgeous vintage make-up and hair experts, I can’t recommend these channels highly enough!

{The vintage hair and make-up looks Casey produces in her extremely easy to follow, detailed videos are every inch as lovely as her vintage blog – which I also recommend you rush over and check out!}

{Sweet as a button and wonderfully skilled at reproducing classic hairstyles (and make-up looks) from everyday life and movies alike, Aya of Strawberry Koi is a huge vintage inspiration of mine.}

{A whiz at forties and fifties hairstyles, Ashley’s video stream (LisaFreemontStreet) is a treasure trove full of fantastic vintage hair styling tutorials.}

{With her beautiful voice and excellent instruction giving ability, Super Kawaii Momma is a joy to watch. Not only is she a masterful vintage blogger and dresser, but she’s an expert on achieving old school hairstyles.}

{Iris of the romantically titled ilovegerardo channel knows more than a little about hairstyles of kinds, but it’s her stellar series of Pinup tutorials that really have me hooked on her helpful videos!}

I want to take a moment and extend my heartfelt thanks to each of these five amazing women. You’ve each helped to boast my confidence on the beauty front and provided me with oodles of inspiration. I hope, dear readers, that they’ll be able to do the same thing for you!


  1. i love how you find these and share them with us thank you :)

  2. Hi Jessica!
    Thought you might like to know there’s a special, limited offer over at my place!
    Hope you’re having a great week too!
    Take care,

  3. I just LOVE watching the old hairstyles take shape. Amazing the work that goes into it. I have unruly red curls but I wanna be LUCY! :)

    Blessings... Polly

  4. Woo! These are great! Casey is one of my Flickr contacts I think!

  5. Hi Jessica!

    Thanks so much for stopping by with your lovely comment (I'm glad the post made you smile a bit!) even though you are so busy & stressed! (I know how you must feel!)

    Love the videos above - awesome!

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon,

    Take care,


  6. Hi again, am trying to catch up on reading my blogs while I'm pinching someone else's internet ha ha! Beautiful post as normal! Have a great weekend. xx

  7. Thank you each ever so much for your wonderful comments! It's a pleasure to hear from you and to know that you lovely ladies also enjoy these sorts of Youtube channels.

    Have an absolutely splendid weekend, everyone!
    ♥ Jessica
