
June 8, 2009

The divine beauty of pale pink {Monday Muses, June 8th}

Perhaps it was the rose bushes that laced the fence in our little backyard growing up, maybe it ties back to the gentle hue of strawberry ice cream eaten on the beach, or it could have to do with the adorable little sundresses my mother placed me as a child, whatever the reason there is something about the onset of June that always makes me think of the softer shades of pink. Those sorts of hues that call to mind a kitten’s nose, antique bedspreads and Gooseberry patterned Pyrex.

{Gathered from the pages of Flickr, each of these marvelously sweet, serene, beautiful images inspires me and instantly enlivens my mood. 1. Pink dress and turquoise shoes, 2. pink tuesday..., 3. pink dress - detail, 4. 05.04.09 {birthday fun}, 5. a ribbon addict, 6. i <3 girly and sparkly things, 7. Pink vintage millinery dress form, 8. my little favorite corner, 9. ooo, 10. ♥ 1950's Pink Rose Print Day Dress w/Tiny Lace Details ♥, 11. 50's Pink Junior Dress, 12. 1950s Pink Embroidered Dress, 13. PINK White Gingham Check 50s 60s Corset Tie Dress - View 1. Click on a link to see a larger version of a particular image and/or for photographer information.}

From weddings to sunsets, pink suddenly seems to flourish this time of year, as if brought back to the world through a kiss from the sun. As such soft shades of pink are my Muses this week, inspiring me to send letters on floral print stationery and reach for the gentlest shade of pink in my lipstick arsenal. The following are an array of images and items, each imparted with the graceful beauty of pale pink that have made my heart flutter lately.

{Lovely as the cosmetics in this vintage ad from sugarpie honeybunch’s Flickr stream are, I think it’s the models ever so gently pink satin gloves that steal the show here for me!}

{Skip a pricey trip to the salon for a manicure and opt instead to give your nails the loveliest hint of pink at home with this subtle shade of Essie polish. “Not just a pretty face”, $8.00US.}

{Strikingly realist looking, this stunning silk rose clip from – which sells for $34US – would add an incredible dose of elegance and summery beauty to any outfit.}

{While I tend to favour the modesty (many) one piece bathing suits provide, the incredibly cute, itsy-bitsy polka dot pattern on this pale pink, vintage inspired swimsuit would be exactly what I’d reach for if I was in the market for a bikini. If you’d like to add one to your summer wardrobe, you can do so for $134.99US on Mod Cloth.}

{Whether you want to stay cool during the day or heat things up at night, this fun pink feather fan (that measures 20 inches when open) from the Red Hat Society’s online shop is sure to bring a smile to your way. Pluck one up for $12.00US.}

{Black flowers dance across a sea of pale pink and white gingham on this wonderful 50s style halter dress from Vivien of Holloway. One of which can be yours, if you so fancy, for £59.00 (UK pounds).}

{Dusted with light peachy-pink accents, these charming vintage looking heels from Mod Cloth would work extremely well with everything from skirts to slacks, bathing suits to garden party dresses. A pair can be yours for $49.99US.}

{A deeply pretty example of the perfect shabby chic, pink injected kitchen, discovered via Just a Gal’s wonderful pages.}

The mere sight of pale pink as the mercury rises somehow seems soothing, relaxing, and enticing. I want to cloak myself in the tint of a blushing carnation from head-to-toe, meander through a garden of salt water taffy pink flowers, and conclude each meal with pale coral coloured meringues.

Don’t the items and photos above seem to positively burst with sweet, summertime joy, thanks to their cheerful pink hues? I certainly think so! Do you associate June’s ushering in of summer with pink or another lovely shade?


  1. These are beautiful images, I love pink!

  2. cheers me up to see these lovelies! thank you :)

  3. I wore pale pink shoes over the weekend and they made me feel so feminine :) So pretty!

  4. Lovely pictures, what a fan!!

    Yes I'm wishing I was in summer right now, it's winter here ...cold and wet.
    take care xx

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is pretty awesome! I love retro stuff too. I'm adding you to my links. :)

  6. What a gorgeous color. I've featured that ModCloth bikini and the pink corset dress before on my blog. So cute! Love the vintage ad, though I don't know if I could pull of that shade of pink lipstick...

  7. Wonderful post. I love everything Pink and you gave some fabulous examples of Pink done right.

  8. Jessica,

    now you're making me want to put on pink lipstick tomorrow! i'm sitting in my pink polka dot bathrobe right now and there is definitely something about this color that makes you feel so feminine and sweet!

    June does remind me of pink... and also red...i think of cherries and strawberries being in season and watermelon too! yum!

  9. I loved this natural and refreshing........

  10. Those are very beautiful photos. I love them all. Cheers!

  11. Good morning, my vintage dears, thank you very, very much for each of your wonderful comments!

    @ Maggi, I adore pink too - in fact it's my favourite colour.

    @ elena, you're so very welcome, sweetie! Your lovely comments bring cheer to me all the time :)

    @ Sher, I bet you looked gorgeous! I find pale pinks easier to wear than most of those in the mid to dark pink range, as some of those hues can wash out my fair colouring. Funnily enough though, while writing this post, I realized that I currently have a shortage of pink in my wardrobe (yikes! ;D). Maybe I'll find some good deals on pretty pink pieces this summer :)

    @ Moonspinner, that fan is wild isn't it? Years ago I used to carry around a wooden folding fan with me (and use it when needed), but I've never totted a feather fan in my purse. I bet it would get some interesting reactions if fluttered around in public ;D Summer can be awesome for sure, but when the crazy humidity that befalls my part of the country kicks in soon, I'll probably be wishing I could swap locations with you and take in a few days of winter.

    @ Crystal, thank you so much, honey, for the beautiful words and for adding me to your blog roll, I'm really touched! I'm going to add you to mine too :)

    @ Diana, thank you, honey! Great vintage minds must think (and blog about ModCloth finds) alike :)

    @ MissRedLips, Ooohhh, your pink polka dot bathroom sounds absolutely fantastic! I'm sure I would swoon over it! I'm currently bouncing between classic red and soft, natural (aka, not fuchsia or electric) pink lips, as I often like a softer looking lip colour in the summer. So very true about cherries, berries and watermelon shades calling to mine summer too. Those cheerful, pretty reds make me think of July - perhaps I'll use some of them in a future Muses post :)

    @ Vasudha, I absolutely, positively adore that kitchen too. I wish I could move into it right now! :)

    @ Keith, thank you very much. I love a fella who appreciates the beauty of pink! :)

    Thank you again very much, everyone! I love hearing from you all!

    Have a marvelous Wednesday, everybody!
    ♥ Jessica

  12. @ Amanda, thank you very much, honey! Pink can be a tricky colour to pull off at times without coming across as being too saccharine or little girlish, so I'm really glad you thought these pieces were able to accomplish that.

    Thank you again, my dear, I hope you have a gorgeous day!
    ♥ Jessica

  13. Wonderful collection of all those vintage stuff... I love this pink dress and shoes...
