
June 7, 2009

Pretty Link Roundup {June 7th}

I keep odd hours. I’m a night owl and I admit it. Always have been, likely always will be. Almost romantically I sometimes like to think that my penchant for the wee hours of the morn hearkens back to the fact that I was born at night, thus setting my internal clock to a PM schedule from day one. Whether there is any merit to this notion or not, is really anybody's guess.

There’s a serenity that befalls the night in which I often find my mind feels sharper, more invigorated – fine-tuned even. As such I often work, write and do all manner of productive tasks while a lot of the world is getting their beauty rest. Though this can mean I’m short on sleep at times, I rarely mind. I’d take feeling alert at 3am and a little sleepily at 3pm to never feeling entirely recharged just about any day.

{Like these studious ladies from the 1950s, I often read – be it books or blogs – at night. Photo via UMW Centennial’s Flickr stream.}

At the moment there’s a wide, curvaceous moon poking out from behind some concrete hued clouds as I put together this Pretty Link Roundup (which spans two weeks, as I missed posting one last weekend due to the fact I had family in town). It's sweetly enchanting and, unlike the sun, can be stared at safely for as long as I wish ;)

While beauty abounds in the night sky, it also runs rampant through the blogsphere! This week I’ve corralled a number of diverse links that span everything from summer hats to a modern line of vintage inspired workout wear. Also be sure to check out this week’s video clip – or should I say two clips – both care of vintage beauty maven Casey (of Casey’s Elegant Musings).

* Recession fashion - 1930s: Roslyn takes a look at the fashions that recessionistas of the 1930s were sporting.

* That Perfect Arch: Few techniques in the make-up world can so quickly define the look of an era as the eyebrow. In this post MissRedLips delves into what makes for a perfectly arched eyebrow and how you can achieve a pair for yourself.

* 1940s Trousers: I’m not sure about you, but I often feel like I need a fair bit of inspiration and style guidance when it comes to getting the look of vintage trousers right. Thankfully posts like this one that are full of pants wearing gals are there to help! If vintage shorts tickle your fancy too, drop by this article from Retro Ways on the subject.

* Sweaty Betty: Over on The Mysterious Life of the Metropolitan Housewife I read what has to be the first blog post on the subject of workout wear that made me squeal with excitement. Seems a clever gal called Jessie Pavia has decided to produce a line of vintage/Rockabilly inspired exercise clothing under the brand name Box Wine Betty. This cool new line will be available soon, and you better believe I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled to see more of their products!

* Interspace - A vintage interior (redux): Thoroughly handy tips to help you master your own personal retro/vintage interior design style.

* The Pros and Cons of Vintage Fashion Shopping By Location: The title of this handy post does a fab job of explaining what it’s about, but I’ll add that not only are numerous pros and cons listed, they’re laid out so as to correspond with various categories of vintage/second hand shopping such as estate sales, consignment stores and flea markets.

* 8 Beautiful Summer Hats: With the warm weather barreling down on us, now is the time to ensure you’re ready to face the sun’s rays head-on with a lovely (vintage) summer hat.

* Art Deco & Flapper Era Faces, Figures and Fashions: A wonderful gathering of vintage pieces for the art deco and flapper era fan to browse and admire.

* Boho Starlets: While boho (short for bohemian) has been a fashion buzz word and popular style for numerous seasons now, its roots actually stretch much further back, as this lovely photo filled article shows.

* Evolution of the household 1950 to today: Women’s Day magazine takes a gander at the price of everyday items, homes, and wages, as well as other related statics, from every decade between now and the 1950s.

* Barbie make-up tutorial: Featuring a lipstick shade that is not too far off from that one that I recently mentioned liking, this tutorial style post – complete with absolutely gorgeous photos – shows you how to create an old school inspired Barbie make-up look.

* Working on the land: No matter what they were doing, however much drudgery was involved with the job, I’m always struck by the underlying element of beauty and grace that seems to have prevailed through women of the WW2 era, as evident by the hairstyles in these photos of female farmers (or these workers that were featured in Life magazine).

* Vintage Scarf Blog: I just discovered this blog devoted entirely to the sale and subject of vintage scarves a few hours ago and wanted to share it with you all. Vintage scarves are a marvelous way to add colour and style any outfit and it never hurts to have another spot to source them from!

I hope you enjoy this week's selection of two wonderful clips featuring timelessly gorgeous “girl next door” vintage style make-up, that accompany this extremely handy article on the subject.

{Girl Next Door Make Up pt.1}

{Girl Next Door Make Up pt.2}

Before the morning breaks I think I’ll have a very light late supper (I’ve been craving unbuttered popcorn with a hint of salt and a crisp Red Delicious apple for three days, so that’s probably what I'll grab from the kitchen) and schedule this post to appear more towards noon, when I’m sure far more of you will be awake! (Are there any other fellow night owls amongst my lovely readers?)

{I’m off to rustle up a quick nibble before calling it a night - wish my apples were situated in a crate with a label this adorable on it! Darling vintage label from the pages of *julia’s terrific Flickr stream.}

I hope that you're each doing really well, and that you have a serene and joyful Sunday!


  1. I am a night owl too, so much so, I'd go back to woring 3 nights a week instead of 5 days if I could!! Love your post I spend ages reading all the blogs and looing at everything you Like!!

  2. What a great list of vintage information. Excellent post!

  3. Thanks for sharing about Casey's blog, I love her videos now!
    I will definitely see about a redheaded 'Cinnamon' ;) She must be around here somewhere waiting to come out!

  4. What a great link lists, a couple I've never hear of before, thanks for posting them!

  5. I am quite the night owl myself. I always find I can concentrate better and get more done at night. The days are busy and bright and everything is going on around me, but at night I also feel like while the rest of the world is getting their beauty sleep I am feeling creative and productive! My body is always confused though b/c I have to go to bed fairly early when I have to be at work early the next day, but when I'm off I stay up late.

    And I so agree about staring at the moon safely for as long as you wish! Speaking of which tonight is the full moon called the "wishing moon." so while you're gazing up at it say your wishes!

    Thank you for including me in your Pretty Link Roundup!

    hope you had a nice day! and now i suddenly have a craving for popcorn also! :-)

  6. Lovely post, that apple does look good enough to eat! xx

  7. Howdy Jessica
    Oh you are a girl after my heart :)
    I love visiting your blog it is so much fun.
    I suppose it is a vintage lovers thing I am not sure.
    I really don't care all I know is that you provide a great place to go and I feel inspired.
    Thank you for the blessing.
    Wow I have to ask where did you find that awesome fruit label ?
    I collect old fruit labels among all the many other things I collect.
    I just love vintage .
    Have a great week.
    Happy Trails

  8. Good Morning Jessica! Sorry that I was such a slow poke commenter! I was in Paris over the weekend:) The hubster and I are both night owls! It's turned into a bit of a problem though because we don't eat dinner until 10.30 at night or go to bed until 3 am.. I've tried to go to bed earlier but just lie awake staring at the ceiling!

    I can't wait to visit all of your pretty links!

  9. Oh, what a fantastic post! I am going to go through all of these asap :) I am going to add your link too – I think I've found a new favourite blog! :D

  10. Good morning everyone, thank you so much for your wonderful comments! It's comforting to know I'm not the only night owl chirping her way around the vintage blogsphere :)

    @ MissMatilda, yes, absolutely. People always think I'm nuts when I say the idea of working graveyard (shift) appeals to me, but really if you prefer the wee hours of the night best it makes a lot of sense to hold down a job when the moon is out. So happy you liked the post and all the links, sweetie! (BTW, I will definitely be blogging about your new site/clothing line this week!)

    @ Some Like it Vintage, thank you very much!!!

    @ in company with sparkles, you're welcome, honey. Thank you in turn for your lovely comment. If Cinnamon does come to life (so to speak), definitely let me know, I'd love to see her :)

    @ Maggi, the pleasure is all mine, sweetie!

    @ MissRedLips, I agree with you entirely. I don't dislike daytime at all, it's just that I like - and find my mind is sharpest - at night. How beautiful about the moon, I've never heard that term before, thank you for sharing it with me. (Be sure to indulge in some popcorn, it's such a simple but wonderful treat!)

    @ Moonspinner, thank you, dear soul! I think that cowboy apple is so cute, he makes the (real) ones in my fruit bowl seem very plain in comparison ;D

    @ Terry, thank you very much for your terrific comment, it's a joy to meet you! The apple crate label was a Flickr find that I discovered by searching for the words "vintage apple". If you click on the image or the link in the description below it, you'll be taken to the Flickr page where I discovered it. (Tons of hugs to you too, fellow vintage lover!)

    @ Marie Reed, hi my dear, no worries at all! You're not a slow commenter. How absolutely awesome that you were able to spend a weekend in Paris! I hope you had an amazing time!

    @ Esme and the lane way, thank you so much, you just made my day with your lovely comment.

    Oodles of thanks again to you each. I really hope that the coming week is one of great beauty and happiness for you all!

    ♥ Jessica

  11. I'm the complete opposite! Everything you just described about being a nighttime productivity, working while the rest of the world sleeps, etc., I feel about mornings. Great links, btw!

  12. @ Diana, thank you for your comment. I envy you at times, my dear, it would be such a welcome treat to feel like a "morning person" for once. Even as a child, I had a hard time feeling alert in the morning. You're lucky indeed to have an internal clock that works as it should! :)

    Wishing you a lovely day,
    ♥ Jessica
