The worth of honesty is invaluable in my books; exceptionally few things in this world even come close to the truth. I strive to live my life with as much honesty as possible and truly appreciate others who attempt to do the same. As such I was especially touched when two of my sweet blogging friends,
A Red Lipstick and
Mel, both tagged me recently with the Honest Scrap award. Thank you both deeply, kind dears, I am very touched that you passed this wonderful award on to me.

{Image via The Bubble.}In general I’m terribly shy about posting personal information about myself out in the open, yet I was recently pushed out of my comfort zone in this regard when I received a different award (
The Kreativ Blogger), and needed to list seven things about myself in order to fulfill the specifications of this lovely award. While I doubt I’ll be writing a tell-all book about my life anytime soon, something about putting together that post truly did help me to be more open about discussing myself.
Thanks to this prior award, I feel like I’m much better prepared to adhere to the rules of receiving the Honest Scrap award, which suggest that the recipient list ten things about themselves that their readers may not know. This does not necessarily mean that you have to pull out your best Post Secret impression, the ten facts can be anything that you fancy, however personal or not they may be. And on that note, I present my ten honest facts about myself to you...
♥ ♥ ♥1.) Writing and
taking photos bring me unparalleled joy and, often, a great deal of inner strength and serenity.
2.) On no less than three different occasions in my life, every worldly possession I owned could fit into one or two moderately sized suitcases and a purse. This coupled with many moves throughout my life, has helped to make me not too materialistic of a person. That said, there are certain items (like my beloved childhood teddy bear) that have always come along from the next leg of the journey and which I hope to never have to part with.
3.) I was often the shortest or second shortest child in my class throughout elementary school, By about the age of 13 I’d hit and 5’2” and stopped getting any taller from there on out. While it would be nice at times to have longer legs and more of a statuesque presence, I actually deeply love my height and the fact that I get to be called petite.
4.) I absolutely adore reading out load! In school when most students bemoaned this act, I would literally sit on the edge of my seat in anticipation of getting a chance to read aloud, and as such was often granted whole chapters (instead of single pages) to read. I think I read more than half of a Midsummer Night’s Dream to my grade nine English class, which was an utter delight as I adore Early Modern English.
5.) If money were no option I would have not only a huge wardrobe of 1940s and 50s reproduction pieces custom sewn for me, but also a trove of Georgian and Victorian dresses, which I would happily don around my house, out in public – anywhere! Wearing a beautiful dress from any era gives me a sort of bliss that makes me smile right down to my soul.
6.) I have an absolute soft spot in my heart for the toys from my 80s and early 90s childhood. I would love to amass a collection of such playthings again one day.
7.) In general, I have no problem at all with speaking in front of a crowd; in fact I generally prefer it to talking to a small group (ties into issues regarding confrontation that have plagued me my whole life).
8.) I have never had a manicure, pedicure, facial or other such treatment from a salon or a spa. I’m certainly not opposed to these things; I’ve just felt that I could never justify the money they cost when I can do my entire beauty routine from top to bottom myself for a fraction of the price.
9.) Halloween is hands down my absolute holiday of all-time. I put out my decorations on September 1st and cannot let a single October pass without watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and the Disney movie Hocus Pocus.
10.) I've taken the
Myers-Briggs test at least three times in my life and always score as an INFJ, of which only 1-3% of the population are believed to be. In many respects I fit the INFJ
profile rather uncannily.
♥ ♥ ♥I always have the hardest time short-listing a small number of my marvelous, dear blogging friends to pass awards onto, so to help make the job of doing so a little easier this time, I’m going to pass along the Honest Scrap award to five names drawn entirely at random from the list of sites on my blog roll. By absolutely all means through, should you be reading this and wish to carry on this award, please feel free to bestow it upon yourself with my blessing.
My five randomly selected recipients of the
Honest Scrap award are:
Blonde and Red
Fashion Preserve
In company with sparkles
Lemondrop Vintage
Loose Leaf Tigers For those who wish to pass along the Honest Scrap award, the rules, according to the two kind ladies who gave it to me, are as follows.

*Copy the logo (above) and place it in your blog.
*Link it back to the person who gave it to you.
*Pass it on to five fellow bloggers and list 10 things about yourself.
My sincere thanks again to Mel and A Red Lipstick for gracing my blog with the Honest Scrap award, and for further helping me to become more comfortable about discussing deeper elements of who I am publicly. Three cheers for honesty, and three cheers for both of you fantastic vintage bloggers!