
July 4, 2009

Pretty Link Roundup {July 4th}

Ironing today, large piles of crisply washed shirts and sheets that I wish I could say were line dried, but alas, were rid of moisture care of an electric dryer. (Unfortunately along with about 839 other things you can’t do in our rented apartment, placing a clothes line or any form of outdoor drying rack on the balcony is out of the question.)

{From the apron to the head-kerchief, the stripped linens to the smile on this lovely woman’s face, this gem of a photo so perfectly captures a moment in 1950s time. Discovered via Signs and Wonders Flickr stream.}

In general I enjoy housework (no, really, I’m not off my rocker ;D), and ironing is certainly one those tasks that I like quite a bit. There’s something soothing about the repetitive back and forth swoosh of the iron as it makes contact with the fabric, the gentle poofs of steam that rise up, the way a little elbow grease is all it takes to transform a blouse from looking like a bulldog into a sleek greyhound.

In between button-downs I thought I’d take a few moments and compile this week’s pretty link roundup, as I’ve spotted so many fantastic posts over the past few days that more than deserve a mention.

Before jumping head first in to our (freshly pressed) pile of links, I just wanted to extend my sincere thanks to two wonderful gals. For starters I want to thank the incredibly sweet-souled GypsyFox, for creating my first ever Chronically Vintage blog graphic (which you can check out at the bottom the right hand sidebar of this site). She surprised me out of the blue with it a few days ago and I’m still getting over her magnificent generosity. Secondly a huge thanks to Maggi for mentioning Chronically Vintage in her Friday Night Fab Five post this week. What an absolute honour to get a write-up from this creative, kind, wonderful lady.

From gorgeous mid-century eye glasses to reasons why it’s wise to don a slip, there’s a terrific assortment of cool posts and fantastic images to check out in this Saturday’s gathering of links. Be sure to scroll down and take a peek at the video of the week, too, it’s all about creating a vintage hair style with a modern day product, Hot Sticks.

♥ ♥ ♥

* Summerfrische (Summer Fresh): I’ve always been particularly fascinated by vintage photos that were shot with colour film before it became the widely used norm. In this post on a German blog by the name of “Dotti’s Dots”, the author highlights photos of a number of absolutely wonderful, “every day” women engaged in various of summertime activities. It’s well for a look both for its historical context and for some awesome styling inspiration.

* 10 Summer Dresses: One can never have too many options when it comes to pretty, vintage inspired summer dresses, and this post from Betsy highlights ten such frocks that are sure to have your pulse racing and your wallet opening.

* Gratifying Glasses: Over at the Retro Ways, Darla has rounded up a slew of beautiful and affordable vintage eye glasses that are bound to have both spectacle wearers and non-wearers alike dreaming of calling a pair of these beauties their own.

* Modern day pin-up photos from Vanity Fair: Annually for the past three years Vanity Fair magazine has been putting out a series of utterly incredible, gorgeous modern-day up and coming starlets in classic pin-up styles. This week three lovely blogs (The Cupcake Diary, Glamour Splash, and Dustjacket Attic) have highlighted some of their favourite shots from this amazing VF photo spread.

* Exclusive Interview with Bernie Dexter: Undeniably one of the best known and loveliest of all modern pin-up models, Bernie Dexter is an inspiration and style icon for many vintage fans (and models) the world over. In this article, Queens of Vintage quiz the brunette beauty on fashion, modeling and her love of vintage.

* Charm Magazine: Vintage magazines fascinate me. From the ads to articles, photos to the advice given to their loyal readers, I am both drawn to and completely captivated by old school glossies. So you can imagine my delight when over on Sweet Sassafras I spied a post – complete with numerous images – from a long defunct ladies magazine by the name of Charm.

* Old School Flapper Undies: Have you ever pondered the types of undergarments that ladies in the 1920s wore under their flapper styles? If the answer is “yes”, or if you’re now curious about that point, hop over to the Perpetual Flapper for an itemized list (complete with modern day sources) of what sort of skivvies one should don when doing the Charleston.

* Why should you wear a slip?: Once as much a mainstay of any woman’s wardrobe as her nylons, the humble and very useful slip has fallen out of vogue over the past couple of decades. In this post Couture Allure explores some of the reasons why it really pays to vive the wearing of slips.

* The Fleet’s In: The nautical look is a perpetual favourite of many vintage lovers, and this week Letters From the Home Front pays homage to navy inspired styles in particular in this lovely clothing filled post.

* Gimme Gingham: Joyful as a perfectly sunny day, timeless as an cheery pie, gingham is a stylish, laid back pattern with timeless appeal. Here Holly highlights some of her favourite gingham fashion finds (with a follow-up post containing more gingham goodness here.

* Wardrobe Staple: Sportswear: Thoroughly put together and teaming with tons of great information, images and links, this post from Diana explores the fascinating topic of how to encorporate vintage sportswear into your modern day workouts.

This week’s fantastic video comes care of the absolutely, stunningly beautiful Fleur, who many of you may know from her fantastic blog, Diary of a Vintage Girl. This handy how-to clip is Fleur’s foray into Youtube, and I must say that I think she did a terrific job! I don’t have much experience with hot sticks, but after seeing this video, I definitely would like to pick up a set (who knows, maybe they’ll be the magical device that will actually create a lasting curl in my bone-straight, ultra fin hair).

{Easy 1940s hair with Hot Sticks}

Before I get back to my trusty ironing board and toe-tapping music (I have an ongoing tradition of listening to rock and/or Motown music, in particular, when I’m ironing), I want to take a moment to wish each and everyone one of my American readers an absolutely, positively wonderful July 4th! I hope that however you celebrate, you have a day that brings a smile and some beautiful fireworks your way!

{Celebrating Independence Day with 1940s zeal and style. Photo from the pages of myvintagevogue’s Flickr stream.}

Many happy, relaxing weekend wishes to all!


  1. What a fantastic round of links this week! I am dying to get my hands on some vintage glasses frames and stick my lenses in them! And I just drool over anything gingham!

    Have a great day!

  2. Hi Jessica!
    What a superb round up of links - many thanks for sharing them!

    Have a wonderful July 4th everyone! Am off myself to a party tonight - lots of lovely expat American friends here in Andalucia!

    xxLOL LOLA & Nora:)

  3. Thanks for sharing all the great links. Happy ironing, I can enjoy getting out that old ironing board every now and again, like it best when I have made my way home with yummy linens from auction sales. Love to get everything washed immediately and then press them.
    Happy 4th of July from Canada.

  4. old school flapper undies? goodness LOL
    btw I actually like ironing and I couldn't live without my outside washing line under our carport, it's essential over winter and gosh using the dryer is so expensive.

  5. Thanks for sharing the links (and for mine xx).

    Fleur is just gorgeous!

    Hope your having a great weekend, take care xxx

  6. ps. GypsyFox (I'm naughty and call her Foxy) is just so talented with her graphics, it's really so cute!

  7. It is so lovely to make YOUR acquaintance, too! Thank you for your kind remarks on my blog. And a wonderful, fun-filled day to you!

  8. I hope you had a great 4th. I did. Thanks again for that award. I appreciate it. Take care. Cheers!

  9. *bowing my head in shame* I love my dryer and hate ironing ... Francois loves it though! I certainly enjoy watching him iron my shirts too! He's a saint:)

  10. oh how I love how you write, it makes me want to iron!!! :) I've been too busy to update my blog! but I'm going to do it right now & then do some ironing & washing & folding ;) I will visit your pretty link round up this afternoon! you've got great taste! XOXO

  11. haha i love ironing as well! im glad im not the only one ;P

  12. @ Maggi, I would love that too (though to be fair, I absolutely adore my plastic frames!). Gingham is so pretty, I plan on doing a post on it one day, too :)

    @ Nora, thank you very much, Nora and Lola dears. The joy of sharing them is all mine :)

    @ Debby, hi fellow Canadian, thank you for your comment. I agree, newly discovered vintage linens are truly one of the best things to iron.

    @ thatgirlblogs, I totally dig that video, too. Thank you for commenting, honey.

    @ Amy, the dryer sure can be pricey, you're very lucky to have an outdoor line! Hopefully one day when I have my own house (as opposed to renting), I'll be able to lash one up as well.

    @ Dustjackey attic, Fleur is such a stunning beauty, I agree. My pleasure, sweet soul, thank you for your comment. (I agree, Gyspy is a wizard with graphics! I wish I had that kind of graphic design talent!)

    @ Beth, thank you very much, honey. I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

    @ Keith, thanks, my friend! Being a canuck I didn't have any 4th of July celebrations to attend, but I did certainly think about my many US friends and had a great day anyways :)

    @ Marie, don't feel bad at all, sweetie. Not every likes the same chores. How lovely that you have a fella who does enjoy ironing, those must be very few and far between! ;D

    @ Gypsy, thank you very much, darling! I love how you decorate your gorgeous blog! :)

    @ Elean, you're definitely not alone. Ironing is a great chore, I think, because it's a "clean" task. By this I mean you're not dealing with dirt or having to get your hands wet. Not that I'm ssquimish about these things at all, but still, what gal doesn't love to keep her hands in lovely shape? ;)

    Thank you very much everyone for your terrific comments! I hope you each have a marvelous week!!!

    ♥ Jessica

  13. Thanks so much for listing my little ol blog in your fabulous round up. I'm still quite new to this whole blogging thing and I know want to experiment with a few more bells and whistles, but all the same, truly, I'm really really honoured!


  14. Hi Landgirl, you're very welcome! I truly enjoy the varied and beautiful subject matter that comprises your fantastic vintage blog. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration your site continually provides me with!

    Oodles of hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  15. Someone else who loves ironing - you can find anything on the internet!!!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  16. Hi Evelyn, your comment made me smile...indeed, my fellow ironing loving sister, you are not alone :)

    Thank you very much for your comment, it's lovely to meet you!

    ♥ Jessica
