
August 14, 2009

Five For Friday {August 14, 2009}

...Halfway through August already, a little over one more month to go before (if only on the calendar) autumn swings into gear. I’m eager for its arrival, but have also found myself enjoying summer’s alluring, almost intoxicating temperatures more this year. As another weekend approaches, it’s time for things that make you smile as though you’ve just recalled a wonderful memory, a massive dose of cuteness, and a scrumptious treat that’s worth heating up the kitchen for...

♥ ♥ ♥

{To ensure even the dollies in your house are accessorized with vintage elegance}

{Isn’t this vintage set of child and doll sized watches (and the gingham print packaging they come in) wonderful? Even if you don’t collect dolls, this set would look amazingly sweet as a display piece. Vintage “Dolly and I” matching wristwatch set, $12.00 (US) from etsy seller REdesignkc.}

{To capture one of summer’s finest tastes in a flakey pie crust}

{Whether made with fresh, frozen or canned fruit, there is little denying the incredibly delicious taste of a freshly baked cherry pie, especially if you opt to serve it a la mode! Photo from, and recipe for Easy Cherry Pie on, Country Living.}

{To melt your heart...the stifling summer heat having likely long since melted the rest of your body ;D}

{Ask anyone who’s known me for a while and they’re likely to tell you I have an unfathomably humongous love of animals, especially those which are in some way a little out of the ordinary. When you add in megawatts of cuteness, the critter equation almost becomes too much for one’s mind to grasp! :D Such is the case of this incredibly adorable miniature pony named Koda, who aside from being small naturally, was also born with equine dwarfism (he’s scarcely taller than a house cat). Take one look at this bundle of sweetness and tell me you wouldn’t want one just like him to call your own? (Image via the Daily Mail.)}

{To wear on hot nights spent lounging up with a good TCM marathon or your favourite vintage movie}

{While the cut is on the modern side, the image on this charming t-shirt certainly transmits an alluring old school Hollywood vibe. I Love Film Noir t-shirt, available in sizes small to 3XL and both standard and “ladies fit”, $9.95 (US) from Neatorama.}

{To pass the time between rounds of ice tea, dips in the lake, and counting down the days until it snows again}

{Like something you could easily imagine a group of F. Scott Fitzgerald characters leisurely using on days when it was just too unbearably warm to run around on the tennis court. Set of four red and cream hued vintage badminton racquets, $38.00 (US) from etsy seller Corrnucopia. (And be sure to check out this listing from Flamingo Vintage, if you’d like some vintage shuttlecocks to accompany your racquets.)}

This very post is a milestone in its own right; it’s the 100th piece to make its way onto the pages of Chronically Vintage. Started nearly four months ago, this blog has become a truly joyful and fascinating element of my life. I want to thank each and every one of my deeply incredible – and very dear – readers, without you this blog simply would not be the same. I adore you all very much and hope that you’ll love what the future holds in store for Chronically Vintage from post 101 onwards!

Wishing you each a shimmering, beautiful weekend!


  1. Congratz on your 100th post! And I love that t-shirt- it is perfect for working out (which is when I usually wear tshirts). Have a wonderful weekend.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. I love the t-shirt! those watches are adorable :-) wonderful post as always, but then they're all wonderful. Congratulations on your 100th post! I only wish I'd found your blog sooner. Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  3. Oh Koda is adorable! Did you know that some blind people use miniature ponies inside of guide dogs to help them? I want a seeing-eye pony, especially if it's this cute.

  4. Congratulations on your 100th post!

    You brought back such a fond memory for me, I had totally forgotten about these until I saw the picture of the Dolly and I watches. I loved these as a little girl.

    Koda is adorable, hard to believe how small he is.

    Have a lovely weekend!!

  5. Congratulations on your 100th, Jessica! Terrific post with so many great goodies! I'll put in a plug for playing badminton, too! Great weekend to you.

  6. The cherry pies and the teeny little Koda are my faves! Congrats on your 100th post! I'm looking forward to reading many more. :)

  7. Those pies look yummy! And I love that shirt. I also enjoy TCM marathons.

    Thanks for always leaving me comments. I need to be a better blogging buddy to you. :)

  8. Congratulations darling on the 100th post. You do it all with such grace, it's a pleasure to be a part of your blogworld.

    Loving the post, I'm head over heels in love with the tiny pony ... along with everyone else no doubt. The pies are to die for.

    Have a lovely weekend,

  9. Firstly, congratulations on your 100th post! It takes a lot of dedication and devotion to stick to blogs - well done!

    ...and love those badminton rackets. A vintage white pleated skirt, perhaps with a white polo or chiffon that's summer! Oh, and a little lemonade waiting on side court.....


    always appreciate you stopping by my blog :-) thank you!

  10. I found your blog only recently but I'm really hooked on it; congrats on the 100th post and keep on with your great work :-)

  11. Happy hundredth post Jessica! I'm amazed it's only been that long! You are such a natural blogger, probably because you're an excellent writer!
    The wee horse is darling ;)


  12. Dear Jessica!
    Congrats too on your 100th - - there's a glass of chilled champagne in my tiny paw raising a toast to the next 100!

    Lovely round-up of goodies as usual - love the raquets & cherrypie! (Might go in for both today - in that order!)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    xxLOL LOLA:)

  13. Wow! Your 100th post :) Well done Jessica! :) I'm looking forward to the many, many more posts to come onto Chronically Vintage.

    I think the little horse in this post is so adorbale.
    When I was younger I would have just loved the dolly watch set because I used to love my dolls to pieces :)

    Have a wonderful weekend Jessica!

    ~ Kirsty x

  14. Congrats my friend. I am so glad that I found your blog. I love coming and reading it to see what you have been up to and your wonderful thoughts and inspirations inspire. Looking forward to hearing much more about you and your ideas.. Jessica.. you truly are a lover of vintage.. I'm a lover of your blog!

  15. Congrats on 100 posts, that is awesome!

    That watch set is adorable and I love that noir shirt!

  16. I'm really enjoying your blog. :)

    Oh, that miniature pony! So cute.

    I'm not very sporty, but I do love badminton. It's especially challenging on our mole-ridden, not-very-flat lawn. I've been working too hard this summer, and definitely not taking enough time for fun things like badminton. Thanks for reminding me.

  17. Lovely post!!! And congratulations on your 100th post, may there be many more lovely posts to come :)
    Great five for friday. I like the little girl and dolly watches. And that pony is so so adorable. I'm a huge animal lover as well :)

  18. That watch is wonderful! And congrats on your 100th... what a lovely post it is! :D

  19. Congratulations on the 100th post! This post contains such a lot of goodies I don't know where to start. Those badminton rackets are so cute. It makes me want to play right now.

  20. LOL! The 'I Love Film Noir' t-shirt is being modeled by my friend Arinn! Woot!

  21. Congratulations! Here's to the next 100!

    I miss TCM marathons. I wish one could pay only for the cable channels you wanted. At least Netflix has a nice selection of classics movies available to watch online.

    And suddenly, I have the urge to curl up with the Great Gatsby. :D
    ~Christine H.

  22. @ The Glamorous Housewife, thank you so much, honey! I agree, that shirt would be terrific for exercising in. Much more chic than the average workout wear top on the market! :)

    @ Kathie, thank you very much, you're so kind! I'm really glad that we've found each others blogs, too!

    @ 40sfemme, Koda is soooooo adorable I agree. I did know that, it's so amazing that miniature ponies are used as guide animals. If I was ever in need of a "seeing eye" animal I would feel incredibly blessed to have mini pony as my helpmate.

    @ Karyn, thank you very much! I'm so happy to have jogged pleasant childhood memories for you. I remember in the 80s when I was growing up that some brands were still creating "dolly and you" fashions, but I don't think they're very common these days. It's wonderful that older sets such as this one still exists and can be enjoyed by doll collectors and vintage lovers alike.

    @ Georgianna, thank you very much, sweet soul. I love that we both mentioned badminton this week! It's one of my absolute favourite sports and was a truly beloved childhood pastime.

    @ Tikimama, thank you for the congrats, honey! Isn't Koda the most adorable horse you ever did see? Those cherry pies aren't looking too shabby either though, I definitely agree! :)

    @ Crystal, you're very welcome, sweetie. You're a great blogging friend, no need to be so hard on yourself. I love hearing from you anytime and really appreciate your lovely comments.

    @ Dustjacket Attic, thank you so very much, my wonderfully dear friend. You always know how to make my heart smile.

    @ Some Like it Vintage, thank you very much for the congratulations and your kind words! Love the mental picture you painted to go with vintage badminton raquets - a little chiffon would compliment them to a tee!

    @ AlicePleasance, thank you very much! I'm delighted to have found your blog, too!

    @ Cait, you flatter me to no end, thank you very much for the lovely congrats, my sweet friend. (Agreed, the teeny-tiny horse is too darling for words!)

    @ Nora & Lola, why darrrrrrlings, thank you ever so much! I can picture Lola raising her paw in a toast and the thought makes me smile ear-to-ear! :) You're both so dear, thank you for all of your wonderful comments and for being such "pawsatively" awesome online friends! :)

    @ Kirsty, thank you very much, sweetie! I loved dolls to no end as a child, too - so much so, that I actually started collecting dolls again a couple of years ago (specially a brand of Asian dolls called "Pullips") as a way of indulging my inner dolly loving child :D (Thank you, I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well!)

  23. @ Tracey, thank you so much for the deeply beautiful words, my dear friend, they touched my heart deeply.

    @ Maggi, thank you very much! I love them both too, and one certainly can't go wrong with the very reasonable price of the shirt - I'm so tempted to pick one up! :D

    @ Karen, I'm not the most natural athlete to ever grace the earth either, but I absolutely adore badminton, too, so I definitely know where you're coming from. Every summer needs a few moments here and there of good old fashioned fun, I hope you've able to squeeze in some time for things like badminton before autumn arrives, honey.

    @ Lizzy, thank you very much for the beautiful congrats, my friend!

    @ Aya, thank you deeply, sweet soul!

    @ Anna b., thank you very much! I would love to have someone to play a few rounds of badminton with anytime, if you'd ever like! :D

    @ Cheri Pinktrix, that is really neat! I honestly often wonder about who the lovely models that pose for online sellers are, thank you for naming this cool lady for us.

    @ aramblingfancy, thank you very much, Christine! True indeed, cable should be designed so as to let you pick and mix only the channels that you truly want. Three cheers for Netflix having a good selection of classic films! (Local libraries can be sometimes be handy places to find old Hollywood movies, too.)

    Thank you so, so much for all of your wonderful comments and touching congratulatory messages, everyone! I mean it straight from the heart when I say this blog would simply not be what it is without all of you! Thank you for all of your support, friendship and vintage loving commodore!

    In the spirit of Nora's comment above, let us all raise our glasses to the next 100 posts - and beyond! :)

    Tons of hugs to you each!!!
    ♥ Jessica
