
August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, My Love!

The act of celebrating the positive moments in life is not to be underestimated. Whether the festivities are lavish or subdued, a fortunate spent or a priceless memory created, I believe that it is always important to embrace the wonder of a special day.

August 6th is one such occasion that I embrace with glee, upon which twenty-nine years ago my husband entered this world. While he is not always overly keen on a fuse being made in his honour, I do try my best each year to make today extra important for him. To do anything less for the light of my life seems unimaginable.

Recently a very kind (and creative) blog friend of mine, trishiekoh of Under Lock and Key tagged me with a lovely blog award in which the recipient is to list some of their absolute favourite things in this world. In honour of my husband’s birthday, I thought I would put a spin on this award and instead list various things that I know bring him joy (done up with a mix of vintage and modern images).

♥ ♥ ♥

{The wondrous marvels of mathematics}

{1. Easy as pi, 2. #120 My homework in vintage theme, 3. crunch some numbers, 4. I liked mathematics :-))).}

{Animals big and small}

{1. Not available, 2. Not available, 3. colin, 4. Black Cat N Gold Fish.}

{Chocolate! Sweet, rich, gorgeous, taste bud pleasing chocolate}

{1. Malted Chocolate Mousse Cakes, 2. milk chocolate and passion fruit macarons, 3. nutella cheesecake squares, 4. Vintage Hershey's Chocolate box, 5. Not available, 6. chocolate and meyer lemon mousse petit gateau, 7. coconut grove candy bar, 8. nutella ice cream, 9. Donut Factory, 10. chocolate cake, 11. Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes I, 12. Warm Chocolate Cake, 13. german chocolate birthday cake.}

{The invigorating, jubilant energy of the colour orange}

{1. Not avaiable, 2. Orange Wall With Light, 3. vespa, 4. CN00033587.}

{Both the literary and aesthetic pleasures of a wonderful book}

{1. Old Books, 2. vintage children's books., 3. Vintage baby book bottom, 4. Vintage Tom Swift Books Detail.}

{To visit an individual image, please click on the corresponding link below each collage.}

Thank you very much, Trish, for bestowing this award on my blog. I openly pass it along to all of my readers, and invite you to write a post detailing some of your all-time favourite things.

To my dear and amazing husband, I adore you with a boundless passion. You are my happiness in times of despair, my rock when I am fragile as the wind. I could not comprehend a universe without you, and am thankful every day that you were born. Happiest birthday, darling, I love you so very much!


  1. How beautiful! Many happy returns to your hubby :-) Hope you have a wonderful day.


  2. Hppy birthday to the hubby! I'll turn twentynine next month too...

  3. Awh! This post was so sweet Jessica :)

    Happy Birthday to your husband!

    ~Kirsty x

  4. what a sweet post! :-) Happy birthday to your husband from one Leo to another! I love how you post your pictures, how do you do that?!

  5. you have such a way with words, jessica. that is absolutely beautiful! Happy Birthday, Mr. Cangiano!!!

  6. Awww, such a lovely post! I love the mix of old and new pictures, so wonderful. Happy birthday to your husband! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating his special day with him!

  7. Many happy returns of the day, Mr Cangiano, whose impeccable taste in chocolate & good books I absolutely endorse (as a fellow Leo!)

    xxxLOL LOLA:)

    PS Many thanks for yr lovely comment over at my place! xx

  8. What a great post! Happy Birthday to your hubby! Congrats. on the award and many of your hubby's favorites are also mine, especially the chocolates and old books!


  9. Thank you for your kind wishes, ladies! Now you know why I've been the undisputed luckiest husband on earth for the past 5 years. :)

  10. Happy Birthday To your hubby!

    Your hubby is a Leo. So is mine, his Bday is on the 12th. But my hubby is 20 yrs older ;)

  11. What a wonderful tribute to your husband! He is so lucky to have you in his life!

  12. AW, i love the twist you made on the tag as a tribute to your husband. Most welcome for the award, it's well deserved!

  13. Happy birthday to your teddy bear!!!!! what a great tribute to your hubby, he must be a very lucky man!!!

  14. Oh that was so beautiful Jessica. I love how you put the photo's together and especially the wonderful words. xxxooo

  15. Hi sweet, wonderful dears,

    Thank you each so very much for your beautiful birthday wishes for my husband! I shared each one with him as it came in and I can tell you they certainly helped to make his day all the more special!

    Very happy wishes to those of you (and to those with spouses who are also August babies) with upcoming birthdays!

    (@ Kathie, the photo mosaics were created using Flickr photos and the mosaic maker that's available on the site Big Huge Labs. It's so handy and truly a favourite online tool of mine.)

    Thank you again so, so much everyone for sharing in our festive spirit with your wonderful comments!

    ♥ Jessica

  16. This is a wonderful post, I hope you and your husband had a great day yesterday!
    Thank you so much for your kind words and your sweet comments, I really appreciate them all!
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  17. Awww, best wishes to your hubby! And what wonderful pictures. You always have such perfecly well thought out posts...just lovely.

  18. @ A red lipstick, you're very welcome, my dear. It is a true joy to follow your site. Thank you in turn for the lovely birthday - and weekend - wishes!

    @ Mel, thank you so much! What a beautiful and touching comment, sweet heart.

    Wishing you both positively wonderful weekends!
    ♥ Jessica

  19. Very sweet to dedicate this post to your love (who might just be one of YOUR favorite things in this world?). What fabulous treasures!

  20. Thank you very much, Atomic Lola! You're very sweet, and absolutely correct, he is definitely a treasure that I hold immensely dear and call an all-time favourite! :)

    Thank you again, honey, I hope you have a gorgeous week ahead!

    ♥ Jessica
