
November 6, 2009

Five for Friday {November 6, 2009}

...Wild hail like a barrage of BB gun pellets hurled itself, intermixed with a peppering of snowflakes at our building for a few minutes yesterday afternoon, which means that I was entirely spot on when my husband and I placed our "when would it snow first this year bets"! He guessed October 25th, I pondered for a while and settled on November 5th, which, just happened to be yesterday. There’s no prize to be won, other than a huge smile, but that’s still more than enough to jump start my weekend on a cheerful note. With the coming of temps swinging below zero now and the looming prospect of more snow any time, I find myself thinking about mugs of cocoa, like pint sized hot springs for the taste buds, as well as all manner of snugly blankets, sweaters and scarves – anything that serves to warm the heart, mind and soul...

♥ ♥ ♥

{To keep your fingers and imagination busy all winter long}

{Whether you churn out a groundbreaking novel, write correspondence to friends near and far, or just enjoy it for the stunning piece of art it is, this alluring, sleek, gorgeous typewriter is sure to take pride of place in any office. Turquoise “Royal” vintage typewriter in good working order, $390.00 (US), from etsy seller Poetic Home.}

{To add a delightful touch of rustic, vintage charm to even the most modern of kitchens}

{Dyed so as to take on the look of something that could have been unearthed from your great grandmother’s hope chest in the attic, these three piece sets of French linen tea towels are just the ticket instantly increase the vintage vibe in your kitchen, laundry room, utility room, or anywhere else hands – or dishes – may need to be dried. Three towel set available in red or blue, $19.99 (US) each from Touch of Europe.}

{To help you survive that low period of sucrose activity between Halloween candy and holiday cookies}

{A modern melding of ancient flavours comes together in this lusciously rich dessert that is sure to become a classic the moment it reaches the table. Pomegranate chocolate mousse cake recipe on, and beautiful photo from, Dessert First.}

{To help make the ever-increasingly longer nights a little brighter}

{I adore a well lit room, whether the luminosity stems from the sun, candles or bulbs, I find my mind often feels sharper when I have a solid supply of light at hand, and what more gorgeous way to ensure you too are never short of light than with one of these stunningly pretty flower shaped clip on lamps. Available in thee hues (pink, green and ivory white), these darling lights use a 40 watt chandelier bulb and can clipped to a variety of surfaces, from chair backs to headboards. Aside from being practical, they just happen to be immensely gorgeous, too! “Bloom Clip Light”, $29.00 (US) per light, from Urban Materials + Accessories (UMA).}

{To inspire a season’s worth of kitchen remodeling and design projects}

{Did your heart skip a beat when you gazed upon this understatedly incredible kitchen, its pallet of mint-married-with-turquoise, fire engine red, and crisp white, just as mine did? Ripe with vintage styling and original 50s pieces (like the Formica table), this room is a joy to behold and no doubt even more fun to try and duplicate – or pull decor inspiration from – yourself. Image via Country Living.}

Wishing you each a delightfully wonderful, serenely lovely weekend bursting with fun and relaxation!


  1. Pomegranate Chocolate Mousse Cake. Four of the most beautiful words I've ever heard.

    And I could wallpaper my kitchen in those tea towels - that's how much I love them!

  2. Jessica, your posts are always so beautiful--I love reading every word! Just a question--my I use that fabulous photo of the typewriter and phone for a challenge picture for cardmaking? The colors are fabulous and I love that typewriter! If you have a second, let me know if that would be okay with you...

    Thanks, as always, for your lovely visits--and thanks for your lovely vision of life that you share here!

  3. I would love to try writing a post with that typewriter. Very vintage and equally cool as it is vintage!^^

  4. I am in love with that kitchen! The table and stove especially! What wonderful use of sleek lines and bright accent colours!

  5. I love that kitchen, it's so beautiful. And that Chocolate Mouse Cake.. oh my. I didn't even eat breakfast yet (it's still rather early here) but now I think I like some desert ;-)

    Thanks for being an ongoing source of inspiration, Jessica!


  6. I adore the typewriter and phone, they are just so gorgeous.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend my sweet,thank you for your amazing comments and wonderful nature.

  7. Those bloom light clips are just genius:) I hate it when the sun sets so early in the winter. And the kitchen scene just makes me want to wake up early, make some coffee and settle down to a good book in one of those chairs. Wonderful post, thanks for providing a great start for the day!

  8. That typewriter is a lovely find! The colour is so electric, I use to love playing with my old typewriter as a child but had many an argument with the ink.

    But where it went to, or what happened to it is a mystery. I also love the old phone sat behind it, one such as that kind is on my shopping list for one day in the future. Hopefully the near future!

    The weather is definitely on the turn over here in the UK, the wind cuts you in half!

    Have a lovely weekend my sweet! x

  9. At first I thought that was a chocolate covered brie round. Now that I'm over my initial surprise, I think I'd probably give it a try! But the cake sounds much better :-)

  10. I love that typewriter!!! and where have I seen that lamp ;-) great minds do think alike!

  11. Wonderful Five for Friday! Wish I had that lovely kitchen, and that typewriter, too!

  12. The typewriter would be my dream purchase but those clip lights are pretty amazing too!

  13. Wonderful Pictures!
    Delightful kitchen and I love love love the tea towels
    I love that you got The snow day right! There is a certain amount of satisfaction in being right :) I too, am looking forward to all of the snuggly parts of the cooler days. Sweaters, blankets, cups of tea,candles burning etc.

  14. You are tempting once again with that yummy recipe! I have to try this one too ;-)

  15. I die for that typewriter! Those flower fans are a must have! Kori xoxo

  16. Hi wonderful dears, thank you each very much for your marvelous comments. I always truly enjoy reading your thoughts on my posts and appreciate every one of them!

    Wishing you each a truly fantastic week ahead!
    ♥ Jessica
