
November 5, 2009

Having oodles of fun with a lovely blog award and one word answers

While I realize that they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, I really like blog awards. It touches me deeply when a fellow blogger lets me know that they enjoy Chronically Vintage by extending an accolade my way, and in turn I love passing along an award to some of my favourite sites.

This week Glama Ray, a top-notch lady with a terrifically fun vintage centred blog, bestowed the “Over the Top” award upon this site, and with it came a delightful set of questions, all of which are to be answered with just one word a piece.

Before proceeding with my pocket sized replies (and passing along this award), I want to say thank you ever so much for the wonderful award, Glama Ray. Short quantities of text and I aren’t always the best of friends (this is largely why I’m not a very prolific Twitter, the itty-bitty character limit just doesn't jive well with my adoration of words!), but I had a sincerely great time filling out this set of questions (I love veering away from my own norm sometimes).

{Receiving the gift of a blog award always makes me feel a bit like I’d imagine the gorgeous gal (Bess Myerson, circa 1945) in this vintage Miss America photo did upon learning she’d come in first place! Image via Life magazine achieves.}

♥ ♥ ♥

1. Where is your cell phone? Handbag

2. Your hair? Adorable ;D

3. Your mother? Strength

4. Your father? Confidential

5. Your favorite food? Homemade

6. Your dream last night? Nonexistent

7. Your favorite drink? Spring water

8. Your dream/goal? (Own a) House

9. What room are you in? Bedroom

10. Your hobby? Eclecticism

11. Your fear? Arachnophobia

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Stress-free

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. Something that you aren’t? Disorganized

15. Muffins? Please! :)

16. Wish list item? (Better) Health

17. Where did you grow up? B.C.

18. Last thing you did? Write

19. What are you wearing? Earrings

20. Your TV? A&E

21. Your pets? Stella

22. Friends? Blessings

23. Your life? Inestimable

24. Your mood? Serene

25. Missing someone? Sister

26. Vehicle? Wish! ;P

27. Something you’re not wearing? Suspenders

28. Your favorite store? Vintage

29. Your favorite color? Pink

30. When was the last time you laughed? Afternoon

31. Last time you cried? Forgotten

32. Your best friend? Husband

33. One place that I go to over and over? Library

34. One person who emails me regularly? Grandma

35. Favorite place to eat? Home

Glama Ray presented this award to six fellow bloggers and so, in her footsteps, I’m going to do the same thing. I always have the trickiest of times with picking just a small handful of people to give a blog award to and openly invite everyone who reads Chronically Vintage to present themselves with the “Over the Top” award, if you’d also like to have a go at filling out the questions above (if you do, please let me know, I’d love to read your answers!).

{To pass along and/or use this adorable graphic on your own site, please download the image to your desktop and/or upload it to your favourite image hosting site.}

Each of these six blogs is a “must visit” site that never fails to inspire me with its fantastic array of vintage topics, images and ideas. Many thanks to you all for the stellar blogs you produce!

1. A Vintage Spirit

2. The Frivolous Flapper

3. ~*Just Add Glitter and Stir*~

4. Madeleine’s Wunderkammer

5. The Dino Lounge

6. The Cupcake Diary

If you’d like pass this award along, my dears, the "rules" to do so are as follows:

1. You can only use ONE word! (To answer the questions)

2. Pass this along to six of your favourite bloggers

3. Alert them that you have given them this award!

4. Have fun!

Thank you again very much for the excellent award, Glama Ray, filling out the questions was a great way to wrap up an already great day (my recently renewed passport arrived earlier than expected and I also got a nice – and massively long overdue – haircut that I’m pretty pleased with, both points that make this Thursday one of the better days so far this month).

Tons of hugs & joyful Friday wishes, everyone!


  1. Congratulations! You have a wonderful blog here, very inspiring! You deserve that award. Sweet picture too!
    Miss Erinna

  2. Congrats on the award - I really do adore reading your blog, your words are so insightful and inspired!

    Have a fabulous Friday petal!

  3. congratulations on a much deserved award! love the picture :-)

  4. Bess was indeed lovely! I enjoy seeing her as a guest and panelist on old quiz programs. Sad, though, how badly she was treated by the Miss America people, even after she had won.

  5. Oh, actually I should have placed my comment in the present tense, since I think Miss Myerson is still with us!

  6. Congratulations! A well deserved award and so much fun to find out a bit more about you! :-)

  7. Congrats! You deserved this award! I loved reading about you - my husband is my best friend as well and I too adore the color pink! Oh AND homemade food is the very best! ♥ Have a lovely weekend, dear :)

  8. Congrats on the award, your blog is wonderful, definitely a 'must visit,' and I really enjoyed reading your answers. I'll have to go to the sites you nominated very soon.

  9. One word answers have me wanting to ask more questions LOL!

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  10. Congratulations Jessica! Love the deserve it! I love awards too! You should post it on your sidebar! Have a great weekend honey. Kori xoxo

  11. Congrats darling, a very well deserved award! Have a lovely weekend!

  12. Congratulations! you have a lovely blog! Have a nice weekend!

  13. Congrats. Thanks also for passing this on to me. I really appreciate it. I enjoyed reading this post. It was cool to learn these things. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Cheers!

  14. Congratulations on the award dear! It was quite well deserved :) It was fun to read the one word answers you thought up.
    Thank you so very much for passing the award on to me, it means so much to me. I would have done a post with my one word answers today, but I must admit I was feeling too dreadfully lazy to do any posting at all today ;)
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  15. Hello Jessica,

    Congrats on the award..your blog rocks!! :0) I do have to agree with you about Facebook...I like to talk too much to have a limit on my words..LOL I just haven't been pulled into it (yet)..:0)

    I just wanted to drop by to say hello and to see how you are doing..I've been fairly busy lately and I'm missed visiting you...

    Please do drop by to see my studio progress,
    Scatter Bliss...

  16. Good morning, my wonderful dears, thank you each immensely for your congratulatory words and lovely comments.

    @ Lizzy & Keith, you are both so very welcome, my dear friends. Thank you for the amazing vintage filled blogs you create!

    @ Sher, excellent point! Feel free to ask away, if there's anything that you'd like to know more about.

    Thank you again, everyone, I always love hearing from each of you.

    Tons of hugs & joyful weekend wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  17. I totally missed this! lol Thank you so much dearest friend! Loved reading your answers!

  18. You're adorable! Thank you for this lovely award :-)
