
November 14, 2009

Saturday Snapshots {November 14, 2009}

”You can do anything, but not everything.” ~ David Allen

{What’s not to love about this delightful 1940s wedding photo? From the couple’s jubilant smiles to the plethora of dress and hairstyles to swoon over amongst the couple’s guests, everything about this wonderful shot is a joy to behold.}

{A pair of cute youngsters stands amongst an orchard bursting with harvest-ready apples in this sweet summer (or perhaps very early autumn) photo of “mom and her twin brother” from the 1950s.}

{Two gents, one of whom is considerably taller than his mate, pose for a snapshot around 1920, according to the lengthy fellow’s grandson who posted this photo and also noted that it was taken in Arizona. Don’t you just adore the mix of styles in their garb, western and citified swirling together?}

{Decked out in a casual outfit of trousers and an over-sized checkered shirt (or light jacket), a brazen looking young woman flashes a smile that’s equal parts sass and allure, as she rest confidentially on the hood of a gorgeous Cadillac.}

{A candid shot captured while on vacation in 1956 shows a blonde woman as she browses through the souvenirs on offer at a gift shop, the out-of-focus face of a second, younger gal as she passes by visible in the left hand side of the photo, adding a special sense of just how quick any given moment is to this terrific snapshot.}

{A glamorous and beautiful young woman (who could have easily passed for a Hollywood starlet) smiles elegantly in this wonderful hand tinted photograph that I would – going off of her marcel waves – peg to be from the late 20s or early 30s.}

{Often when people close their eyes – or more commonly get caught mid-blink – in photos their expressions come across as looking quite comical, but there is something graceful and sweet about the woman in this photo, her eyes pressed shut behind her dainty glasses. The poster of this image informs us that it was taken in 1936 of Walter and Pauline Hulburt, as to where it was snapped remains a mystery though.}

{A pretty mom in a plaid dress sits alongside her son (a photo of whom hangs on the wall behind them), as he cradles the newest member of the family, in this endearing slice-of-life shot from the 1950s.}

{In the midst of what looks like a fairly suburban yard, a young woman sits atop a handsome horse, while a second lady – her mother perhaps – looks on with a glint of cautious apprehension in her eyes.}

{An adorable young lady’s moment of snow day happiness is captured on film as she stood alongside a lovely “snowwoman” in this charming black and white photo for which no background information is provided. What we do know though is that she clearly appears to have been having oodles of fun!}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

The small, insightful quote at the top of this post resonates deeply with me. Raised with the message that one was never to allow themselves to become bored (a lesson that I’m actually very grateful for), I developed a myriad of diverse interests and hobbies early on in life. There are so many things in fact that capture my attention and which I wish I could devote my time to, that I sometimes end up feeling like I’m neglecting certain areas of my life because I simply can’t focus on everything that captures my attention. Pair this with the fact that I’ve always been the antithesis of procrastinator, and it can leave me feeling like there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.

The reality is that no matter how you fill them, the hours we’re presented with are exactly the same length each and every day. The goal, I’ve come to realize, is not to see how much we can cram, like college students into a phone booth, between each sunrise and sunset, but to focus our attention on those things that mean the most to us, however eclectic ones interests are, and to be grateful for the time that we do have to devote to them.


  1. I love the pictures!!
    Happy Sunday :-)

  2. I love that quote, it's so true! As always, I've enjoyed seeing the pictures you've chosen :-)

  3. I love all these photos, old photos are always my favourites. Thanks for sharing :)


  4. So true. What a lovely, inspirational post again, Jessica!


  5. Your photos for today realy captured me. For some reason I was drawn to each one and really looked and thought about them. I totally agree with not getting bored. It makes for a diverse person with many interests which ultimately makes for a more interesting person to be. thank you for your sweet comment and know that I'll be sitting down soon to pen a letter... take care Jessica and know I really love your blog and am thankful for a new friend!

  6. I love your snapshots Jessica ! Always fabulous !

  7. Hello. So how's your weekend been? I hope you've been having a good one. Mine's been full of rest and relaxation. I always enjoy stopping by and commenting on your blog. Take care. Have a great week ahead. Cheers!

  8. Great photos and inspiring words! Thanks :)

  9. Wonderful snapshots today!

    Have a fantastic weekend, Jessica!

    Best Wishes,

  10. Focusing my attention has sometimes been difficult...a good reminder! I'm always running onto the next thing. My mantras lately have been "one thing at a time," "slow down," and "breathe."

    Love the snow-woman photo!

  11. Hi there, adore these pics thanks for brightening my day!Sharon xxoo

  12. Hi Jessica! Thanx 4 always sharing such lovely vintage pics. I hope ur having a wonderful weekend btw I will be posting my anticipated Lagelle hat giveaway on my blog tomorrow.


  13. Hello my darling! I finally had some time to really look at the pictures you posted and as usual they are fantastic and oh so captivating! I love em'!

  14. Love the 1956 snapshot!! Look at all of those great knick-knacks! Reminds me of the ones my grandmother had adorning her dresser and window sills!

  15. I love your picture posts, Jessica--so wonderfully nostalgic! I think my favorite is the girl with the snowman--such a delightful moment in time caught there!

  16. Love the snowman photo!such a great shot!!
    - Love katie <3

  17. Hi wonderful dears, thank you so much for your fantastic comments! I had a feeling that the photo of the gal and her adorable "snowlady" would be a hit with you, and am happy to know you guys loved it as much as I do :)

    Wishing you each a gorgeous evening - tons of hugs!
    ♥ Jessica
