
November 13, 2009

Vintage Deal of the Day: November 13, 2009

{Everyone needs some new togs to help see them through the holiday party and get-together season, and what better place to turn than to than vintage pieces for your festive winter garb? The moment I saw this beautiful, cheery chiffon turquoise and white frock I thought it would just the thing for one lucky gal to wear to anything from an intimate cocktail party (New Years perhaps?) to a huge company bash. This 1950s turquoise and white dress fits a 29/30” inch waist and a 36/38” waist, and can be found amongst the lovely offerings in etsy seller Vanity’s shop for $45.00 (US).}

With the Friday minutes away from wrapping up, I think I can safely report that nothing else even slightly out of the norm took place this 13th. I’m not superstitious in the least, I just think there’s something kind of fun (and a little suspenseful) about waiting to see if anything bizarre does befall you or not when the thirteenth of the month occurs on the fifth day of the week.

Thank you so much for your visits and beautiful comments this week, sweet dears. Every one of them means a great deal to me. Wishing you each an absolutely marvelous weekend ahead!


  1. This is adorable! I never wear gorgeous frocks like this, and feel like I should start! I didn't have an unusual Friday the 13th either. I'm not superstitious, and even forgot the date, to tell you the truth! I hope you are doing well, honey. Thanks for all your feedback. It means the world to me. Kori xoxo

  2. Oh how sweet.

    Thank you so much for your totally awesome comments, I always love your's.

    Take care and have a fab weekend,

  3. You know Jessica that is a really great idea ! To post vintage items that are a bit less expensive. I see so many beautiful things, but my budget just can´t allow the splurge. Keep up the good work & have a great weekeend !

  4. Looks really great cut shape and colour:)

  5. How beautiful, and absolutely perfect for the party season! x

  6. This is such a pretty the color and I know it would be so comfy, yet stylish as the same time!! Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of the weekend!! xOxO Nerina :)

  7. Oh that dress is beautiful. I love the color and shape. You deserve every wonderful comment that you recieve. I love visiting your blog:)

  8. This dress is fabulous Jessica ! Have a great week-end !

  9. Very pretty - the colouring is amazing, its like looking into a tropical ocean! Stunning x

  10. Hi Im new here and adoring this dress its so pretty are you a UK blogger? Sharon xxx

  11. Happy Sunday greetings, my lovely dears, huge thanks for your wonderful comments. I agree, this delightful frock does conjure up thoughts of a tropical ocean. It would be perfect for parties year round because of it's classic cut, light weight fabric and versatile colour.

    I hope that you're all doing splendidly and having a fantastic weekend - scores of hugs!
    ♥ Jessica
