
November 2, 2009

Vintage Deal of the Day: November 2, 2009

{Who doesn’t love to be thrifty and kind to Mother Nature the same time? I know I do! Add a preciously adorable, vintage looking kitty into the mix and I’m sold every time – especially when you can pick up a wonderful cloth tote bag like the one above for an absolute song! It’s just $3.99 US (on sale from $9.99) from the fantastic folks over at ModCloth. If that isn’t a purrfectly lovely bargain, I don’t know what is! :D}

I want to take a moment and thank each of you who commented on my Halloween outfit post earlier today. I am ridiculously shy when it comes to posting images of myself online (that post was only the second time I’ve ever done so anywhere - the first was back during the spring on this blog), but I am trying, challenging as it is, to work past through this (irrationally silly) shyness and also many issues regarding self esteem and my own appearance that I have.

Though I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about it, I am going to set a goal of sorts for myself to try and include a “what I wore” style post at least once a month here on Chronically Vintage. The truly kind and uplifting comments many of you left for me today have already helped me to feel a bit more confident about sharing snaps of myself publicly. Thank you so very much for that, precious dears!


  1. Fun! I look forward to admiring your outfits. I can really imagine how you felt butterflies because of posting pictures of yourself. I have that too on my blog. On the other hand: I love it when people model their creations or finds themselves,, so I figure I better get over my fear then also. And I realize: You always look at yourself far more critical than someone else would.

    You looked great in your halloween outfit, by the way. No need to feel insecure!

  2. Oh go for it my sweet, I would love to see some outfit posts from you.

  3. I love this bag!

    I understand how you feel about posting pictures of yourself. I know it doesn't come across as a problem on my blog, but I have serious self-esteem issues and I really don't like my picture even being taken much less posting them on my blog! However, I finally just decided that it's one of my hangups that I wanted to work on :-)

  4. That is such a cute bag. I love it.

  5. I know what you mean - I'm picture phobic! Perhaps if you are a brave girl...I may be!

    Looking forward to seeing your outfits!

  6. Awe, that bag is absolutely cuute! and it is a steal for $3.99! and yes, please continue to share pics of you with us :) Have a wonderful day!

  7. What an adorable bag and I too love to be thrifty while still being kind to Mother Nature!

    Oh Jessica, I doo hope that you will post more pictures of yourself. I really enjoyed seeing a photo of you and your truly are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside!

    Love and hugs,

  8. darling bag! I have three black cats so this is perfect!

  9. What a wonderful thing to post lists like this, Jessica! I'm going to go back and check them all out--each one sounds so interesting to me--thanks for gathering them all neatly into a pretty little package for me--and I'm goad to hear your going to be bolder--I understand, I'm not that hot about sharing pictures of myself! But, you're just beautiful--don't hind behind that camera all the time!

  10. Hi sweet souls, oodles of thanks for each of your lovely comments (and continually kind and supportive words, they are so encouraging and dear to me!).

    Huge hugs & joyful Wednesday wishes to you all!
    ♥ Jessica

  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. Why does it always seem that the prettiest girls are the most self-conscious? :)

    If I wore cute vintage clothes instead of thrifted knit tops and bum-around jeans, your post and confession would have inspired me to post pictures of myself too!

  12. @ Kristen, thank you deeply, sweet dear - you're too kind! I know that my self-consciousness stems primarily from certain key people (in my life) who were - how shall we say - less than nice to me with their comments about my appearance as a youngster, and also from often being bullied and teased in school. By the time adolescence hit any semblance of self esteem about my appearance I'd ever had was a distant memory, and it's been an ongoing struggle to regain even a scrap of it. I'm diligently trying though!

    I would love to see snaps of your outfits, no matter what you wear, honey! Go for it!

    Tons of hugs & thanks,
    ♥ Jessica
