
April 6, 2010

Sharing the Circle of Friends award with my wonderful blog friends!

Way back in early December, when snow lay heavy on the ground and my mind was already dancing with visions of sugar plums and other Christmas splendours, the perpetually kind Andrea of Arise 2 Write bestowed a lovely accolade on Chronically Vintage: the Circle of Friends award.

While I’m the first to admit that five months have passed since she so sweetly gave me this award, I really appreciate all of the beautiful blog awards, tags and honors that Chronically Vintage receives, and wanted to post – before so much as even one more day slipped past – and acknowledge this lovely gift.

It is nothing short of an understatement to say that I’ve made some deeply wonderful online friends via Chronically Vintage. While some our relationships have morphed into email and snail mail friendships, many others exist in the blog realm, where week-by-week, we learn more about one another and have a marvellous time sharing in the splendour of all things vintage.

I treasure every one of my blog friends and readers, your comments and companionship bring a much needed dose of social interaction into my life, especially on those days (or weeks) when my health keeps me at home and unable to spend time with other people in the real world. (I hope that doesn’t sound pitiful, I don’t intend it to in the least, I just mean to say how grateful I am to have my online friends, who are always there no matter how good – or bad – I’m feeling.)

Thank you to everybody who follows this site; so many of you have become dear friends that I can’t imagine there was a time before I had the pleasure of knowing you. Each of my readers is a part of my circle of friends and this blog simply would not be the same without you!

Those who receive this fun award are encouraged to share five things that they love to do, so I’ll take Andrea’s lead and post about a few of my favourite activities – with the help of quintet of gorgeous pin-up gals to illustrate these particular interests of mine.

~ Photography ~

~ Reading ~

~ Cooking ~

~ Getting all dolled up ~

~ Doing arts and crafts ~

I openly extend this award to absolutely every one of my readers – you are each so deserving of this terrific accolade. However, as I’m supposed to pass the Circle of Friends on to a given number of readers in particular, I’d like to share this award with the following 10 blogs (and the splendid souls behind them!).

Serendipity Handmade

Tea with the Vintage Baroness

Rose r Red


Pixie Drive-In


Just a Happy Housewife

Wandering Thoughts of a Scientific Housewife

A Chock-Full of Rants and Raves From a Thirty-Something Mama

Time Machine to the Twenties

If you’d like to carry on the fun of sharing this award, all you have to do is the following three things:

-Copy and save the award graphic above (near the top of this post), for use in your post, to your own desktop or online photo album

-Blog about receiving the award and share five things that you love to do with your readers

-Keep passing along the Circle of Friends award with however many of your own readers you’d like to

Thank you very much, Andrea, for this awesome blog award and for being such a beautiful friend! Your cheerful, encouraging comments never fail to brighten my day.

Many thanks, too, to all of my readers for being such an important part of my Circle of Friends, I you all!


  1. awww, you're so sweet Jessica!

  2. Oh Glory! My very first blog award. I have just tuned in to your blog & found out I am on the list of awardees! Thank you for much. It is a huge coincidence that just a few minutes ago I discovered that I am the winner of a giveaway too. So it is twice my lucky day. And it has come at just the right moment - I had been feeling down, down, down.... thank you so much. My blog will wear your award badge with pride. Look for a post about it later this week. Thanks again - you deserve a special hug today:)

  3. Thanks for the award doll, it made my day!

  4. Oh, thank you so much for thinking of me! What a wonderful award, and I feel so honored to be included with these other amazing bloggers!

  5. Congratulations and GOD deserve it.

  6. Those pictures are great. I love how most pin up girls look like they've been caught doing something wrong.

    Thank you for the award! I can't even believe it!

  7. Oh and of course, thank you for visitng my blog. ;)

  8. Awe my darling sweet gal, you have just brought a much needed smile to my face :) thank you! I am truly honored that you consider me part of your circle of friends! Know that you are most certainly a part of my circle of friends as well! Thank you a gazillion times again! oooh, and chocolate chips cookies would certainly be the icing on the cake to this day! I'll take the next plane out, so see you soon ;) I will most definitely post this wonderful award on my page and will post about it shortly!
    Wishing you a splendid day darling!
    Many many hugs,

  9. Congrats on the award! I hope you're doing well!

  10. Jessica, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for this award. I am so glad that we have become friends, and of course, you know all of the reasons why. *2 peas in a pod* You are not alone in those 5 month intervals between getting the award, and posting the award, so I promise to have this one up in the next...month or so (I have to give myself some wiggle room!). Thank you again dear! Hugs, Collette

  11. Oh Jessica, what a lovelyyyy suprise!
    You really are such a delight to have as a blogging friend and I very much appreciate the award. Thankyou!

    Rose :)

  12. Thanks for the wonderful award! I really appreciate it. Your blog really brightens up my day, so I am really honored that you chose mine. Hope you are feeling better :)

    Best Wishes,
