May 18, 2010

Flickr Favourites – May 18, 2010

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{Shabner December 52 from sweetbettie_67}

{The perfect Pair by to be, inspired}

{Midori enjoys baking by Girl Least Likely To}

{Bird’s Custard Blancmange UK 1920 from sweet_bettie67}

{Les Girls [A 1957 movie] from hytam2}

{Coral flower on Yellow by tanakawho}

{Vintage Yellow Buttons by texassurlymonkey}

{The Pink Parakeet by stylesmith}

{Yummy Ice Cream Journaling Spots by chelstastic}

{Caffeine Spider by Ariana Jordan}

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With the temperatures shooting up faster than a fireworks display in many parts of the world right now, it’s entirely natural to let you mind wander to thoughts of outdoor cooking. While these days both gals and gents partake of barbequing, during the mid-twentieth century, the grill was often the domain of men and men alone. Though women (generally) ruled the kitchen, whipping up summertime foods like potato salad, sweet tea, and ice cream cakes, the fellows were outside ensuring there was plenty of perfectly grilled meat to go around.

While flipping burgers, turning chops and sizzling steaks over the grills, chaps often wore aprons to help keep their duds clean and tidy. Recently I chanced upon a Flickr group devoted solely to the topic of vintage images of men in aprons – both of the well known barbeque variety, as well as of guys wearing aprons in an assortment of situations.

Proving that there’s a niche Flickr group from just about any topic, Men in Aprons (Vintage Only) is a fabulous look back at the yesteryear garments that fellows donned when cooking, cleaning or otherwise busy at work.

{ 1. Personal Use Only - 1954 AD, 2. Welcome to My Eternal & Virtual BBQ!, 3. Jerry, Full of Stuffing, 1952, 4. Vintage Apron Decals}

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Bright and jovial, turquoise and crisp lemony yellow pair up throughout this week’s selections of Flickr favourites, though their match really wasn’t intentional – I must simply have been drawn to these two hues lately while browsing the always sublimely inspiring pages of Flickr. It’s easy to see why that was the case though, for these exuberant colours radiate with the warmth and optimism that late May brings, when summer looms so close on the horizon you can wave to it.

I’m certainly looking forward to the coming months, they bring with them birthdays (mine, my husband’s – even our darling cat’s!), Canada Day, and a hugely anticipated visit at the start of June from my parents, amongst millions of other reasons to adore this most toasty of seasons.

What colours are on your mind at the moment, and what sorts of things are you eagerly looking forward to this summer?


  1. When I was in college I am super excited about summer because that means long sleeping hours for me, beach and beach party, malling and movie marathon, but now that I am working I think summer would only be beach and malling for me :) and long sleeping hours during the weekends :)

  2. I have an award waiting for you over on my blog. It was given to me by CC at Lace'n'Ribbon Roses, and I wanted to pass it to you as you SO deserve it!

  3. I love those last photos! It's still rather cold here, so I'm hoping for the weather to stay consistently warm soon!

  4. What fun shots! I am all about pink and aqua, no matter the season! lol

  5. You have made me love vintage...

  6. Great photos! I'm not really a summer gal as i can't stand hot weather, but i'm going to enjoy long walks in the country and being able to wear lovely floaty dresses!

  7. Those buttons really caught my eye!!
    -Andi x
