June 22, 2010

“Thank you” doesn’t even begin to cover my gratitude

My dearest friends, a month has passed since I last sat down to write a new entry for this blog. During that time – as many of you may know from the two posts my husband, Tony, kindly put up in my absence – I’ve been contenting with some serious health issues. One of which landed me, rather suddenly and unexpectedly, in the hospital during for a spell.

The outpouring of support, care and concern that we (Tony and I) received from has been nothing short of staggering. I’m at a loss for words when it comes to just how to express my profound thanks to each and every one of you who left comments on Tony’s posts and/or emailed us privately about my situation.

Each day when he came to visit me at the hospital, Tony would print off and bring all of your messages and comments, and when I returned home (but wasn’t yet well enough to use my computer), he would read them out to me from his laptop. I don’t think a single day passed that I wasn’t moved to the point of tears by the staggeringly beautiful care and friendship that shone through your words.

From the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much, everybody, for your support, companionship and concern during this rocky time. Your meaningful words lifted my spirits greatly and truly meant the world to me.

While this "elevated" medical situation is far from over still, I wanted to begin posting again – albeit on a considerably less frequent basis than usual (perhaps one or two posts a week, but we'll just see how things go as the coming weeks unfold). I miss you all – and blogging! – so much. Chronically Vintage is an integral part of my life, and going so long (especially when the hiatus was unplanned) without writing new posts has felt nothing short of alien.

Yesterday marked the summer solstice, the beginning of the warmest (if in you live in Northern Hemisphere, that is) season of the year, and one of my favourite annual events. I don’t know exactly what summer months have in store for me health-wise on a day-to-day basis, but as of the Monday before last (14th), I do at least know when I’ll be having (gallbladder removal) surgery: August 25th.

{I’m on strict doctor’s orders to take things super easy this summer, but on days when I can, I plan on blogging from my bed or the sofa. Now, if only I could look as gorgeous as this lovely vintage gal while doing so! :D Vintage image from Saltycotton’s Flickr stream.}

In the days leading up until the end of August, amidst and ongoing assortment of medical visits, and when my (pesky! ;D) health permits, I hope to be able to blog, to connect with you all, and to keep the spirit of Chronically Vintage going strong.

Sweetest dears, thank you again for your tremendously thoughtful comments and emails, knowing that you understand the situation and are there me has been an invaluable comfort.

With the utmost of appreciation and love, I wish you each a sublimely beautiful, highly memorable, and entirely enjoyable summer ahead!


  1. Wishing you a quick recovery, and a very enjoyable summertime :-)

  2. Oh so lovely to hear from you again, my very very best for your health my darling.

    Do please take it easy,
    hugs and xxx DJ

  3. I'm so happy to see a post from you again :-) I hope you continue to get better and I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers! Your husband is so sweet to have posted for you and I'm glad because I would have wondered what happened! Don't worry about posting though, you just take care of yourself :-)

  4. So glad to hear you are doing well and I hope everything with your surgery goes smoothly! :)

  5. Jessica, you follow your doctor's orders. We will be here whenever you are able to return.

    Just know that I am joining everyone else in sending you lots of healing hugs and good energy!

    Thank you for thinking of us, even while you were having major problems! Not everyone would be so thoughtful!! And please thank your hubby for relaying your updates to us. Not everyone would do that either!

    Wishing you peaceful, relaxing days!!

  6. Hi Jessica.
    You poor thing. Hope this summer is restful, healing and happy for you.

  7. Problems beyond your control are the worst, and health problems are horrid. My thoughts are with you and your Spouse. Hoping you feel better sooner and stay healthy for a long, long time!

  8. I hope you are doing better. I know how scary an emergency can be. I had emergency back surgery in 2007. My husband stood by me just like yours. Looking forward to you blogging again.

  9. (((Jessica)))!! Sooooo glad to see a post from you!! You have been on my mind the whole time. Take it easy, and get your rest, but boy are we glad to see a post from you!

  10. Dear Jessica -
    It's lovely to hear from you and to know that you are well enough to consider writing a few times a week! I know from experience that getting back to some of one's favorite things (on whatever level possible) can aid one's healing process. One of the things I was reminded of during my husband's health crisis was just how incredible the support of a community can be. The vintage community is indeed a wonderful one. We're all pulling for you!

    Sending you healing vibes-

  11. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better! Nice to see you're home. :) Take care

  12. I don't know where I've been, but I'm just seeing your post now (and your hubby's!) I'm sorry that I missed sending you get-well wishes, but I'm SO happy that you are home. Hospitals are not conducive to rest and relaxation (or offer much in the way of Vintage style.)

    Take it easy, and heal well. Post when you feel up to it. The Solstice is a good time for focusing on health and vitality. Sending some good energy your way!

  13. So glad to see you back!! I hope you continue to improve and your upcoming surgery goes well. Please do take it easy - your health is so important. Sending lots of good wishes your way!

  14. Take it easy and relish the extra sleep :)

  15. Oh, Jessica I hope you're well on the mend! I've been so out of the loop with blogs, that I didn't know you were ill. take care of yourself. Sounds like Tony is a fabulous man.

  16. It's so wonderful to hear from you again! I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better. All of us have missed your wonderful insights on your blog. Will keep you in my prayers.

    Best Wishes,

  17. So glad you're home but do take it slow and easy. You've been in many thoughts and tucked into many prayers.

  18. Will be looking forward to your wonderful return to the world of blogging. The internet has a miraculous way of bringing people together - happy to hear you are on the mend. Take good care dear Jessica!

  19. Hmm, something went all funny on my screen so i don't know if you got that comment, sorry if it turns up twice!

    I was just saying that it was so wonderful to hear from you again and that you are feeling better. I look forward to your first post back!

    Good luck with the surgery in August xxx

  20. So so very pleased to see you well enough for even a short little blog!!
    Look foward to even the shortest message to us all when you are able and sincerely wish you a speedy recovery!!!!!

  21. Jessica, I was so happy to see your post! It is so good to hear that you are home now and going a little better after being through such a bad health scare. I hope that you continue to get better. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest dear!
    A big thank you to your husband for keeping us updated on your health.
    Take care Jessica :)

  22. It was such a lovely surprise to hear from you today! So glad you are doing well and i am sure you will be even better after your surgery. Love and prayers to you and your husband. XO Lori

  23. Rest and take care!!! I had my gallbladder out last October. It was wonderful to quit having attacks! We will still be here when you are feeling better!!

  24. Jessica, my dear, I am at a loss for words. Sending loving, healing thoughts your way.

  25. So excited to see you. Glad you're a little better and look forward to posts, no matter how infrequent they are!

  26. So good to hear from you....yes, yes, yes, do take it easy! Enjoy your leisurely time as a "kept woman" (hehehe) and get yourself healthy! :)

  27. glad you are feeling a bit better, hope you have a speedy recovery, take it easy for now, look after yourself!

  28. So glad you can post again! We missed you :)

  29. Jessica, it is so good to hear from you again! I am so happy to hear you're doing well, and I wish you a wonderful, happy summer. Take care.

  30. Take great care of yourself...Wishing you wellxx

  31. Though this battle is not over yet, I am very glad that you are at least back home and out of the hospital! Having a surgery in your future is probably scary, but I am sure you'll come out of it just fine (my mom just had the same surgery a few months ago). It is good to have you back, and I hope and pray for a swift recovery.

  32. So good to see a post from you!! Don't know what else to write, really. <333
    -Andi x

  33. So glad that you are home and trying to rest and mend! Best wishes,

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  34. So nice to hear from you again--wishing you a happy and healing summer!

  35. Happy to read that you are doing better. Yes...take it easy and get as much rest as you need!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  36. So glad you are back!! I am a bit behind in blog land but wanted you to know I am trying to catch up and am thankfu lthat you are doing a bit better!!

  37. Lovely to see you are blogging again when you can.

    Do take care and enjoy the summer. Hope your surgery goes well and you are soon back to full strength.

    Hugs and kisses
