
January 31, 2011

Flickr Favourites: January 31, 2011

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{Vintage winter in the city ~ Tobyotter}

{January 24/365 ~ Lisa Jane Brown}
{Untitled (snowflake) ~ A bunch of beans}

{Marie Doro ~ Captain Geoffrey Spaulding}

{Vintage winter wedding ~ loretoidas}

{Mickey with an icy beard ~ sarasocke}

{deerinhere ~ danske}
{Mom at the window ~ sythia_c}

{Vintage winter wedding (2) ~ loretoidas}

{Winter rose (tribute) ~ Marti Coma}

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I strongly believe that vintage magazines are one of the most important links to the past that we have. They were generally created to perfectly capture the "here and now" of a given moment in time, highlighting the topics, fashions, foods, lifestyles, decor, technology and myriad other elements that made up life as as the world knew it right then and there.
Old magazines are definitely a passion of mine. I have a modest selection of (mostly women's lifestyle and fashion) titles from the late 30s through to the 50s, which I cherish and never tire of rereading. However, it's not always a walk in the park (nor easy on the wallet) to find vintage magazines, which makes have websites that are devoted to this fascinating subject all the more important.

{1. On campus - Maureen O'Sullivan, 2. L'Officiel-December 1950, 3. Vogue-September 1948, 4. Junoir Clique 1946. All image via the Retro/Vintage Magazines Flickr group.}

One great Flickr group devoted solely to the topic is Retro/Vintage Magazines. Don't let the word "retro" put you off. This group includes images spanning the forties through the seventies, and amidst the mod 60s and swinging 70s entries, there's a hefty dose of terrific images (scans) of 1940s and 50s magazine covers, pages and ads (such as the selection highlighted above).
Whether you join this Flickr group and start adding your own old school magazine photos or prefer just to browse its achieves (which presently have over 3,900 uploads), you're bound to find an array of magazine images that catch your eye and capture your vintage loving imagination.

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My word, can it really be that we've wrapped up an entire month of 2011 already? At once drearily long (for which the tediously grey, freezing cold weather is largely to fault) and yet also so very rapid, this January will not be one that goes down in the "most memorable month" hall of fame for me. It certainly wasn't awful - just ordinary. Grey as poplar bark and teaming with the commonplace going-ons of life.
The optimism for 2011 that I carried into this month back during its fledgling moments is still with me, still going strong. I want this year to be better than the last on so many levels and will hold onto the hope that it will be able to accomplish that for many months more still to come.
I hope that January has been as pleasant and beautiful each of you as possible, and that as we launch into February tomorrow, you'll be blessed with a month ahead that teams with happiness, excitement, and oodles of vintage inspiration around every corner!

1 comment:

  1. Winter is great! No matter the snow and the cold :) The doggie is just so cute :)
