
January 3, 2011

Get Chronically Vintage’s posts delivered to your inbox

This post is short and sweet, and it comes bearing some lovely news. Thanks to the tech savvy soul that is my husband, this past weekend I added a box to the right hand side bar of this site that enables readers to quickly sign-up to receive all of Chronically Vintage’s posts via email.

{Just as this darling little girl from the 1920s is mailing out her correspondence to someone, I'm now able to send you all of Chronically Vintage's posts via email. Yeeehhhh! :) Vintage photo via the Smithsonian Institute on Flickr.}


This handy feature is a great way to stay abreast of the recently launched Vintage 365 project, as well as all the other new posts that will appear here on this blog. In addition, as the post updates come via email newsletter, from time-to-time I may send out emails with special content just for email subscribers (such as heads-ups about future blog contests and exciting upcoming posts and vintage related events).

Subscribing to CV’s posts by email is ultra quick! (And, of course, entirely free.) Just enter your email address and first name (or any alias you wish) into the email sign-up form in the left side bar (it’s located under the header “Never miss a post”). Within moments you should receive a confirmation email at the address you signed up with, click on the confirm subscription link in that message, and presto, you’ll now receive all of Chronically Vintage’s posts delivered right to you in the comfort of your own inbox (of course, all posts will still appear on the blog, too).

Thank you very much to everyone who joins our email list. I would love to know if you sign-up and what you think of the emails if you do.

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