
January 1, 2011

Introducing Vintage 365, a daily project for 2011

Have you ever had an idea pop into your head completely out of nowhere and suddenly it’s nearly all you can think about? I had one of those shinny ideas the night before last, as I was on the cusp of drifting off to sleep (isn’t that generally when great new notions suddenly spring up?).

What was this light bulb moment, you ask? How about, my mind pondered, doing a very short, very diverse post here on Chronically Vintage each and every day for the next 365 days?

It really truck me that sharing a vintage find everyday with my reader throughout 2011 would be incredibly fun and immensely worthwhile. Such an initiative would follow in a similar vein to various photography projects (on Flickr and elsewhere) and blogs with the goal of adding one image/post a day each day for an entire year.

So was born the idea of “Vintage 365”, a short daily post in which I share one – just one – vintage related item. The topics of said posts could be anything from a stunning vintage wedding dress I spied on etsy to a terrific vintage ad scanned from a magazine in my personal collection, a great piece of 1940s pin-up art to a a wonderful post I read on another vintage blog and want to share with all of you.

The premise is very straightforward: one post per day (generally published at the same time daily - though this point is a bit flexible, if there's a reason why the daily post should appear sooner or later in the day than its usual time slot), with one image, and a very short (think one or two paragraphs max, as a general rule) blurb pertaining to that image.

As many of my readers know, it’s not always possible for me to write lengthy posts each day, but in less time than it often takes me to research and construct one post, I can put together several days worth of Vintage 365 entries, which means that I’ll be able to share more of what is currently inspiring me in the vintage world with all of you.

Please note that I absolutely still plan on posting longer posts once or twice a week (much as the post rate here has been for the last few months), but now instead of just those posts, you’ll be able to get your Chronically Vintage fix every single day.

I weighed the pros and cons of launching such a project heavily. I didn’t want to rush into something that might not be sustainable , but I figured that life can only ever be lived one day at a time and that, the benefits of doing this project far outweighed any cons I could think.

I love vintage, I love sharing in our mutual passion for vintage, and I love using the content of this blog as a source of vintage inspiration for both myself, and I very much hope, all of you, too.

So without further ado, on the first brand new day of 2011, here is the inaugural Vintage 365 entry. I can hardly wait to share this project with you every day and am giddy with excitement as I think about all the vintage wonderfulness this project is going to be comprised of.


Day 1 of Vintage 365



I think that a feeling of nearly euphoric excitement swirled with the hope of a better future has been a universal theme for as long as people have celebrated a date on which they dived one year into the next. In this fabulous vintage photo from 1939 (which comes via carbonated on Flickr), we see a throng of merry party goers excitedly catching dozens of balloons as they tumble from the ceiling, the crowd awash with joy and excitement as they ring in the New Year.

It's not every day you see action-packed, candid vintage shots like and I was instantly struck by how very similar the people in it, and all of us festive revellers last night, must have felt, for hope and the prospect of greater happiness are eternal themes that are born anew each January 1st.


  1. What a lovely idea. I can't wait to see what you come up with everyday. Magical!
    Happy New Year, Dearie.
    Here's to the next 365 Days of Vintage.
    Fritzi Marie

  2. this sounds like a great idea! Happy new year!

  3. Sounds great! Happy new year from Norway.

  4. Great idea, I look forward to reading!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Fantastic idea! I love those divine ideas you get just as your dropping off, that's were most of my inspiration comes from, that and all the lovely blogs I follow.
    Can't wait to see what you have to show us!
    Sadie xx

  6. Hi Jess..Happy New YEAR! Wishing u the best! Happy to hear of your plans! :)

  7. Now THAT's a project! I think that it's a great idea and I'm looking forward to it. Happy New Year dear!

  8. Sounds like a good plan. Have a very happy new year, Jessica!

    Best Wishes,

  9. That sounds fun! I'm excited to see all of your cool finds.

  10. Happy New Year, Jessica! I look forward to being online more this year catching up with the blogs I used to read avidly (yours being one). This will be a fun project to follow :)

  11. Hi Jessica,

    Happy New Year to you!
    I hope this year is filled
    with loads of bliss.

    And I also wanted to tell you
    that I finally made myself a
    blog button. I know you were
    kind enough to put a little
    crown on your I have
    the official button available.
    I'd be tickled if you would change
    out to the new one. I have three sizes
    to fit any sidebar.

    I've redesigned my blog layout and
    I'm setting up a page that is
    busting full of my favorite blogs
    to visit and that's where your
    button will appear.

    Have a lovely day,
    Stephanie ♥

  12. Such a fantastic idea - I love it :)

  13. I'm so excited for this!
    ~Christine H.

  14. Hello Jessica,

    I love fresh starts, and the new year is always one of the best ways to make a fresh start. I also like the first day of a week, or of the month, the beginning of a new season, the first day of a new school year, and even the first day of a weekend.

    I also love moving because it provides an amazing fresh start. (We moved a lot growing up - I always loved it.)

    I have always wanted to do a 365 days post. You have inspired me. I cannot stand to put it off until the new year, so I started one last night... one of those late night, can’t sleep ideas.


    1. Hope, that is without a doubt one of the loveliest honours that has ever come my way as a blogger. I am thrilled for you and hope your enjoy each and every day and experience that comprises your own 365 project. I'll be there, reading each post and cheering you on throughout the year, sweet friend!

      ♥ Jessica
