
January 25, 2011

Vintage 365: Beautiful Firefox skin melds vintage style with modern technology

Day 25 of Vintage 365

{The classic grey version of the top-of-the-browser header that’s featured in the "Retro Chic" Firefox theme, which I added a black border to so as to help it stand out against the background of this post.}


Generally speaking, I'm not a minimalist. While I wouldn’t say my style is exceedingly flamboyant or over-the-top, if I know that something can be dressed or jazzed up a tad, I'm usually game (sorry, stark white Swedish interiors, you just don't do it for me - give my sweet hubby a ring though, he loves you to pieces :D). As such I always like it when I can add an unexpected hit of vintage style to something that might otherwise veer on the ordinary side of thing.

Case in point, the melding of modern with old school that I've been using to beautify my internet browser for a number of months now. Like many of us, I've been a devoted Firefox fan for a few years (I use a Windows based PC), and for much of that time I've enjoyed sporting the wonderfully pretty skins (aka, themes - or as Firefox calls their themes, "Personas") that Firefox provides (delightfully for free) to their users.

Last year while browsing for a new theme (I like to switch themes every now and then, if only to give my eyes something new to look at when staring at my browser's internet scene each day), I chanced upon a particularly elegant number called "Retro Chic", whose name sound more fitting be "Vintage chic" (note that this skin is available in several colours including pink, purple, gold, black, and light grey).

Featuring the illustrated image of a sophisticated, deeply lovely looking 1920s woman holding a crimson rose (this image is credited by the skin's designer as being one of Alberto Varga's early works) this engaging Firefox skin is a charmingly fun way to add a splash of vintage style to the time I spend online (even when I'm not visiting a vintage site or writing a CV post).

If you use Firefox, I totally suggest checking out the thousands upon thousands of options that they have available in their personas gallery. While many of the themes have a modern spin, a quick search for keywords like “retro”, “pin up”, and "vintage" shows that there numerous personas with a wonderful old school vibe to them - which is especially great if you share my passion for guising up everything – including your internet browser - in your environment. :)


  1. love the banner jessica, will check out firefox gallery as u suggest

  2. It's definitely Varga's work - a portrait of silent film star Olive Borden. ^_^

  3. Oh, my! Found your lovely blog via Nancy Ward's always wonderful "Paper Friendly"

    She only has the BEST stuff and finding Chronically Vintage once again proves the point!

    I'm not a devout lover of vintage, but I cannot resist joining your amazing Vintage 365 to broaden my horizons. Thank you for sharing!
    Best Wishes,

  4. Gosh, so retro !
    I love the combination red rose and red lipstick :)

  5. Hello Lovely!

    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a stylish blogger award!

    Love and Glamour,

