
January 19, 2011

Vintage 365: Channel your inner pin-up girl with these gorgeous satin peep-toe heels

Day 19 of Vintage 365

Wednesdays aren't exactly famous for being the most exhilarating day of the week. Trapped between the newness of Monday and the sigh of relief that Fridays often bring, they're the sort of twenty four hour period that can seem to drag on for eons.

All the more reason, in my books, to perk up this midway day with some gorgeous vintage footwear alla this drop-dead stunning pair of ruby hued satin peep-toe, bow adorned  mules. Fit for a vintage - or modern - pin-up goddess, these elegant, alluring heels are spicier than a habanero pepper and as timelessly lovely  as any full-bodied rose.

Perfect to pair with everything from evening gowns to swimsuits, sundresses to pencil skirts, these show-stopping heels are made all the more fantastic by the fact that they're currently on sale for a fairly wallet-friendly $31.99 (down from $112.99) from, where you can find this stunning pair of shoes in ladies sizes 6-12.

Is it just me, or did merely looking at this chic pair of pin-up inspired heels suddenly help make this dreary, snow-kissed Wednesday a million times more enjoyable?


  1. Ooooh, these are so simple and so cute! I've never tried the Bordello brand. Do you think they'd have been worth the full price?

  2. Snow?! What is this snow you speak of? It's about 70 degrees here! (but our houses have no value and our sales tax is 9.25% so I guess it's a trade off)

    Anyway, those shoes are GORGEOUS! I LOOOOOOOVE them. Beautiful

  3. it's so hard hard to find good, red shoes!

  4. Oh golly gosh those shoes are divine. I'm hunting for a red pair of heels for my wedding - i'm determined to get married in a pair. They've spurred me on to continue the hunt.

  5. Could those be any cuter? I've got to get myself a pair.

  6. Jimminy Crickets! Those are gorgeous shoes!

  7. Those are fab--I think I need a pair :-)
