
January 26, 2011

Vintage 365: Crushing on Burgon & Ball's darling vintage inspired canning products

Day 26 of Vintage 365


Some of my fondest childhood summer memories involve times spent helping my mom and grandmother can fresh fruit (especially peaches) and vegetables, whip up (seemingly) endless batches of jam, and tuck away enough preserves and tomato sauce to see us through until spring arrival heralded the return of life in our garden once again. I loved canning. Loved the repetitive joy of peeling, coring, paring, slicing and pureeing food that I knew would go onto last for many months, filling our bellies with wholesome goodness.

Though (being the apartment dweller that I am) I don't have a garden waiting at my backdoor these days, I still delight in making (albeit typically smaller) batches of jam, jelly, fruit curds, apple sauce, chutneys, and preserves when I come upon a great produce sale. There is something as timeless and beautiful as the sunrise about knowing that you're creating your own food supply, and I feel fortunate that I was exposed to this wonderful art as a child.

Whether you've been canning since you were too short see over the tomato plants or you're a complete a total canning beginner, today's vintage inspired find is sure to get you in the mood to put up a few batches of your favourite jarred treat.

Based out of the UK, Burgon & Ball is a garden and kitchen accessory retailer with a slew of elegant, understatedly pretty items - many of which have a decidedly old fashioned charm to them. I'm especially taken with the various canning (or storage/decorative, as you wish) jars such as the "Delicious Jam" one above (which are available for £2.25 each from Burgon & Ball).

It's the darling, vintage feeling font in white text on these jars (which are also available with cute sayings for herbs, pickles, marmalade, chutney, and home-infused olive oil), that instantly made me fall in love with them. I can just imagine how gorgeous any number of these classically styled jars would look on a counter while canning, lined up in a pantry during the winter (in a subtle nod to our foremothers, for many of whom canning was an integral part of life), or on the kitchen table (teaming with homemade jam) at breakfast time, can't you?


  1. I love these, so cute! They don't ship to USA.

  2. Well, you would love living at my house. We have 16 fruit trees. When we bought this house in 2005, there were 19 fruit trees, but we've lost 3 to disease.

    We have 2 apple, 3 peach, 1 apricot, 2 plum, 3 pear, and 5 cherry. (Do you have any idea how many cherries you get in a banner year, when all 5 trees are fully loaded?! MILLIONS, it seems.)

    Most all our trees produced bountifully this year, and I have been busy canning for the past 2 weeks...applesauce, sliced peaches, dried prunes, and fruit leather. I don't profess to love canning as you do; however, in the middle of winter, when I pull a jar of summer-fresh peaches off the pantry shelf, I am glad I took the time to do it.

    And as for jam, well I still have 3 dozen jars of jam left from 4 years ago. That year, I probably made over 100 jars of jam, and even though I've given away alot for gifts, I still have many jars left.

    I really like canning jars, and not just for canning---they are fun drinking glasses for a picnic on the porch, and they make great storage (instead of plastic) for nearly anything.

    Okay, again, a rambling comment. Typical for me.

    I'm almost finished with January!!!
