
January 5, 2011

Vintage 365: NYC transit users treated to a vintage bus ride


Day 5 of Vintage 365


Many of us wish to no end that we could step back in time, but know that sadly, doing highly unlikely to happen (at least until time travel is perfected at ;-D). Recently however, a group of New York city public transportation users recently got the chance to at least step up and into (a glimpse of) the past, thanks to fact the NYC MTA sent a gorgeous, original mint and emerald green hued 1950s bus out onto the bustling streets during the holiday season.

As someone who swoons over just about all forms of vintage transportation, my eyes lit up like fireworks when I spied the photo here (and accompanying write-up about it) on (of all places) the site BoingBoing. Searching for more info on this cool vintage bus lead me to an intriguing blog called Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York (which I now plan on following – love the concept behind it), in which blogger Jeremiah Moss shares a detailed account of recently taking a ride on this classic bus.

While I realize that models such as this sleek beauty may not be as ecofriendly as today’s buses, I think it’s absolutely wonderful the New York is embracing it’s history and treating some of its citizens to such a stylish, timelessly fun ride for a few brief days out of the year. (Hmmm, if this is an annual event in NYC, I might just have to head down there one of these Christmas seasons! Open-mouthed smile)


  1. Hope you are having an awesome New Year!

  2. How fun, I wish I would have seen it when I was there :)

  3. I love those colors! Now, why couldn't they keep the retro design & update the engine to today's more environmentally friendly standards? Of course, I also think it would be amazing to have a 1960's Cadillac but convert to an electric vehicle, which my dad thinks is just crazy. :D
    ~Christine H.

  4. Oooh, how cool is that? I wish every city would do something like this.

  5. This is very cool. In San Francisco, there is a trolley line (the F) of old cars that appear to be from the 40's. When other cities retired theirs, SF bought them. So, they are from all over the U.S. : )

  6. You must think I am one very strange bird to be reading and commenting on all these back posts!! I'm not crazy, really I'm not...well yes I am...crazy about all things vintage!! (I only began embracing vintage when I hit my 40's...prior to that, I was all about modern everything.)

    Anyhow, I absolutely love that bus! It's beautiful!! I am a huge believer in public transportation. We could save gas, ease traffic, and make less pollution if people would embrace the old-fashioned idea of public transportation.

    I've got to tell you, I am totally in love with the idea of taking a train somewhere. I am hopelessly addicted to old movies, and there are so many of them with train scenes. I guess I have this idea that if I take a train, I will meet Gary Cooper in the dining car!! Ah, be still my heart! Even if I don't run into him (which, of course, I won't since he's long dead), taking a train would give me the opportunity to pretend I live in the fabulous 40's!

    Have a wonderful day,
