
January 3, 2011

Vintage 365: Retro Mama daily boxed calendar

Day 3 of Vintage 365

Knowing that I’m an old school gal who still keeps my schedule on straight with the help of a daybook, a couple of weeks ago my precious-as-can-be husband gave me an absolutely awesome 52 week, spiral bound calendar from the brand Retro Mama (thank you so much, darling!). Bursting with fantastic illustrations from the 40s and 50s that are paired with witty, slightly cynical, entirely relatable comments, this calendar will keep me smiling while providing tones of vintage inspiration all year long.

Intrigued to know what other products Retro Mama produces, I went searching and found that they have numerous types of calendars, including a 365 day boxed calendar (seen above, which is available for just $12.59 on Amazon), that I thought would be the perfect 2011 calendar to feature in the third edition of Chronically Vintage’s daily post project (a 365 day calendar for 365 days of vintage posts, sounds like a swell combo to me).

How terrifically fun would it be to have a different girly, fashionable vintage illustration to start each day of this year off with? Pretty sweet for sure, if you ask this calendar loving lass! Smile


  1. I was just thinking this morning I need a new calender! Yay! Thanks :o)

  2. Looks like a lovely calendar. I got one free with a food magazine, it has a different recipe for me to try every month :-) xx

  3. That is so adorable! My main resolution this year is to be more organized and I have yet to buy a planner or calander. Not the best start to my resolution!!
