
January 17, 2011

We’re giving away a fabulous Worn Fashion Journal prize pack

The new year is here, which means it's time to kick off another stellar round of giveaways! To celebrate January and the vast amount of uncharted territory that this year still eagerly holds in store for us, Chronically Vintage has teamed up with the wonderful folks at Worn Fashion Journal to offer you the chance to win a prize pack consisting of five different issues (specifically issue numbers 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9) of this deeply wonderful magazine, as well as a couple of super fun (pin back) buttons (see photos below).

I first fell head-over-heels in love with Worn Fashion Journal at the tail end of 2009, and have been enchantingly smitten with it ever since. For those who haven't had the opportunity to spend time with this creative, immensely cool magazine yet, let me tell you a bit about it.

Worn is an independent fashion magazine for those who like more than just unfathomably expensive haute couture and endless ads in their glossies. (They also have a frequently updated website that is equally rich in fascinating fashion related content, and can be found all over the interwebs in place like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and etsy – the later of which you can purchase subscriptions to,  and pass issues of, Worn from.)


{I don't know who this lovely woman holding the Worn Journal prize pack is, but I absolutely love her ruby red coat and delightfully vintage looking brown shoes.}

This magazine, which is produced biannually and based out of Toronto, is rich in stories and images about all manner of modern and vintage, highly creative fashion related topics that are not the same old, same old we've all become mind-numblingly accustomed to in most mainstream women's publications.

For a more detailed look at why Worn won my heart over the first time I opened its crisp pages up, be sure to swing by this post from December 2009 in which I gush passionately about the marvelous qualities of this creative magazine.

~*~ How to enter ~*~

If you'd like to try your hand at winning this stellar prize pack (and trust me, you do! :) ), entering couldn't be easier. Please do one or more of the following things to gain up to four entries for this fashion filled giveaway.

1.) Post a comment below telling me about your favourite type of fashion magazine and/or what you'd like to see covered more in the pages of today's glossies.

2.) Post about this giveaway, including a link back to this announcement post, on your own blog, telling your readers about this contest (if you'd like to use the photos above - which come via the staff at Worn, please right click and save them to your desktop). Once you’ve written about the giveaway, come back here and let me know you’ve done so by leaving a comment with a link back to your post.

3.) Subscribe to Worn's newsletter (the sign-up box to do so is located on the left hand side of their homepage), then let me post a comment saying that you've signed up.

4.) Spread the good word about this contest via Twitter or Facebook (you can find Worn on Twitter or Facebook). Again, be sure to jot down a comment letting me know you’ve done so.

Please feel free to enter the contest however many of the four ways you’d like, just be sure that you let me know about each entry in a separate comment, to better enhance your chances of winning (four comments for example, would give you four entries into the contest, thus four potential chances to win!). Please remember to post a separate comment for each entry!


This contest starts today, is open to readers from the around the world, and will run until 11:59pm on Sunday January 23, 2011. Be sure to swing by Chronically Vintage on Monday the 24th to find out if your entry landed you in the winner’s seat for this awesome five magazine set of Worn Fashion Journals.

January can be a tough month. The thrill and joy of the holiday season are behind us and spring seems about a century away. Anything and everything that can perk up this freezing month is a huge plus in my books, and it's my sincere hope that this fun contest will help bring a dose of sunshine to your day and give you something (the potential of winning) to look forward to.

Thank you very much - and the very best of luck - to everyone who enters!


  1. Oh yes, i'd love to see more revamped, repurposed fashion in glossy magazines, in a 'like this, try that' kind of inspiration way. They can pick an ensemble from a small fashion business, give them the PR & let others find their own original look. Super cute magazine, love Posie

  2. my fav, type of magazine is elle or a japanese fashion mag. what I wish magazines had would be no photoshop and a realistic portrayal of women . nothing degrading or horrible . I have seen the documentary Picture Me and it made me not want to buy fashion mags anymore but i still have this addiction to it sadly ..

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  3. posted about it

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
    thank you

  4. I like magazines that had lots of DIY ideas. I wish fashion magazines had more tutorials (like a "how to get this look" sort of thing) rather than just pictures of some stick thin model in expensive clothes.

  5. My favorite magazines in the past were Sassy and Dominoe. I also liked lucky but it fizzled out for me when I got into blogging. I love to read about design, vintage, fashion, and art.

    Oh, I subscribe to Worn's newletter.

    Wishing you love,
    Fritzi Marie

    p.s. Happy New Year.

  6. Wow, 'Worn' looks to be an awesome magazine. I'm disappointed with a lot of glossies out there today. The publishers make a lot of broad-based assumptions of ecnonomic status, body type, race, religion, sexual preference, etc, etc.

    From a feminist point of view I love reading Bitch and Ms. Magazine. I love the craft ideas and indie-inspired culture of Bust Magazine. And I love Nylon Magazine for their fashion spreads and music sections.

    I'm going to have to check out 'Worn' now too it seems! Please consider this my entry into the giveaway!

  7. I've spread the word via Twitter!

  8. I've spread the word via Twitter (

  9. I want to see more DIY's in magazines. I loved the DIY's that Teen Vogue would have (though I have no idea if they still include them. Haven't picked up a copy in a long time). More articles about the business side of fashion would be interesting as well.

  10. And I also subscribed to their newsletter :)

  11. I have never heard about this mag, so thanks for the info! I would love to read it. Mostly, I dont read any fashion mags, because I have never found a mag just about vintage fashion. he he he

    Dollie D

  12. i signed up for the newsletter. xo Amy

  13. Awww that woman is me (an intern at Worn Fashion Journal)! Thank you for your lovely words x..x

  14. I'd like to see more magazines featuring models with a wide range of body types instead of just extreamly tall and thin and I'd really love to see editorials featuring thrifted or second hand clothing instead of all new and expensive clothing :)

  15. I subbed to their newsletter. Thank you for sharing this link!

  16. There are very few fashion type mags I enjoy. Lula gets close and I have one issue of Frankie magazine I found in a hotel room and still have on my bookshelf. It reminds me a little of Brigitte Young Miss, a German teen mag which was always fun to read. I guess it is the absence of features such as "make him love you more by pretending you are somebody you are not" or "lose that weight now and you will finally be happy" articles that really makes me like a magazine. So I am not embittered by the time I reach the editorials :)

    I've been eyeing up worn for a while now. I'd love a copy

    shallowmallow at gmail dot com

  17. I like fashion blogs so much better than fashion magazines because they feature REAL women with real budgets and real bodies. I do have a subscription to Lucky magazine though.

  18. following on Twitter @missanomaly

  19. I subscribed to Worn's newsletter.

  20. I love NYLON magazine. I love the idea about DIY in the magazine.

  21. Post about this giveaway on my giveaway page here.

  22. Subscribe to Worn's newsletter.

  23. Tweet about this giveaway here.

  24. I would love to see more dressing well for your features in the glossy magazines. For example, even though I love bold prints, I don't look good in them because they completely over power my features. However, I could put a bold print into my outfit through a belt or purse. Advice like that, about making things for well for you, would be helpful.
    I would also like a page dedicated to items found at thrift stores. Not only are the prices much better, you get the thrill of the "hunt" and you get to support local charities in a lot of cases. If the glossies promoted this idea, it would help both budget-conscious people and the community. =)

  25. I twit here!/dokidokico/status/28057825229938688

    Much Thankies for the chance dear
    Good luck for me and everyone :)


  26. Wow, this is such a great giveaway. I want to see a fashion magazine that is not edgy. So many fashion magazines today are edgy and it pushes photographers (like me) to try to fit in and be edgy, even though that's not the style I like best. I want a magazine that celebrates naturalness.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are doing well.
    I would love to enter your giveaway. I really like Frankie magazine, its got a little bit of everything. What I would like to see more of in magazines is...afforable looks/fashion inspiration rather than looks put together from runway clothing that no average person can afford.


  28. Hey Jessica! I hope you're well! :) I would love to win this prize pack! My favorite fashion mag is Ladies' Home Journal from the 50's. At least, I consider them to be fashion mags. lol

  29. Hi everyone,

    Thank you very much for participating in this fantastic Worn Fashion Journal giveaway. I sincerely appreciate all of your comments, Tweets, blog and Facebook mentions about this contest, and want you to know that I had a terrific time reading about your favourite kinds of fashion magazines.

    This morning I drew (using a random number generator) the winner of this blog giveaway, and am thrilled to announce winning comment is number 26 (which belongs to Liz). Huge congrats, Liz, I really hope you love your Worn prize pack!!!

    Many thanks again to everybody who took part in this contest, and many more happy congrats to Liz!

    Fear not if you didn't win this time around. I have plans for a different contest in February in the works already, so you'll soon have a chance to try your hand at winning a Chronically Vintage giveaway again soon.

    Wishing you each a bright, beautiful Monday!
