
September 13, 2011

Sending out 256 thank-yous!

Day 256 of Vintage 365


It struck me this morning as I sat down to electronically pen today's post that the Vintage 365 project has now been going on for 256 days. Or to look at it in another light, there are just ninety-nine days left in this year and thus (all things willing) ninety-nine further posts in this series.

Though, I won't lie to you, there have been a few rocky moments this year, over-all the experience of blogging every single day, on a different, topic, has been wonderful.

I usually enjoy a good challenge - and all the more so if it's creatively oriented, which (I find) the act of blogging to definitely be. We're not done the year yet though, and 99 more posts lay ahead of us still before 2011 comes to a close.

I want to take a heartfelt moment today though to send out my deepest gratitude to all those - whether you've read every single 365 post so far or this is your very first one - to thank you for following along, commenting, and helping to be a part of this daily blogging project. To say it would not have been the same so far without you would be a sincere understatement.

{Adorable vintage thank you card via Zero Discipline on Flickr.}


With fall nearly underway and the prospect of many terrific topics still to cover this year (and of course well beyond, too), I eagerly look forward to sharing nearly a hundred more daily vintage themed posts with you, my wonderful friends.

For everything this year, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,
    On August 13, 2010 I started posting on my blog with a "Picture of the Day" and vowed to post at least one picture every day for a year. Well on August 13, 2011 I posted my last picture of the day and I'm very happy to be able to say "I DID it! and thank goodness it's over!" It was a lot of fun but I find I'm having more fun now blogging when I don't have to. I've read several of your posts and I can tell you're having fun. I'm enjoying them very much. Good luck!!!
