
November 1, 2011

Happily welcoming November's return

Day 305 of Vintage 365


There's always a certain unmistakable blending of seasons that takes place on the first day of November. Though we're squarely smack dab in the middle of autumn still, waking up on this initial day of the month one is struck instantly by the fact that Halloween, sadly, is over for another long year. For those who adore October 31st dearly like I do, this can take a little while to get over.

However, on the other (if your weather is anything like mine this week, "gloved") hand, there's that voice is your head (perhaps it sounds like Bing Crosby crooning one of his classic holiday songs)reminding you that the winter holiday is soon around the corner. And as it does, a hint of excitement begins to well up inside your soul.

My Halloween was fabulous - candy and decorations, spooky make-up and lots of great memories - and while I am a little blue that's over once more, I can already feel a stirring of anticipation and happiness flowing through my veins for Christmas and New Years, and every last wonderful tradition and event that coming two months hold in store.

Though up here in Canada we've already celebrated our Thanksgiving (back on October 10th), this special day is on the horizon still for my neighbours to the south. November also brings with it the solemn, but endearingly beautiful, observance that is Remembrance Day on the 11th.

Beyond holidays, November means (in this neck of the woods usually at least) the switch from the glistening, golden sunlight of earlier fall to the soft, subtly grey tinged pale light of early winter. It's pots of hearty soup simmering for hours on the stove to nourish chilled bodies, the mandatory wearing of heavy coats, and stores suddenly overflowing with Christmas decorations.

{Wonderfully adorable November 1956 cover of Woman's Day magazine featuring a trio of darling green-eyed, autumn hued kittens via cloth98 on Flickr.}


November is a sweet month in many ways (so hence the kitty cat filled image above). Though it can be a busy one, it spares us the last minute rush of December, allowing us instead to begin planning for the holiday season and savouring its first signs, without the frazzled days of office parties, last minute shopping, and gigantically large meals to cook.

For many November’s return means the first nights of frost and the first snowfalls of the year since early last spring. The hours of daily light are dwindling, but that marvelous sense (which my especially husband adores) of wanting to snuggle up inside and brace yourself against the biting cold outside is just beginning to hit its stride.

I'm really looking forward to celebrating the remaining two months of 2011 with all of you, as we wind down the final sixty-one instalments of this year's Vintage 365 project, sweet dears.

Whether you feel like today is eons to soon to start thinking about the winter holidays or are already swapping your Halloween decorations for Christmas ones, I wish you all a beautiful, serene, cozy November and countdown to Christmas!


  1. It is interesting to see a magazine with almost nothing on the cover except a photo! Think about magazines of today with titles like, "42 Irresistible recipes!" and "Beach-chic Decor!" The only thing on this magazine besides the title is '6 Great Soups Men Go For'. It's nice to see such simplicity.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. Wow, I might actually buy Womans Day magazine if they had kittens on the cover! How darling!

  3. I am horribly allergic to cats, so I really don't like them at all. Even so, I'm drawn to that cover. What a totally sweet photo.

    I used to really enjoy November and the excitement of the holidays. In recent years, though, it's been beyond difficult. I moved from the near-constant heat and greenness of Florida to a place where I must endure cold, barren trees, and much less light. It's been a difficult adjustment. But I have no doubt that your beautiful daily posts will help me through, because they provide wonderful inspiration.

