
November 24, 2011

Joyful Thanksgiving Day wishes to my US readers!

Day 328 of Vintage 365

It has always struck me as interesting that both Canadians and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, yet this holiday falls on different days in each country.

Historically I know why this is the case (American Thanksgiving stretches back to the days of the pilgrims, whereas Canada's is a much more recent celebration of the bountiful autumn harvest we experience in this country, that came about as an act of parliament in 1957 - though it's roots do stretch much further back in time), yet I can't help but think there would be something extra special if everyone - not just Canadians and Americans - celebrated a universal day of thanks at the same time.

Unfortunately however, not every country has its own Thanksgiving Day though. However, there's nothing stopping those who do not have such a day from partaking in either the Canadian or American Thanksgiving, or simply creating a special feast day on which they and their loved ones rejoice in the blessings of life and the bounty of food that the fall time harvest has traditionally provided civilization with.

{Charmingly sweet vintage Thanksgiving Day illustration of a mother carrying a roast turkey to her eager family via Jasoh! Prime and Pub on Flickr.}


As I know very, very well what an immensely busy day this can be for many who observe Thanksgiving, I won't make today's post a long one and take up much of your time (chances are you likely have the oven going at full capacity or are packing up the family to hop in the car and drive to a relative's house to enjoy your festive meal there right about now).

I simply and wholeheartedly just want  to wish each and every one of my wonderful US readers a splendidly beautiful Thanksgiving Day on which you feel blessed, content, and happy for the important gifts in your life, whatever they may be.


Joyful Thanksgiving wishes, dear friends!


  1. Thank you Jessica! Same to you! Our day is a calm one-just my hubby and I and our babies. We havent even begun cooking heheheh It will get done. Its rare for us to have a whole day together so we plan to enjoy every second! Hope you do as well! Hugs-Bunny xox

  2. Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving as well. Safe journey if you are traveling and happy eating regardless.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you Jessica from Australia.

  4. Thank you for the lovely wishes, Jessica!!

  5. What a darling illustration!! I am especially drawn to the way the family is dressed for dinner. I love a man in a shirt and tie!!

    My daughter did all the cooking for our Thanksgiving dinner, and I must say, she has more efficiency in her right arm than I have in my whole body. She made it look so hint of stress. All I had to do was eat the meal, drink the wine, and wash the dishes!!

