
December 13, 2011

You just couldn't let 2011 wrap up nicely, could you, universe?

Day 347 of Vintage 365

There comes a point, in the midst of tough weeks/months/years when you just have to roll your eyes, take a deep breath, and let out a good laugh. Catharsis comes from that simple act, during which it's as though you're letting life know that it hasn't worn you to the ground or frayed your very last nerve entirely yet.

A week ago today (on the 6th), in what can only be a called a completely silly accident, I injured my left foot quite badly.

I'd been reclining on the couch for just a few minutes with both of my legs tucked up beside me. I went to get up to check on the meal I was cooking at the time in the kitchen, and didn't realize until it was too late (aka, the moment my feet were ready to hit the ground) that my left leg had fallen asleep.

As a result, I didn't have that usual sense of stability one needs to remain upright and ended up losing my balance. Luckily I was able to catch myself on the coffee table before taking a complete header, but in the process I somehow managed to mangle my left foot up rather badly in the process.

As a result I'm currently laid up and using crutches/a wheelchair until my broken foot has healed. Hopefully I'll be able to put weight on it again before Christmas arrives, as I didn't get a chance to put out my holiday decorations before this accident occurred. Right now I don't know if such will be the case though, I’ll just have to take things one day at a time and keep my fingers crossed.

{Hmmm, I’m not sure if I look as alluringly cute and cheerful as Marilyn Monroe when she was on crutches, but I'm certainly giving it the old college try! (At least I’ve got the vintage wardrobe side of things covered.) Image via}


While naturally, I'm a bit irked by the injury, things could have been worse and I should be back on my feet in a few weeks, so it's really not the end of the world by any means.

It does however make me laugh (as mentioned above) a tad, because (as I said to my husband last week) it seems that 2011 (a year that was fraught with significant problems, stress, and unexpected lousy situations like this) just couldn't even let December play out peacefully for us.

Oh well, I’m a perpetual optimistic and enjoy knowing that there's always the prospect of a better year come 2012. A thought that will definitely help keep a smile on my face as I hobble my way through the holiday season.


  1. Poor thing, and at Christmas ! Heal well !

  2. I hope you are soon better.

  3. Jessica, i hope that it heals quickly for you! You need those things called feet you know! :)

  4. oh no! Hoping you recover quickly and here's to a stress and accident-free 2012!!!

  5. So sorry about your accident - don't try to use that foot too soon - let it heal and rest well. AS for Marilyn - she could strike a pose with anything couldn't she?

  6. Just wanted you to know that I am happy you seem to have fixed a problem you had with your blog. Reason I never commented before was that for a long while, everytime I tried to comment on your blog, my computer would stall badly. I wasn't even able to shut it off. So when I recently decided to try again, I did so gingerly. So am happy it works now without causing my computer to hiccup....

  7. So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are able to get around a little for Christmas.

  8. Oh, dear, Jessica, what a shame to have this happen! I hope you are feeling okay. Definitely your attitude is wonderful and that will help you heal fast. Wishing you a festive week in spite of the foot. Something on the way to you but the mails have been so slow into Canada not sure it will arrive by Christmas. love, – g

  9. Hello Jessica from December 2010 through December 2011 was mostly a crap year for us too. Seemed like the Universe hadn't quite finished messing us around. 2012 has got to be better. Take all the time you need to recover and don't go trying to walk too soon. Lots of love and best wishes from Downunder in South Australia.

  10. Marylyn, was cute. But you are downright gorgeous, babe. <3

  11. See, I always think that trouble strikes in December. Your poor foot! We had our microwave AND dishwasher bite the dust this month. Ah, the holidays!

  12. Sorry to hear about your accident - you'll just have to make the most of all the time needed to rest it while the break mends. Lots of crafting/reading opportunities:) Get well soon.

  13. Oh Jessica, so glad that you are somehow managing to keep a smile on your face despite what's happened. I think the worst thing with such an injury is that you would like to go back and replay that minute when you could have avoided the injury.
    I'm sure that you look quite as lovely as Marilyn does in the pic, although I think she may have been a little chilly.
    Looks like you won't be going out shopping for Christmas. Take care,



  14. Oh Jessica, so glad that you are somehow managing to keep a smile on your face despite what's happened. I think the worst thing with such an injury is that you would like to go back and replay that minute when you could have avoided the injury.
    I'm sure that you look quite as lovely as Marilyn does in the pic, although I think she may have been a little chilly.
    Looks like you won't be going out shopping for Christmas. Take care,



  15. Heal well! and what a wonderful picture.

  16. I spent my last Christmas in a cast and on crutches; I don't envy you, my dear! But get well soon; rest and heal; and I hope you find joy, peace and contentment during the holidays.

  17. Thanks for your lovely comment on my Christmas tag Jessica, I just wanted to say that I attached it to a card front and it looked great.

  18. I have had my share of sidelined-Christmases. One year, I had pneumonia (the sickest I have ever been in my life!). The whole holiday season was a blur, and my kids were 3 and 4 then, so I was really upset at having to lie low.

    Another year (actually the year after the pneumonia episode), I was recovering from back surgery, so I was in very low gear as well.

    It's always difficult being sidelined, but never more so than at Christmas when there are so many things we want to do do. So, I definitely understand your frustration.

    In the end, though, most of the things we want to do are just that...WANTS. We don't actually HAVE to do them. Even decorating isn't an absolute necessity. So, take it slow, take care of yourself, and do only what you can.

    I do hope your foot will heal quickly and completely, with zero complications.


    Oh and by the way, in those Toronto Decembers, I am quite sure you won't be wearing the Marilyn Monroe swimsuit, but I bet you look just as lovely in that gorgeous new winter coat.

  19. Oh Jessica! I have been meaning to leave you a message but things have been mad here lately. 2012 will be a better year for you two esp since you already got so much crap out of the way. Maybe its the universe telling you that you need to rest and relax and just take it easy. Life has a funny way of wking itself out. Thinking of you and hoping you get well real soon! xox

    PS If you have a cast on you know you should decorate it for Xmas instead hehehe HUGS!
