
February 22, 2012

British Columbia bound!

Fans of Canadian folk music may recall Gordon Lightfoot's classic 1970s song, Alberta Bound. It's something of an anthem for those headed to the land of open prairie skies, and its lyrics have been wafting through my mind for the last few days, as we've buzzed around like busy bees in preparation for our cross country move this week.

This time around though, our journey does not lead us to Alberta. Instead, as many of you know from my recent posts here, come late tomorrow evening, my husband and I will be touching down on British Columbia soil, ready to call Canada's most westerly province home (once again for me, first time for the mister).

The past several weeks have been ones of immense activity, planning, energy, fortitude, and a little bit of good old fashioned luck. Elbow grease, packing tape, and lengthy lists have abound, as has the enthusiasm that one could practically see hovering in the air around our place.

By this time tomorrow (assuming all goes as planned - and goodness, it better, our schedule for Thursday is so astronomically tight it makes a Victorian corset look like a muumuu!) the movers will be here, loading all of our earthly belongings (save for those in our suitcases) on to their large truck.

Somewhere, we're told, between 7 and 14 days after that, our household contents will reach us in beautiful British Columbia, and it is at that point that my husband and I will take up residency in our new home.

{Long haul moving, a service which this 1940s Canadian moving company offered, is on the agenda for us this week as we trek - by air! - across the breadth of Canada from Ontario to British Columbia. Image via the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists.}

In the meantime, we'll be staying with some of my relatives who live in the same town, and thus I suspect that this will be my last post for the next little while. If circumstances permit, I may post during the next two weeks, but if not, I'll do so once we've settled into our new abode and have the good ol' interwebs hooked up once more.

I want to thank you all sincerely for you wonderful support, encouragement, and positive words over the past couple of months, as we've been preparing night and day for the move. They’re really helped to keep my batteries charged during this endlessly hectic period.

It is with great eagerness that I look forward to blogging next from my home province, and sharing in the joys of living in B.C with all of you.

Know that I'll miss you dearly, and that with all my heart, I'm wishing each of you every bit as much joy in your own life as I'm experiencing in mine right now.


  1. Hope your move goes smoothly! All the very best out West!!! xo

  2. After reading that I am feeling quite a sense of excitement, like I am the one making the move.
    I hope it all goes smoothly for you, and I look forward to your first post from your new house in BC.

  3. Best of luck to you with the move! As I'm going through that myself I had no idea you were moving as I've had barely any time to blog/read blogs. Hope it all goes swimmingly and you'll be settled in your wonderful new home soon. :)

  4. Love, hugs, and prayers to you and the mister as you move into this new season/chapter of life.

    Can't wait to hear that you are settled into your new home...and loving it. I know your family must be beyond thrilled that y'all will be living close by.


  5. Congratulations, Jessica! Can't wait for you to be on this side of the Continent. Wishing you, Tony and Stella a safe and happy journey filled with only good adventures!! xo – g

  6. How exciting! (Big) Moving day is almost here! Sending many many good wishes from Downunder to you and 'mister' on your really big adventure XOXOX

  7. The best of luck! I know how hectic a long-distance move can be: I've done it twice in the past four years (Europe-Australia and Australia-US). Just take your time settling in and know that things won't be 'done' for at least the first year. That said, enjoy the redecorating and making it home - especially while you may not know many people yet.
    Also, I just posted vintage tips for that end-of-day rush, courtesy of the February 1966 issue of Good Housekeeping at

  8. Congrats on your move and best of luck getting your new place in order. It can be an exciting, frustrating, yet rewarding experience.

    Best Wishes,

  9. Good luck dear lady....the worst is over!

  10. "our schedule for Thursday is so astronomically tight it makes a Victorian corset like like a muumuu"

    Best. Line. Ever.

    And good wishes for the move-venture! Just told a Nanaimo-native friend I was reading a blog post about someone moving to BC and she says, "ooh, lucky. Tell her to enjoy the heck out of it for me." So...enjoy the heck out of it for her!
    Best of luck, etc.
