
April 14, 2012

And the winner of the "What have you always loved?" giveaway is...

Two Fridays ago (April 6th), I wrote a post about a topic that had been surfacing often in my mind lately: what had I (and you) loved for as long back as you could recall? Towards the bottom of the piece, I asked you, my wonderful readers, to share some of the interests and items that have been integral parts of your own personal history for many, many years.

Numerous comments came in which showed a fascinating array of loves. From doll collecting to gardening, vintage table clothes to photographs of dogs, it was such a special treat to get to hear about some of the things that mean the very most to your hearts.

Those who responded to my question in the comment section of the What have you always loved? post  were automatically entered in a draw for a little surprise pack of items that relate to some of my own lifelong long loves.

This is the first "pop up", informal sort of giveaway I've ever held here before, but I highly doubt it will be the last, as I really like the idea of holding giveaways sometimes  that involve sonly items that I already have on hand (as opposed to those that come from a giveaway partner). They're sweet and fun, I do believe, and offer a lovely way for us to connect with one another.

In total 14 comments were received for this post, so yesterday (as promised) using a random number generator, I drew one comment number to award the surprise prize pack to. I'm delighted to report that comment seven, belonging to Kate Champagne (a fellow cat lover) from the charming new vintage blog Old Haunts, is the lucky winner.



Oodles of happy congrats, Kate! Please email me your full mailing address and I'll get your goodies (a mix of items pertaining to crafts, vintage, cooking, and other perpetual loves of mine) out to you this coming week.

Thank you deeply to everyone who shared your interests with me. It was fascinating to see how many of us share one of more lifelong love in common, and I wholeheartedly look forward to delving into some of my own "forever loves" with you in a future post on that topic.

Have a sunny, fabulously fun Saturday, sweet dears!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited and thankful, Jessica, and thank you so much for your sweet email, too! Bubbles, my new kitty, and I are sending lots of good thoughts your way and I'm glad to read you are enjoying the new town!
