
May 11, 2012

Flickr Favourite: May 9, 2012

{Blue Dress ~ sugarpie honeybunch}

{1955 Blue Boy paint by number picture ~ calloohcallay} ]

{Wem schoolchildren learning domestic skills and gardening ~ LIGC ~ NLW}


{1950s blossom earrings ~ pipnstuff}

{1940s dress fashions ~ genibee}

{Fire King teacups ~ lilyrose1963}

{1950s blue and white wiggle dress ~ Retro Kitten Vintage}

{Woman models tennis fashions at Burdine's ~ State Libraries and Archives of Florida}

{Blue bird 1 ~ Georgiana Gem}

{Vintage Mother Goose Storybook Print 'rain' ~ TheVintageRead}

♥ ♥ ♥

It's hardly a secret that I adore colour! Whether I'm building a rainbow of vintage dresses, crafting a handmade greeting card, decorating my abode, or buying a floral arrangement, I'm very often drawn to a plethora of different hues. They needn't always be bright or bold to get my attention, though. Pale, whisper light colours can be every bit as interesting and engaging as punchy ones, as can muted hues and the highly saturated end of the spectrum that is jewel tones.

Each and every colour, in the right context, can be amazing. It can be shy, confident, powerful, delicate, mesmerizing, inspiring, and unforgettable. As each season rolls about, I usually find myself drawn to one or two colours above the rest however. Sometimes I can trace the image or event that inspired my infatuation with a certain hue, at others it's a desire that comes on seemingly out of thin air, akin in so many ways to a food craving - only for the eyes.

This spring I've been enamoured with blue - all shades, from the softest baby blue to the deepest indigo. I think it is blue's inherent sense of tranquility and peace that's made me wish to both drape myself in this colour and spend my time looking at beautiful images featuring all manner of blue shades. With the big move earlier this year and the flurry of activity that fell on either side of it, a lot of the days in 2012 so far have been heavily stressful, busy ones and I suspect that my subconscious was yearning for a sense of respite.

Blue, beautiful, wise colour that it is, was able to deliver a feeling of just that and so it has been the hue at the center of my radar this season, as well as being a key ingredient in many of the Flickr (like the handful in today's post) images I've been adoring lately.

As the season marches onward and life returns to a less hectic pace, I'm excited to see which colour will nab my attention next. Whatever it is, chances are it'll pop up in posts here all throughout the coming months.

What colours are you crushing on right now and which do you foresee being the stars of this coming summer in your books?


  1. Oh my, that bow-tie blouse is adorable! I want one!

    Now that we're heading into winter here in OZ, I'm finding myself craving green, a deep forest green to be exact. Sadly, with all the winter fabrics in stores, it appears to have been forgotten.

    I've also gone a bit purple mad too, see my latest post for evidence. :D

  2. I've been really feeling dresses with neck bows like that first one lately! Or--I guess maybe it's just a scarf? But the high neck makes it all look of a piece. I like it a lot. All the best for the weekend.

  3. Wow, you're good at this! These pictures are all gorgeous! I'm particularly fond of the Mother Goose illustration. There was definitely a certain magic in early 20th century children's book illustrations that gets me every time. :)

  4. this is just a absolutely lovely post! :) those pictures are really fun to look at! :)my fave was the children learning, i love how happy they look hahaha

    wishing you a lovely day,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  5. I'm having a green thing at the moment, again I think it's spring and all the world bursting into colour.

  6. Ah, such pretty pretties!! I love blue, too. So serene and airy.

  7. Some great images here, I especially like the photos of schoolchildren learning domestic skills and the 1940s fashions. As for colours I love most of the soft earthy tones - rust, apricot,olive green and so on but I also love turquoise and the shade of blue that is in the wiggle dress, in fact I've recently bought a linen top in that colour and shall be wearing it a lot this summer.
