
July 22, 2012

Twenty 1940s and 50s real world wedding photos

Every now and then I mull over the fact that I haven’t been to a particularly large number of weddings in my life. Somewhere between 7 and 9 of them, I do believe, to date. There are several factors behind this tiny number, such as that I come from a relatively small family (and am the oldest grandchild and first degree cousin, so my siblings and all of my cousins have yet to marry) and that my group of real world (aka, off-line) friends is quite compact, too.

Add to that the matter that I’ve moved numerous of times over the past decade or so, rarely settling down in one province (or country!) for too long, and thus not always building up a large group of friends and acquaintances. Toss in that I usually work from home (therefore making the kitty and husband my primary coworkers), and that my health often keeps me from joining social activities (sports teams, civic groups etc), and I can easily see why the number of wedding I’ve been do has to cross into double digit territory yet.
Not that I’m blue about this point or anything like that, especially since I know that several family members are, or will soon be, now old enough to contemplate marriage, if they so desire, and thus it’s likely that they’ll be more weddings for me to attend in the coming years.

Which is a very good thing because, you see, like many a gal, I rather adore weddings. I cherish the emotions that come with attending the nuptials of someone you care about (or even a stranger, really), the traditions and rituals of the ceremony, how each couple puts their own spin on things, and the sense of bliss and endlessly possibility that so often radiates from the bride and groom’s faces.

Then of course, there is the wedding dress, the colour scheme, the cake, the flowers, the jubilant mood, the speeches and toasts, the music, and the first kiss. It’s all rather magical and fantastic.

I do not, as of yet, have any weddings to attend this season, however I cannot help but find myself, on this serenely sun-kissed Sunday morning, yearning to take part, either as a guest or in the wedding party, in a wedding today.

Unless I crash one though (which I’d never do!), that won’t be happening though. No worries in the least, there’s always the next best thing (or third best, if you work in order of one’s own wedding, then being a part of someone else’s), and that is looking at vintage wedding photos.

Flickr is ripe with yesteryear wedding inspiration, and so it was there that I turned to find a trove of heartwarmingly wonderful, deeply beautiful 1940s and 50s photographs of real world couples celebrating what was, no doubt, one of – if not the single most – important days of their lives. Some weddings were lavish, others highly humble, and many (then as now) fell somewhere in between.

These images speak volumes unto themselves, and so I have not added my comments below each one (as I usually do with vintage photo filled posts, such as Saturday Snapshots). Their allure and appeal is only heightened by the fact that, upon looking at them, you can write the story of these lovely couples yourself in your mind.

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

Whether you’re attending a wedding a week this summer, just one, or (like me) don’t have any penciled in yet, I hope that you enjoy looking at these terrifically charming, perpetually special shots as much as I did – and that, should you happen to be planning your own marriage in the near future, you’ll be able to draw more than a modicum of inspiration from these timeless vintage wedding photos.

Here’s to the elegance, excitement, and wonder of weddings, and to all those lucky, gorgeous summer brides out there this year!


  1. Oh how lovely. I have a few wedding snaps that I have picked up here and there and I also have quite a few vintage wedding dresses too!
    We haven’t had a wedding in our family for ages and this year I have two to go to- like buses ; ) I think I have only been to three in total!!!
    Tupps x

  2. I'm intrigued by the bicycle tire photo...I showed it to my boyfriend (who is an avid bike rider) and he's convinced we should be doing this at our wedding one day! lol!!

  3. These photos are brilliant, Jessica. I was actually at a wedding yesterday; it was super religious, and made more of God than of the fact that these were just two young people who are madly in love. Made me sad. However, I am now getting a better idea of what I want my wedding next year to be like, and these photos have been a massive help - I'm looking for something low-key and 40s-esque, so thanks for the inspiration! xxx

  4. I always thought that if I would get married I'd have a 40's style wedding and forego a wedding gown. Like my Grama's who neither one of them got married in a gown, besides I'm not really a gown lady.

    Anyway, thanks so much for sharing these photos with us. I really enjoyed them. Hoping and wishing you have plenty of weddings to attend in the future. :)

  5. These are so great. I love vintage wedding photos but candid shots are always the best. It allows the couple's true feelings to come through.

    I haven't attend many weddings either. In the area I grew up, people just lived together even if they had children. SO people in my area are like "OMG you're married!" Yeah like it's something of the past.

  6. Lovely! And the next to last bride look a lot like Rita Hayworth- I wonder if she opted for the hair style just because of that. :)

  7. I've only ever been to two weddings in my life (one was my own), but I enjoyed these pictures immensely. Oh and hello! Im a new reader found you by way of va voom vintage. :)

  8. I think the first and second to last are my favorites, but the bicycle tires make me think of my dad's side of the family and the tradition we have. The bride in all of her finery, gets pushed around the block by the groom. :)

    I never had the joy of participating in that because I had a small courthouse wedding, sans wheel barrow, but my shy sister just about died. I giggled and said, you wanted a big wedding, you get all the family traditions that go with it. (I don't think it has to do with us being in Iowa, I've never seen anyone but our family do it.)

    I wonder how much longer this will go on or will our kids' kids be looking back at pictures saying, what is with the wheel barrow grandma?

    Thanks for sharing these!

  9. I had to go find the pictures in my Facebook account. :) The Manning family tradition of wheeling the bride around in a wheel barrow.... In downtown Des Moines, Ia in this case. My dad is the one helping my sister into the wheelbarrow. And please excuse the fact that I hadn't edited these yet. It was before paintshop pro became my best friend. :)

    1. Thank you very much for sharing your family tradition and photos with me/us, dear gal! I'd heard about a few people with a similar wheelbarrow tradition before, but do believe this might be the first time I'd actually seen photos of it carried out. How very charming and special!

      ♥ Jessica

  10. Oh I just adore these photos. I love weddings too and these were just stunning and inspirational! One day I want my husband and I to renew our vows-I def want to wear a vintage wedding dress hehe xox

  11. I must say I agree with you on how beautiful weddings are! And I have been really fortunate to attend one recently too! I often feel it is an act that requires a great deal of courage and determination....quite remarkable really. Also those are some lovely photos....especially loved the one where guests were holding up bicycle wheels! Have a fabulous week my dear and thanks for the lovely comment!
    May xx

  12. Who doesn't love old wedding snaps? The brides are all so cute & sweet. And those two little girls in their bonnets! The dress & bouquet in #7 are my favourites in terms of fashion... But I just love the humour in the one with the bicycle wheels raised in salute!

  13. I adore weddings! My husband and I are wedding photographers and we did one this weekend. So much fun!

  14. Hi beautiful gals, thank you all very much for your wonderful comments on these vintage wedding images.

    ♥ Jessica

  15. Beautiful images! My own wedding dress was a 1920's style, I have since seen photographs of my grandmother's wedding, which took place in the late twenties, and her dress is almost identical!

  16. I always love reading your blog. These photos are always so pretty. These couples look lovely and so happy!

  17. These photos are so beautiful, it makes you think about each one which has its own story behind it and the day which is so special to these people. I think weddings definately meant more to people then, as they were less of a huge event and more about the people getting married!
    Isabella x

  18. Awww, such lovely photos!
    I've only attended 4 weddings but the 5th is coming up in two weeks. I can't say I over the moon excited (I've never met a single person attending apart from my boyfriend) but hey! It's an excuse to dress up! :)

  19. What a lovely post!!! I hope that you are doing well! :D

  20. Wow, Jessica! So glad I found this fabulous blog- Love it!

  21. I have also had the wonderful fortune to move around the world and the same misfortune of not attending many weddings as a side effect.

    I am in absolute love with the last three photos. From the loveliness of the wedding dress (3rd from the bottom), the hair and happiness of the 2nd for the bottom photo, and all of the beautiful women, dresses, and immense happiness of the sailor.

    Thank you for finding these and sharing.

  22. Oh gosh! So beautiful. I am a little obsessed with old wedding traditions. I think it's sad that they are not carried out so much today. I really want to get married but we need to save our pennies. Love the bicyle wheels. Thanks for sharing these they are so lovely. xx

  23. I love vintage photos- they tell you so much. I especailly love discovering my ancestors in photos and letters (I love researching my family history), I have a few I put on my blog

    I have a wedding photo of my great grandparents from 1904 and one of my great great grandparents which I believe is an engagement photo. It's great seeing the clothes and setting and any little clues as to how life was or the kind of people they were.

    I found your blog through va va voom vintage and it's really interesting and appeals to me as I love vintage shopping, history and that so I'll be coming back again!

  24. Those pictures are so neat. It is interesting to see how the women didn't always wear a fancy white dress. The one with the fur stole is cool. I love some of the serious poses, and I love the deep joy on some of their faces. Also, some of those vintage guys are so handsome.

  25. Some great wedding pictures !!!
    Best regards from Paris,


    1. I love to see the Old Wedding Gowns as I have sold a few myself! I also am a hairStylist and make -up Artist, who Loves to see a great Blog on the subject!! Your lipstick is the perfect red blue tone for your photo by the way!!
      Can't wait to read again!!
      Love and Good luck.

      Lisa from The baroque Princess shop On ETSY!


    2. The Fisher's Married June 15-1947 visit us at

  26. Hello we are the Fisher's married June 15-1947 in Philadelphia Pa, celebrated 68 years of marriage on a cruise this year. Still have love letters written to me in 1945Still have some dried out flowers from my bridal book I carried at my wedding and still have our wedding photo album. We usually win when in a theatre and they askfor the longest married couple. I am 87 Jack is 88 still drives at night live in Florida

    1. That is truly beautiful. Thank you both very much for sharing your inspiringly wonderful story with everyone here. My husband and I married fairly young (by modern standards) and both hope with all our hearts that we can one day put our hands up with the same claim as you two.

      Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving and many more great anniversaries to come,
      ♥ Jessica
