
August 25, 2012

Saturday Snapshots: August 25, 2012

{There's happiness on their faces for sure, but given the date ('43) and his military uniform, one can't help but wonder what other emotions lurked under their smiling veneers.}

{Given the seats these sweet little girls - and their darling doll - are in, I'd venture to guess this image was snapped at a movie theater, but other spots such as a community centre or school auditorium are certainly possibilities too.}

The only information provided for this photo is, "Dorothy in Florida", which gives us a person and place - good starting points for sure - but beyond that, not being an expert on Florida's tourist attractions in the 50s, I'm not sure sure where this fun shot was captured. Any ideas?}

{The hardworking ladies and gents of the Long Beach Terminal, Fairbanks Yard, during the 1950s.}

{A young couple poses for a snap in their front yard, with mom-to-be on the right sporting a seriously cute polka dot scarf tied in a bow around her neck.}

{If toy dolls, like the one the girls in the photo earlier in this post, are symbolic of mid-century childhood for gals, then sci-fi inspired playthings like the ray gun this youngster is shooting speak volumes of the toys that little boys of the era played with day in and day out.}

{Sporting a lovely floral print short sleeved 1940s dress that I would wear in a heartbeat, a woman stands confidently and somewhat seriously for a portrait that may have been captured in a professional studio or at home with a cloth pinned up as a backdrop. Time however has lost such details, just as this lady remains nameless to us, though her beauty and powerful eyes live on and keep us wondering about who she was and what was on her mind that day.}

{Then as now, a wedding reception just wouldn't be a wedding reception if at least one silly dance didn't transpire! :)}

{Hugs, saddle shoes, cloth pegs, and a star sticker that someone applied on top of this photo at some point, jump out at you as you gaze at these 1940s sweethearts.}

{Four 1950s ladies try their hand at burro riding while on vacation (I'd venture to guess to Mexico). Save perhaps for the woman second from the left, none of the people or the animals seem to be having to fun of a time though. Nevertheless, it did make for a great holiday photo that we're still enjoying decades later.}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be 
taken to its respective Flickr page.}

♥ ♥ ♥

Part dreamer, part realist, and often headstrong, I've long been a fan of starting new adventures, prospects, and opportunities, be they of the smallest scale or grander than one can even begin fathom at the time of starting out. There are countless things in the world just waiting for us to try them out, on, or for a spin for the very first time.

In striving for the new and unknown, or finally embarking on something familiar you've thought about for a good long while, you expand your horizon, your bank of memories, and ultimately change your life to some degree. Not everything that one attempts will be a ravishing success, nor will you necessarily end up loving or caring about it in the long run. That rarely matters, what counts is reaching, trying, attempting and hoping as you venture through your days.

Sometimes we overthink new beginnings - or the notion of even trying something unknown out for the first time. We may feel like the timing or other circumstances is wrong, and though such can certainly be the case at times, more often then not the hardest part lies not in the details of what is to come, but in having the courage, conviction, and optimism to simply start.

A little earlier this summer I made the decision to finally embark on a project that I'd been bouncing around in my head for nothing less than five years. Do I know if it will ultimately work out, be all that I hope it will be, and become a key part of my world? No, no one can possibly know for sure what the future has up its sleeve, but I'm hopeful and am taking plenty of steps to help this goal come to fruition and then, with plenty of elbow grease and luck, flourish. Though I'll remain tight-lipped about it at this stage as to just what that project is, I can tell you that you'll be hearing and seeing more about it here a little later in the year (if all goes as planned).

Summer has always seemed like an ideal time to start something new to me. Perhaps it's because wherever you look, the world just seems so fantastically alive, energetic, cheerful and hopeful. Whatever the case, if there's anything - be it something as a easy as a trying out a new restaurant you've been eyeing or as impactful as going back to school at the age of sixty - that you've been debating giving a shot lately, from the bottom of my heart I encourage you to take the plunge right along side me, as we enrich our lives together at the same time.


As I know that - like myself - many of you love to pin, repost, use quotes on Tumblr or Facebook and the like, starting today (and for every future edition of Saturday Snapshots from here on out), all quotes that appear in Saturday Snapshots will be images that you can pin or download for your own use anywhere you'd like.


  1. Can't wait to hear what your new project will be. I love seeing all these real life vintage photographs. I especially like the wedding scene. I love seeing color photographs since they were so rare. Also, love the image with the matching saddle shoes:)

  2. Another delightful post!! You are so eloquent! :D
    Best of luck on your newest endeavour. I completely agree about starting something new and taking the plunge. I recently decided to do just that (with a friend and my sister), and so we will be releasing our own line of nail polishes. :) I am so glad that I decided to take this opportunity, whereas before I would have most likely not have done so due to anxieties.
    I hope that you are in great health and that you are happy! :)

  3. I love the photographs and trying to work out the story behind them. My favourites are the boy with the raygun and the forties sweethearts - I just love that star for some reason and it doesn't seem out of place.

    Can't wait to hear about your project and I wish you lots of luck in it.

    I'm getting that fresh-start feeling myself, but with me it's the run up to September as I always feel like I should be going back to school and learning things.

    Nikki x

  4. I wonder if the man in military uniform made it through the war. The ladies on the donkeys are really very funny, it probably seemed like a good idea, but once on them, they don't look at all sure.
    I cannot wait to hear what new adventure you are embarking upon.
    Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave on my blog, I appreciate them very much.

  5. How exciting!!! I'm so eager to find out what your new project is and hope everything flows well as you begin it. I've learned recently life is just too short to not do what you want to do and to not put it off for later.

    I do hope you're feeling better!! :::hugs:::

  6. These are really great. My faves are the one of the two young couples. They look so happy and sincere. It's hard to find photos of people who are genuinely happy.

    It's always scary and exciting to try something new but whether you succeed or fail at least you know you tried.

  7. Some great images - the wedding guests look as though they are having a really good time. I love the dresses worn by 'Dorothy' and the nameless lady in the floral dress with a sweetheart neckline. Hope your new venture goes well, looking forward to hearing more about it.

  8. I just adore your Saturday Snapshots! And ohhhhh a project???!!! How exciting!!??? I am looking fwd to hearing more about it and hoping that things fall into place for you while you are wking on it! Much hugs!

  9. I'm not sure many of those ladies felt quite comfortable on horseback.

  10. can't tell you how much i enjoyed the photos

  11. Ooh I love Saturday Snapshots! Best of luck with your new venture :o)

  12. These photos filled my heart with joy! Can't wait to see what your project will be!

  13. yeah ...i love your snap shot collection. very inspiring.

  14. Thank you for sharing pictures, I absolutely love them!

  15. Aren't you glad that people captured life through photography, and still do? These are just wonderful, and as usual, so wonderfully captioned! I wonder if the ladies on the mules are at the Grand Canyon as that was an important part to any visit there. Whatever your project might be, I look forward to learning more!

  16. Hi sweet ladies,

    Thank you all very much for your lovely, encouraging comments. I look forward to sharing more about my project with you in the coming months (if all goes to plan) - especially since I'm bubbling with excitement about it :)

    Tons of hugs & cheerful Sunday wishes to you all,
    ♥ Jessica

  17. I've just got the first photograph and pasted on my facebook wall!

  18. How I love the dress on the first photo, I could wear that myself! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Hugs, Min mormors vind :)

  19. Great photos, I love the lady next to the boat, she is so put together.

  20. These are just lovely photographs. And I'm excited to find out about your secret project! Best of luck with it.

  21. Fantastic photos! Love 'em. I especially like the lady in Florida next to the boat. I wonder if it belongs to her or someone she knows? And she has a great dress and shoes. Very stunning! I also love the pic of the smiling young couple. Especially the woman's lipstick shade, though it's not in color, i can tell it becomes her.. and i adore her polka dotted 'bow tie'.. :)

  22. These photos are fantastic!! Love the first one. x

  23. A very inspiring post Jessica and for me personally it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm going to write that quote down for when I need some inspiration and reassurance.
    I'm very excited for you and your plans, can't wait to hear all about it when you are ready to share. :-) xxx

  24. I love these pictures, particularly the sweethearts and the conga line!

  25. I love your Saturday snapshots! My eyes kept going to the saddle shoes and socks! Love these!

  26. *LOVE* the little boy with the cowboy hat and the ray gun. So adorable!

