
October 27, 2012

Halloween 2012 edition of Flickr Favourites

{Ann Savage witch ~ carbonated}

{Cute jack-o-lantern cupcakes ~ *CQ*}

{Excitement ~ carbonated}

{Skeleton and witch ~ superbomba}

{June Lang Halloween ~ carbonated}

{Harvest moon dinner ~ Skip Hansen}

{Nice cloak ~ carbonated}

{Black kitten ~ mourner}

{Vintage Halloween card ~ joe&peta}

{Full harvest moon ~ Elle-Epp}

The twinge of excitement that’s been building since the stroke of midnight when August ushered in September, has grown to near peak capacity, as Halloween looms just four days away now.

My most favourite and beloved holiday (and, aside from my wedding anniversary, day of the year, period) since I was the size of a mini pumpkin, Halloween is an event that I wait for with more enthusiasm than a vampire pouncing on an unsuspecting victim in the shadows.

To me it is a night of magic and enchantment, heightened senses, mysteries, fun, games, scrumptious treats, treasured decorations, taking on a new persona (through my costume), recounting October 31st's past, and delighting in every single second of this unique, endlessly awesome day.

One can never have too many Halloween decorations, in my books, nor pieces of candy, costumes, friends to celebrate it with, or eerie, hauntingly beautiful, or playful All Hallow's Eve themed images to look at.

To that end, I knew that I wanted this edition of Flickr Favourites to be devoted to a day that has brought me more merriment over the years than I could ever shake a witch's broomstick at, and which I know is also a treasured, deeply beloved celebration for many of you, too.

I hope you enjoy and garner inspiration from these hair-raisingly marvelous October 31st themed images of past and present, and am wishing you each the happiest countdown to Halloween, my dearest ghouls, hobgoblins, sorceresses, werewolves, and ghosties!


  1. I love Halloween but sadly have no parties to go too. I suppose I could dress up to entertain myself, but it isn't as much fun! I went to a party as Baby Jane one year but had to remove my make up as I was scaring another guest!

  2. I love all those vintage halloween pics. And the kitty, adorable. We actually spotted a black kitten yesterday, all I could think was halloween was around the corner.

  3. Those are absolutely wonderful photos, Jessica! The cupcakes are making my mouth water a little.. and they're so festive to look at. Little black kitten. So cute. What an adorable witch's familiar. :) Happy almost Halloween to you!

  4. I love the little black kitty, so cute.

  5. Love the innocence of the June Lang photo.

  6. i adore this collection of images..some gems! i love halloween also, we have always celebrated it because my mum's birthday is the day before. the whole month of october and the days after halloween just feel so atmospheric and special to me. I have no plans this year, we have received some very sad news, so we will be lying low but lighting our lanterns and remembering the souls that have departed

  7. Hello dear Jessica,

    I am really hungry right now, and those cupcakes look DELICIOUS!

    Favorite holidays is a subject of interest to me. My absolutely favorite holiday is Thanksgiving day. it is so noncommercial that retailers entirely skip over it. Thanksgiving Day is simple a day to give thanks. no one expects to be given anything, or get anything, other than good food and good fellowship. That makes me happy.

    :) Hope

  8. Absolutely marvelous all around! Happy Halloween!

  9. What a diverse and magical collection of photos you have put together. The diverse nature of all the pictures make you delight, shiver and "aawwhh" in turn...I especially love the positively un-evil, tiny black cat. You have captured the fun of nice, so innocent and yet with a touch of darkness.xx

  10. I'm missing out on Halloween this year because of work but I've enjoyed all the photos and ideas that yourself and other bloggers are sharing!

    Just to let you know too, your blog is in my top 5 for outfit posts, I did a little post about it here:

    I used one of your photos but it's clearly linked to your blog, I hope this is okay - please let me know if there's any issue!

    Have a good week!

    Porcelina xx

    1. My dear Porcelina, I'm incredibly touched, thank you very, very much for including me amongst such esteemed fashion bloggers. I'm incredibly honoured and of course don't mind at all that you used one of my photos (you are always welcome to).

      Thank you again - you've just started off my week on such a terrifically bright note!

      ♥ Jessica
