
December 30, 2012

Adjectives, not resolutions, for 2013

A few weeks ago I did something that was outside the realm of my personal comfort zone. To most people it would have been as mundane as washing their hair or mowing the lawn, but for me it's something that is intensely unpleasant. I bucked up, did what had to be done, and got on with life. It's better, more often than not, to suffer in the moment, than to prolong an unwanted experience for days or weeks on end and suffer agony on top of the eventual reality of what you know simply must be done. And this got me thinking.

Thinking about bravery, about gumption, about moxie, and confidence, and as the day wore on, as my nerves settled a bit, other words began to flash into my mind, not about myself per se, but about the traits, be they ingrained or donned like a superhero costume when need be that we all have, and those which we aspire to apply more to our own lives.

Nestled into the taupe hued sofa in our living room, I began reflecting back over the past year once again and it struck me just how many times I'd stepped outside of my comfort zone over the last twelve months, and how - more often than not - my life had gotten better in some regard because of it.

Throughout my adult life I've often tried to consciously get better at various things, to improve those that I'm less than stellar at, and to stare fear straight in the eyes until it backs down. This will never change, it's tied to my tenacious nature, but that doesn't mean that I can't keep working and improving myself. Every can, and should, continue to better themselves however possible.

New Year's resolutions can be fantastic little critters indeed, but I've long been of the opinion that one can make a resolution at any point in the year, if they so desire, no need to wait for the ball to drop in Times Square (as I discussed in this post last January), so I'm not really setting any hard and fast resolutions that will kick into effect with the speedometer rolls over once more on January 1st .

There are goals I'm working on already, others that I'll likely kick off later this year, and some that will probably come about throughout 2013 that I'm not even aware of the possibility of yet. No, instead of resolutions for the coming year, I'm making a list of the adjectives that I want to personify, get better at, and work on rocking as often as possible - even when doing so sends a shiver of fear or worry down my spine.

I want to be, or will continue to be brave, confident, creative, beautiful, open (to new experiences and opportunities), thrifty, adventurous, and awesome.

These are my words for the year. Reminders both big and small of who I am, who I want to be, and who I'm developing into as I continue to grow.

The older I get (and at nearly 28.5, believe me, I'm scarcely a spring chicken these days), the more I come to realize that so much of what we think is holding us back, truly isn't. So often it's just a matter of changing our mindset, stepping out of our comfort zone, and being ok with not knowing what tomorrow may bring that launches that greatest changes - the moves and decisions that are more than just resolutions, but full on revolutions in our own lives.

You’ve got to love that. I sure do and I cannot wait to live my adjectives in the exciting year ahead.


  1. *Applause!*

    Great post! Yes, bravery is a skill that improves with practice. I was a shy, timid child with a small comfort-zone. Learning to venture outside it was very scary to me. And yet, as you note, every time I did, good things happened. Now, I continue to push past my inhibitions to explore the world and am constantly rewarded for the effort.

    Go, Jessica, go!

  2. Back in 2011, I adopted "when in doubt, be BOLD!" as my motto for the year and I think that helped me accomplish things much better than any resolutions ever did. Can't wait to see what adventures 2013 brings for you!

  3. I love the paragraph where you state resolutions can be made any time of the year. In our world there's too much laziness to go about making life changing resolutions more than once a year. Sad. I carry with me a tattered old piece of paper of resolutions I make all the year long. I think making resolutions and fulfilling them constantly makes one so confident, shoving out any threat of self-hatred or depression etc. This post was great, top-notch!
    I'm sorry I'm stalking your blog but you've made it absolutely impossible not to....with all the lovely things and sagacious things you've to say!

    1. Hi Kyrstle,

      Thank you very much for all of your recent comments. I'm touched - and don't mind in the slightest - that you're "stalking" my blog. It's incredibly sweet to know when a new reader enjoys what they find here.

      I really like your approach of carrying around a list of your ongoing goals. I've done the same myself sometimes over the years.

      Thank you again for your lovely comments. I sincerely hope that the year ahead is a joyful, incredible one for you!

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Oh, I do like this approach!

    Wishing you a lovely New Year!


  5. I've always noticed that resolutions never workout if they end resolute is out of reach. I think we should try to better ourselves as people and make others happy.

  6. Another great thought-provoking post, Jessica! You seem to know yourself so well, and that's really commendable. Although I think at 28 you're still pretty young. I'm 24, and I need to feel that I have more youthful years ahead of me! :) I did want to tell you that I wrote my own 12 Things in 2012 Post ( I hope you don't mind, I was just very inspired by your post!

  7. I loved reading your post! I can relate to you in so many ways! It is hard to try something different and as you get older for some it may seem harder to do. But keep doing what you are doing bc you are then giving it your all to live a full and fulfilling life! Blessings to you and yours my friend for New Years!!! xox Bunny

  8. happy new year ... in 2013 i have to be brave and i want to be brave. i will leave my comfort(?) zone and i will step up further to a new life ... :) thanks for another year with inspiring posts!!!

  9. I adore this idea on a mindset to take for New Years!

  10. I feel very inspired by this post. I love the idea of the adjectives, it's a very good way of looking at the year ahead.

  11. I just adored this post! it really inspired me to think of things to work on about myself in the new year! :) I have missed you and thank your for your sweetest comment on my blog, its nice to know I am being thought of! :) I cant wait to see your next great post!

    hugs and a happy new year,

  12. I, too, have problems doing things that are outside of my comfort zone and like you, I find that its better to get them over with rather than wait and worry over them. Your list of adjectives are great ones to aspire to and I look forward to sharing those adjectives with you in 2013. Happy New Year sweet lady!

  13. Happy New Year Jessica! I know that all the goals you are setting will be achieved as they already have been:)

  14. Such a lovely post, and so true. I love this idea of letting go of those resolutions and focusing inside instead. A broken resolution only brings us down, but focusing on adjectives gives a boozt to do the best you can. You really put a smile on my face this dark and gloomy December morning. Thank you for that! I wish you a fabulous 2013, dear gal!

  15. So inspiring! Confident and creative are at the top of my list as well.

  16. Oh my goodness, I know exactly what you mean. My whole life I've lived in fear of the unknown and stay stuck in my little bubble of isolation and shyness. Change is hard, but necessary in order to not remain stagnant. Here's to making 2013 a year of change, and expanding the comfort zone to include new and awesome adventures!

  17. You really are such an inspiration! From meeting you and so many other lovely ladies on blogger, makes me confidant to become more of who I'm meant to be. :) Continue to be your spectacular self, Jessica. You're a precious gem in this world!

  18. I love the idea of adjectives instead of resolutions! Resolutions have always seemed so formal to me and always a bit disappointing when they aren't achieved, whereas adjectives are all the more obtainable. :)

  19. I love that you used a picture of rock climbing. Have you ever been climbing? I had been climbing with my husband and his friends for a few years before I thought to ask one of our more experienced friends if he gets scared. Turns out, climbing is not worth it unless you are scared. That's the whole point. Scared, and overcome it.

    1. Eons ago I did scale a few modest sized hills in Girl Guides, but it was always via a path, not up a rock face, so I can honestly say that I've never been mountain climbing. It would now be virtually impossible for me due to my health unfortunately. However, while I may not be able to tackle actual mountains, I can certainly relate to what you mean regarding overcoming the fear involved with such an exhilarating experience.

      ♥ Jessica

  20. Bravo! This was an excellent and inspiring read, youve gotten me thinking about my own "adjectives" for the new year! Much applause from Seattle, i cant wait to see what is in store for us both in the coming months<3

    Xo Sara

  21. My particular issue with New Year resolutions is their air of finality - they are changes that must be unalterably made. When slip ups invariably occur, it hardly seems worth continuing. Too many times I've broken a resolution and mentally added it to next year's list, rather than starting again. Which is why I love the idea of adjectives, there's room to grow, pause or even step back a bit. It's all part of the process!

    My adjectives are to be Godly, healthy, peaceful and focussed.

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational thoughts :)

    Ruby xx

  22. I've gone in for a " don't sweat the small stuff" tactic this year. But I love the idea of just adjectives for the year- sort of underpinning everything you do, great idea.

    Janine x
