
January 31, 2013

A look back at January 2013

 Right around the end of 2012, my dear friend Bunny Monroe asked me if I was planning to put together a year-in-review post about some of the vintage outfits I'd worn throughout the past year. I'd already been contemplating the idea of doing so myself, but, as I replied to Bunny, I held off because (stickler for accuracy that I am) I technically did not start posting outfit snaps here (on any kind of regular basis) until last March, and as such a year-in-review of my outfits from 2012 would not truly encompass a full a year (I could have recapped what appeared here all the same, but again, it just didn't feel right to do a year end post that did not span topics from January to December).

Bunny's question however, got me thinking about the general topic of “in review” posts and early on in the initial days of this month, I decided that I'd debut something here on Chronically Vintage that I've not really done before, and that is to recap some of the highlights (good, bad or otherwise!) from the past month will all of you.

I'd like such posts to become a monthly event that transpire on the last day of the month, or if that's not possible (or if the last day happens to fall on a holiday and I'd prefer to dedicate a post to that special day) during the first few days of the next month, and in the spirit of ensuring something takes place starting in January, we'll launch this new series- which I'm calling "A look back at (whatever month)" - today.

I'm not rigidly mapping out how such posts will go, they're open to all kinds of potential and will, at their heart, be about looking back as some of the blog posts that stood out for me during the course of a given month, as well as some of the things that transpired in my life, which I might not have yet blogged about. Photos, links to interesting stories on other peoples' sites, and an array of diverse subject matter may pop up here as well.

Overall, I'd say that this month fell squarely into the mixed bag category. On a personal level there were some relatively long, stressful days, but also some terrific ones. The weather, in true January fashion, was bracingly cold, but we were treated to a fair bit of icy sunshine as well. I was able to accomplish a lot on some fronts, and almost none on others.

Vintage 1950s winter S R toothpaste ad

{January hit much like a snowball that you happen to see coming straight at you: freezing, a little rough, but ultimately worth smiling about. Image source.}

My heart and soul didn't want to say goodbye to either the Christmas spirit or 2012 (as I discussed in this post), both having been so tremendously lovely. I think that in the wake of such a great year and holiday season, January felt a bit akin to when you return home from a fabulous vacation and have a bit of a hard time readjusting to the usual ebb and flow of life again. I lingered on taking down the decorations, packing away the Christmas records, ceasing to bake shortbread cookies, and hanging up my holiday cardigan.

Ultimately though, all of those things took place, especially since I needed to devote my thoughts and attention to other going-ons, such as doing our personal and business taxes, medical appointments, and (infinitely more enjoyably than either of those things) thrifting with my mom at a Value Village 50% off sale in the middle of the month.

Much as one often feels after a great vacation, I think I was more worn out from the (albeit mostly positive) hecticness of 2013 then I initially realized. This point didn't hit me as the ball dropped at midnight on New Year's or even for a few days afterwards, but by around the 10th (which, as a neat side note, is exactly the halfway mark to my birthday), it did and I needed a few days to unwind and recharge.

Interesting, right around that time, our home internet service was inexplicably down for nearly six days. I kept up with some of my usual online activities via my iPhone (an awesome recent Christmas gift from Tony) while out and about, but for the most part, I fell behind on emails, social media, blog feeds, etc for a few days and then spent the next week feverishly trying to keep up. This only wore me out more (I'm all for hiatuses, I just prefer them to be planned ones!), but it didn't shake the happiness from my spirit that was present as 2012 came to a close, and I'm very grateful for that.

As we sit here on the morning of the last day of January, I still feel like my batteries need some more boosting, but their energy levels, so to speak, are gradually climbing back up, and I'm sure the lovely festivities (Groundhog Day, Valentine's, the one year anniversary of when we moved to B.C. last year, etc) of this month will help that cause further.

Here on the blogging front a lot transpired this month, and before I go any further, I want to thank each and every one of you for your tremendously lovely comments, support, encouragement, help, and friendship throughout this month. As I remarked to Tony numerous times while reading and approving blog comments, I feel so blessed to have such amazing readers and online friends.

So what took place here throughout January? The year kicked off with a post that highlighted The importance of having a blogging schedule, then in New hair for the New Year I shared with all of you about the fact that due to years of ongoing hair loss, the time had finally come for me to start wearing a wig. The incredible outpouring of kindness and support that I received in response to both that post and my wig unveiling (a photo from which is pictured below) a few days later will stay with me for the rest of my life.

1940s winter skirt and turtleneck outfit, image_4

As the month rolled on, I talked about one of my vintage holy grains in The kind of vintage piece that pipe dreams are made of, celebrated six years of wearing glasses, explored how vintage clothes sizing works, took a peak at How I store, and why I love, vintage bangle bracelets; and in a very intimate post, I shared with you that Chronically Vintage and I are both now on Facebook for the first time.

There were other posts, too, but these are some of the ones that standout most for me from the past month. Another pair of highlights occurred when I won two online giveaways: a splendidly pretty cardigan from the gorgeous blog Circus Girl, and a fabulous Arthelia's Attic snood from Haute Rockabilly Fashionista.
In the case of the latter, I own my win entirely to the incredible kindness of Rockabilly Belle from Rockabelle Bombshell who, in what sincerely stands out as one of the most thoughtful gestures anyone has ever done for, donated her entry to me with the following giveaway comment, "I would love it if you would count my blogging of the Snoods towards Jessica's at Chronically Vintage, she is such a sweetheart and wants one so bad."

It's true, I did, but I never in a million years imagined that I'd end up winning one because of someone else's random act of kindness. Amongst a month that wasn't always a bed of roses, Rockabilly Belle's generosity and sweetness shine luminously as a definite point of awesomeness, and I cannot begin to thank her enough for the fact that I'm now waiting for my first even Arthelia's Attic snood to arrive because of her (with an outfit post including it to follow once it does).

So what does February have in store as we look ahead? In part, as always, only time will tell, but I can let you in on the fact that I'm planning posts on topics as diverse as the history of maple syrup, my first pink Christmas tree, and plenty of Valentine's Day festivities.

1940s General Motors car ad feauturing a young woman and a winter snowman

{Sno’ fooling, I have high hopes for February and suspect it will be a great month when all is said and done. Image source.}

Though I wouldn't call this past month my favourite January of all time, it was by absolutely no means the worst either. In so many ways, it was simply January, simplistic though that may sound. Cold, busy, taxing, sometimes quite fun, and the only way possible to begin the year anew.

Happy last day of January, my wonderful dears - may February bring us all nicer weather, scores of joy, and an extra big dose of some of the things (and people - in the case of the 14th) that we love the most!


  1. That's so generous of Rockabilly Belle!

    1. It truly was. Without a doubt, I think that it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. Even if I hadn't won (but was made aware that she did it), I'd feel exactly the same. So sweet, thoughtful and generous!

      ♥ Jessica

  2. This recap idea is great. If we miss a post, we can find out and go back and catch up!

    1. Hi Kathleen, thank you for your enthusiasm about this new monthly post. I won't be recapping every single post from the past month, but will mention several that strike me as especially noteworthy will show up, so as you mentioned readers who missed one or more the first time around get the chance to hear about them a second time around. I'm really looking forward to ending the month on this fun note from here on out.

      ♥ Jessica

  3. Hmmm I might just have to borrow the idea of a "monthly review". January was doozy for allof us it seems! I love each of your adventure and outfit posts, the new Do' looks wonderful on you you (take it from me,red heads are the best!) Im looking forward to maybe a few recipie posts in febuary! You always find the best treats to try out! Viva la Febuary!

    1. Hi Mick, thank you very much! So true, it seems like January was a tough (or at least wonky) month for most people. Hmmmm, not the best of notes to start the new year off on, but we can always hope for a better February and rest of 2013.

      I'm really happy to know that you like my wig. I've received such fantastic, supportive feedback about it from my readers here - far more than I ever expected, and really feel so much more confident about being a full time wig wearer now because of it.

      ♥ Jessica

  4. I like review posts but they do seem to be a lot of work. I don't make nearly enough posts to make a round up.

    I'm hoping to do some thrifting with my mom when we go to Vegas. My hubby is kind of worried about it but he worries about everything.

    1. Hi Mariela, I really hope you get to do some thrifting while in Vegas. There are few places in the States I can think that would be cooler to thrift at!

      Thank you very much for your comment, dear gal,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I love this idea! It's nice to have a chance to read any posts I've missed. I've really enjoyed reading your blog which I discovered in November and it's great to see you and Chronically Vintage on Facebook.
    I hope February is a brilliant month for you. xxx

  6. First off, let me say, how in the world did I miss your post with your holiday cardigan??? It must have been the Christmas rush and bustle! So, how very glad I am that you linked back to it! It is lovely, indeed!

    Happy last day of January to you too, my dear friend. I for one, am glad this month is over! lol. I look forward to February and can't wait to read about the history of maple syrup. =)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady - the holidays were soooo busy, don't worry in the slightest that you didn't see the cardigan post (which, come to think of it, was the last outfit post with my real hair in it) the first time around.

      I'm glad this month is over, too. It was a stressful, costly (tons of huge unexpected expensive) expenses for us (yes there were good moments, but I was surprised by how many unpleasant ones there were), and I'm eager to usher in February and hopefully reset the trend that this year has already taken (so to speak). I hope February is a much better moth for you as well.

      ♥ Jessica

  7. Hello my dear friend! What a great idea to have a review of the month blog post! I am still trying to figure out how I want my blogging schedule to look (thanks of course to your post this month on having a schedule - which I had never thought of before knowing you!) :D Wow, out of internet for 6 days... that stinks... not sure what I would do because no iphone! lol!
    Talk again soon,
    Beth P

  8. I like this new post segment! Recapping the month is a nice send off to the old and welcome to new. And that photo ad of the poor girl getting pummeled with a snowball?! She was a terrific sport, but ouch!

  9. Wow, when you put it all in words, you had a very busy month indeed:) I love the outfit you posted. Black and red are like peas and carrots:) I think splashes of red to a canvas of black is just lovely. Looking forward to your February posts dear friend!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Joanna. I completely, agree, red and black do go together like carrots and peas. I've been wearing them so much this season that I've actually had to curtail doing so a little, less it look like my wardrobe suddenly shrunk down to just a few pieces and a couple of colours. :D

      ♥ Jessica

  10. How sweet of Rockabilly Belle... that is a lovely thoughtful thing to do :) Perhaps you can pass on the act of kindness to someone else- it seems like a small thing to do :)
    And it has certainly been an adventurous month for you, if nothing else!

    1. Hi Rachel, thank you very for your lovely comment. Indeed, it truly was an incredibly nice thing of her to do. I'm a huge believer in random acts of kindness and paying it forward, and try to brighten other peoples' lives whenever possible, so hopefully I'll make someone as happy as she made me this year, too.

      ♥ Jessica

  11. Love this review post. While I think you look absolutely fabulous in your wig, I really think the bravest thing I saw was you joining facebook. One of the hardest things to do after abuse is to live your life - especially anywhere the person might be. ((((hugs))) You are an absolutely wonderful lady and can't wait to get to know your better online!

    1. Thank you deeply, dear lady, that truly means a lot to me. For a long, long time that was a topic that I couldn't even bring myself to talk about publicly, however, I've never known a more supportive and caring group of people online than I've found here amongst my vintage friends, and this fact helped give me the extra boast of confidence I needed to discuss this deeply intimate element of my life.

      ♥ Jessica

  12. I love this idea to summarize your month in one blog post at the end of the month! I visited your blog for the first time on that post about Blogging Schedule, and I was hooked! I love how you write so much about your days and thoughts, your blog is personal and I love it!


    1. Thank you very much, dear Marcela. Writing has always been one of my greatest passions and very favourite things to do, so it really means a lot to me to know when others enjoy the the multitude of things I write about here in my wee little corner of the internet.

      ♥ Jessica

  13. You won the snood!!!! That is so wonderful!!!! :D
    Wonderful post, and I really hope that 2013 is an absolutely amazing year for you and your family. :D <3

  14. I absolutely love this idea of a monthly recap, and will look forward to these posts as i do every one of yours, Jessica! I was sorry to see last year end too! But it sounds like 2013 is shaping up to be pretty darned great. At least i feel positive about it so far! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. May the whole of February be Valentinely sweet for you! xx Shauna

  16. I think I will have to come back to this blog to read all the links at my leisure as lots of them have me intrigued now Jessica. It was very kind of your blogging friend to do that for you, I think the blogging community here does seem to be made up of lots of very lovely people doesn't it? I'm looking forward to all your future blogs and catching up with some of your old ones too. xx

    1. Most definitely, yes, some of the absolute loveliest, kindest and friendliest folks I've ever had the great pleasure of knowing have been those I've met in the blogging community. It's been wonderful "meeting" you for the first time recently, sweet lady, and I too very much look forward to enjoying your future blog posts.

      ♥ Jessica

  17. You are such a sweetie, I can feel it in my bones - I am glad someone else rooted for you in the giveaway! You deserve it, mi'lady :-)

    Here's to an awesome February for you!


    Veronica Vintage

    1. Thank you very much, my dear Holly.

      Wishing you an absolutely marvelous February as well!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* speaking of giveaways, I would so take part in the wonderful one on your blog right now if it wasn't for my pesky nickel allergy and the fact that I tend to avoid most jewelry made from/with metal as a result unless I'm certain it's nickel-free.
