Stephanie shared her answers in the form of a Youtube video, but as I'm more of a (virtual) pen and paper kind of gal, I'm opting to jot down my replies instead (peppering them with photos, of course).
Though I could write whole posts on just about each of these questions unto themselves, I don't want you feel like you're slogging away through an essay here, and so have tried to keep my answers short and sweet.
{21 vintage lifestyle questions and answers}

2. What is your favourite way to get inspired? I'm guessing that this question was meant in the context of wardrobe inspiration, in which case that would probably be a toss up between looking at vintage photos (say, on Flickr) or playing around in my closet and dreaming up ideas for future outfits.
3. What's your most-used hair tool? In my real hair days, I would have said my various types of curlers. Now, wig wearer that I am, I'd have to say that I've been focusing more on accessories than tools (with hair flowers seeing the most play as of late).
4. What's your favourite hair tool? Even though they sometimes bother my skin (as you may recall from this post about my hunt for nickel-free bobby pins), I'm going to have to go with the classic workhorse that is the humble bobby pin (which I still use often with my wig).
5. Updo, down, or half-and-half? I tend to enjoy and wear all three, but if I had to pick just one, I'd probably opt for half-and-half (such as style in this photo below, which was taken in East Kelowna last spring).

6. Is vintage something you do every day, on weekends, or for special occasions? All the time, baby!
7. What's your favourite blush and lipstick? My cheeks have a generous natural hit of pink to them already, so I don't wear blush that often. When I do, it's usually one from Clinique. My favourite lipstick is definitely MAC's Russian Red.
8. Dress, skirt, or pants? Heels or flats? A femininely tailored vintage dress and a cute pair of heels, please.
9. Off-the-rack or homemade? I love both, but as I don't sew my own clothing, I usually go for off-the-rack or reproduction.
10. Do you swing dance? I know how to, and certainly did swing dance at one point, however for several years now I've not really been able to due to my health. So these days I usually just tap my fingers to the beat of my favourite big band tunes from the comfort of my living room.
11. Extreme vintage or subtle touches? If one means head-to-toe vintage/repro/vintage appropriate by "extreme", than, yes, that's me the overwhelming majority of the time.
12. Favourite perfume? It's a tie between the sublimely gorgeous, deep, subtly vanilla tobacco redolent Dior Hypnotic Poison and the feminine, classic elegance of Ralph Lauren Romance.
13. Favourite skincare product? As I chatted about in this post earlier in the year, I tend to stick with classic skincare/beauty products and don't have an arsenal of expensive skincare items cluttering my counters. The more I think about it, the more I do believe that a simple bar of Dove Beauty Bar Sensitive Skin may be my favourite, as I use it both to cleanse my skin everyday and to shave with (most shaving creams irritate my super sensitive skin).
14. What does your family think of your style? I'm consider myself so fortunate that my immediate family members all seem to like, respect, and understand my style (very much including Tony, who flat out loves the fashion sense of his vintage bedecked wife).
15. Favourite accessory? My classic strand of pearls, which was a 27th birthday present from Tony (pictured below in a shot captured last summer).
16. Do you find the vintage community welcoming or snobby? Graciously welcoming through and through.
17. What drew you to vintage style? I can't remember a time when I was in love with vintage style, but if I think back to my earlier childhood influences, I'd say it was things like looking at vintage photographs (and thinking that the women in them looked so exceptionally beautiful, stylish and elegant) and watching movies such as A League of Their Own, White Christmas, and Roman Holiday.
18. Favourite places to shop vintage? Etsy for sure, followed on the heels by eBay. I thrift often and hit as many yard sales as I can in summer, but these days such sources rarely offer up vintage fashion finds, so (factoring the lack of actual vintage stores around these parts) I do the bulk of my vintage wardrobe shopping online.
19. What vintage eras are your favourite? Hand down, bar none, the 1940s and 50s. If we want to get extra specific, the period between 1947 and 1957.
20. Most glamorous film stars? Glamour, like beauty, is sometimes in the eye of the beholder and can certainly be subjective, but I'd say that timeless talents such as Jane Russell, Ava Gardner, Gene Tierney, Betty Grable, Veronica Lake all exuded their own distinct, unquestionable sense of glamour.
21. Favourite vintage object that you own? Can I just say everything in my closet to make things simpler? No, ok, well then I'd have to go with my vintage hats, a wonderful pearl hued 1950s lucite purse that Tony gave me for my birthday this year, a beautiful white and royal blue polka dot 1950s summer dress, and (my ever-expanding) collection of vintage cookbooks.
As with most interview-like series of questions, the answers to some of these were easy-as-pie and others took a little more thought or were trickier to concisely sum up. I enjoyed them all though, and am curious now to know who (I it was suspect one of us vintage loving ladies, naturally) started this interesting series of vintage questions.
I know that not everyone is a fan of being tagged with blog questionnaires, so I won't name names here, but if you'd like to have a spin at this interesting series of vintage related questions, by all means consider yourself "tagged".
If you do give it a shot, be sure to let me know in the comment area of this post, as I'd thoroughly love to read your answers, too. Happy tagging, my dears!
is she you dear?
ReplyDeleteI wanna answer that question also... :D
I love etsy too.
Thanks for the shout out. You are so sweet! :D I loved reading all of your answers.
ReplyDeleteIt's my pleasure, Stephanie Lynn - thanks so much for posting this delightful game of online tag last year. I've been itching to answer these questions ever since I saw them on your blog and was so happy to have a chance recently.
Delete♥ Jessica
Great image of Ava Gardner - I want to be HER!
ReplyDeleteOh I love that photo of the lovely lady. I also love getting inspiration from everyday photos and some of the casual styles work best for me. I like dressing up when I got out but at home I like wearing jeans and tee shirts. I'm trying to get in the habit of wearing more of my jewelry around the house and dress up a little more. Problem is I don't have any nice causal clothing. I need to get cracking on that.
ReplyDeleteIt's so lovely that you're trying to wear more of your jewelry around the house. I don't always dress to the nines every day when I'm not going out (especially when I'm having an extra tough day on the health front), but you'll never see me without earrings and likely a bangle, necklace, brooch or other little babble to help add a bit of pizzazz to my casual threads. Three cheers for thinking alike on this point! :)
Delete♥ Jessica
Jessica, I'm one of those who has been reading your blog for quite awhile but haven't commented. Sorry about that :( I thoroughly enjoy your writing style and have fallen in love with vintage fashion, (thanks) You do an awesome job I have always loved vintage everything, but mostly have stuck to home decor. Now I plan to expand. Can you point me towards a resource which will give me comparisions of fashion from the different decades so I can more easily identify which dress comes from when? I like you would rather see and dress like "real world vintage women" over fashion magazine type pictures. I would love to read about how fashion changed over the decades if you can help me find something like that too.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is, when I found your blog it was only because of the words "chronic illness". I was diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease and was doing some research the day I found your blog. Anyway, thank you again for all the beautiful posts you've done here, It makes me smile when I see a new one in my inbox! Have a lovely day!
Thank you very much for both your comments today, it's always a sincere treat to hear from a long time reader for the first time.
DeleteI really appreciate your questions and will try to answer them briefly here. There are number of different places where you can compare the fashions of various eras (a subject which I touched on in this post last December:, one of best of which I think is The Costume Gallery (
The site Random History also has a good, very concise overview of some of the key points in 20th century fashion:
How interesting that you found my site because of the words "chronic illness". Thank you for sharing that with me. If you've not seen it before, you may enjoy an intimate post I wrote last year about vintage clothing for chronically ill and special needs individuals (
Thank you again very much - please feel free to ask any and all other questions you may have pertaining to vintage anytime.
Wishing you a beautiful Wednesday and positive health,
♥ Jessica
Thank you sooo much for the links, very helpful, and I forgot about the posts that you did, brilliant!
DeleteYes, I think I happened upon a post of yours last year that said something pertaining to your chronic illness but it didn't actually come out and say much about it really, just a sentence or so, but since I love vintage I started looking around. Of course I believed at that time that this lovely way of dressing would be impossible for me. I was sitting all day or laying, wearing sweatpants and only dreaming of a cure and a cute wardrobe,lol. I have a lot to learn and will be all ears reading your posts and looking back at older ones.
You're very welcome, I'm truly happy to help. I believe that anyone who wants to can wear vintage - those of us with chronic health problems may have to forgo some others and adapt how (and how often) we wear others, but there's no reason we can't wear an array of vintage styles, too. I have more than a dozen different severe chronic illnesses and wear vintage clothes nearly every day of my life. Doing so brings me so much happiness, which I full believe is believe is beneficial to my health - so it's a win-win situation. :)
Delete♥ Jessica
I agree wholeheartedly!
DeleteI agree wholeheartedly! re:"Doing so brings me so much happiness, which I full believe is believe is beneficial to my health - so it's a win-win situation. :)"
DeleteI have been really studying and feel like my fav era for vintage dressing would be Victorian through the 40's, although I love all of the decades and will probably do all. I see that loving the 20-40's would be very very spendy in terms of buying real clothes from that period. Looking through my closet I found that I do have clothing and jewelry that look like this period including 2 Gunne sax/Jessica Mclintock 1980's does 1920's drop waist dresses! I also have a short dress by Quiksilver named Edwardian dots,and a few genuine early 1900's necklaces. I wear lots o pearls too and love lace! Some real clues there!
I'm sorry to hear you've been blessed with so many illnesses :( I don't have that many, but enough for sure. I've found some good meds recently that have helped me be more active, that's why I'm interested in "getting dressed" again :) Take care.
That's a marvelous span of years to have an interest in. I love all those decades as well, though I do generally dress from the 40s and 50s myself, as the fashions from those years tend to look better on me (humbly) that those from the early days of the 20th century. I'd love (!) to have a Victorian dress one day though, and suspect it would like nice, too, as the Victorians were all about the hourglass shape (as were the early Edwardian years), something that nature blessed me with naturally (as in, no need to whip out a heavy duty corset :) ).
DeleteHow wonderful that you have two lovely 1980s does 20s dresses. I wear a fair bit of 80s does 40s or 50s pieces myself, as they're sometimes quite a lot easier on the wallet than actual garments from those eras. I've noticed over the past six months though, that even they have been skyrocketing in price. So now is the time - before prices get even higher - to stock up, if one can.
It's fantastic that you've found some helpful medications! It's not everyday one hears that in our sphere. It's so exciting and wonderful that you're not looking forward to getting dressed up again and that you're turning to vintage fashions in the process. I'm sure you're going to look marvelous in the clothing of whatever era(s) you settle on.
Please feel free to fire away with any vintage related questions you may have. I'm always here to help however possible.
♥ Jessica
Thank you Jessica, that means a lot to me. If I can help you in anyway, please ask also. I have some beautiful pics of my mom in the 50's that were taking by a professional photographer that i think you'd love. If you could use them for snapshot Saturday, let me to and I'll email them to you. She was gorgeous and sweet.
DeleteYou're very welcome. I hope one of these lovely black velvet scarves might be what you're looking for. It's wonderfully sweet of you to offer to share some of your family photos with me, thank you. You can email them my way anytime, you'd like (my email can be found here on my contact page).
Delete♥ Jessica
ps...I loved the rousing game today! If I had a blog I'd do it too. I finally found some heels I can wear that actually don't hurt my feet so I have started wearing dresses again and I love it! However I don't have any vintage dresses yet :( My feet have been affected by my disease to they are picky. The shoes I found at zappos, Naot brand "future" style, they have others that look vintage too, in my opinion.Problem is...they are very spendy. Thanks again
ReplyDeleteYou are just so beautiful Ms. Jessica. The picture with you in your peach polka dot dress belongs on your mantel:) I loved hearing more about your personal style through these questions. I hope for your next post we will see you in the glamourous blue ballroom gown and fur pictured above . I know pipe dreams eh? Wouldn't it be marvelous to own and go to a special event where everyone was dressed like that glamourous lady (Ava Gardner?).
ReplyDeleteThank you deeply, dear Joanna, that really means a lot to me coming from you.
DeleteOhhh, it would be a dream come to own - or even just don for an evening - a sweepingly gorgeous vintage evening gown like that. Goodness knows where I'd wear it to, but no matter, a dress that amazing creates its own event simply by putting it on. Perhaps one day I'll have a similar piece in my wardrobe - I nearly go lightheaded just thinking about it! :)
♥ Jessica
Hello dear friend,
ReplyDeleteI too share a love of so many things you find beautiful. My favorite decades are also the 40's and 50's; I would have to agree that 1947 - 1957 were the best years of fashion (not to mention the homes, appliances, and cars)... EVER!
Pouring over photos of normal, ordinary ladies of the day has been a favorite pastime of mine.
As for stars...I adore the classy Lauren Bacall, Grace Kelly, Audry Hepburn, and the more down to earth Girl-next-door charm of Rosemary Clooney, and June Allyson.
Of course, there are so many others that I love to watch...Natalia Wood, Jane Russell, Elizabeth Taylor...
I also love dresses. Skirts, blouses, and jackets and sweaters are more versatile; however, I delight in the simplicity of a dress!
Fun post!
Now blogging at:
Thank you very much for sharing some of your own wonderful answers to these questions with me/us, dear Hope. You and I share many interests, passions, and outlooks in common, and I just adore knowing that you too consider that particular ten year time frame to be a beloved favourite as well.
DeleteSweet thanks again & scores of hugs,
♥ Jessica
I suppose, for you my dear, that I'll do this questionaire. Give me until Monday though because I am thoroughly unmotivated with the impending snow in Colorado.
ReplyDeleteHave you received your package from A.Attic yet?
Yay! I'm delighted that you want to do this fun tag game as well. Please take all the time you need. It took me months to finally have a few moments to put my answers down on (virtual) paper, so if you do it next week, you'll be a zillion times faster than I was.
DeleteNo, my A.Attic package hasn't arrived yet, but today's mail hasn't come, so there's always a chance it might still show up today. Whenever it does, I will email you right away.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Great answers! I love the pictures you've chosen. I totally agree about being inspired by real women as opposed to celebrities. I love looking at old family albums and taking inspiration from my grandma and her friends.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun answers. I like learning more about you. The more I do, the more similar it feels we are.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Ally. It's always sincerely wonderful to know when my readers and online friends feel like they share certain things in common with me. I was tagged recently with another blog award (I've done similar ones in the past) that involves sharing a few random facts about myself, and when the occasion (aka, time) arises, I hope to post about that too, so you'll get to know even more "behind the scenes" info about me. It will be cool to know if we share some of the things I say there in common as well.
Delete♥ Jessica
Oh I love this! I will try to sneak in a little bit of time to do this as well. Wow, love that pic at the top, she was a very beautiful woman. I always looked at vintage photos myself growing up or watched movies wishing that I could look like all of those glamorous women, I never new until about a year ago that we really could dress and do our makeup like they did! I mean, why not? If all of my friends could be goth, emo, or whatever the new fad was...why couldn't I dress in vintage? I have this dreamy floral print brown 1950's dress that I will have to show you. I wore it to church one Sunday and I had several young women ask me questions about it. It seems that the more I wear vintage or vintage inspired clothing the more people I come across that secretly love it! And not only do the women love it, but the men love it even more! We are glamorous, confident, and oh so feminine. Idk why we ever got rid of these styles! Ok, sorry for the long rambling comment...I hope it makes sense! My brain is so tired, but it's a happy tired. The kind that you have after a much accomplished day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post!
Jessie Lou
You weren't ranting at all, Jessie Lou, I really enjoyed your comment and completely agree with you about the point regarding how you sometimes have people confide in you that they secretly love vintage. I have this happen quite often and it's usually followed by a statement along the lines of, "I wish I could wear vintage as well, but I can't because of X" (with "X" usually being "because I'm too old" - which is completely bonkers, IMO, as I truly believe anybody, regardless of their age, can wear vintage).
DeleteThank you very much for sharing some of your thoughts with me today, I really appreciate it (and am so happy to hear that you're happy!).
♥ Jessica
*PS* I can't wait to see your dress, it sounds beautiful!
Delete♥ Jessica
What a fun post! And I learned something new about you: specifically that the years from 1947-57 are your favorite era. Absolutely gorgeous photo of the mystery vintage lady and that photo of you is stunning.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I second the Dove Sensitive Skin beauty bar!
I happen to know A LOT about wigs and didn't realize you had made the jump until maybe last week. I wanted to point out this amazing accessory called a wigrip (wig grip) that you wear under your wig and it really helps it stay put.
ReplyDeletePretty much all of my friends wear wigs (they are orthodox Jews) and they swear by it. Also I happen to have two VERY expensive human hair wigs that I am not using. Here is one: and here is the other:
Though neither are vintage styled, I believe they could easily be taken to a hairdresser who could dye them whatever color you like (remember it is human hair) and should be able to trim them into a style you prefer. The ponytail wig could have straight bangs and you could twist the pony into a bun and the longer cut could be set with rollers or even pin curs. I even think your hairdresser should be able to set it in a perm!
If you are interested in them email me at and I can ship them off to you (obviously as a gift). If not, no hard feelings, I totally understand.
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
Oh my goodness, what an incredibly thoughtful, generous offer. Thank you very, very much (truly - thank you). I'm going to email you right now to chat about this further. You are amazing!!!
DeleteFrom the bottom of my heart, thank you again,
♥ Jessica
I've been wanting to do this for so long and I even used my webcam. But I'm such a chatterbox that the video was too, too long. :-O So this might be a better option for someone like me. I'm just better at writing, than being recorded. I have such a tendency to be so nervous? Am I alone in this??
ReplyDeleteAnyway, enough about that silliness of mine. I love reading your answers, Jess! I love all your posts, whether it's vintage photos, outfits posts, or even vintage cuisine...they're all wonderful.
What an awesomely nice compliment, Sean, thank you very much.
DeleteI don't think you alone in being nervous about being filmed at all. I'm much the same way, though my problem is that I get so nervous it can be hard to talk at all sometimes (I'm woefully shy to the point of getting tongue-tied at times). I'd love to do videos here one day - who knows perhaps one day (if I wasn't sooooo self-conscious about my teeth, which a rather crocked and less than attractive, I'd probably have mustered the courage to do at least one video by now).
Thank you again, honey. Whether in video or blog post form, I can't wait to read all of your wonderful answers to these fun vintage related questions.
♥ Jessica
This seems like fun, I enjoyed reading your answers and have found another way to find inspiration. I don't know why I never thought of Flickr. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Stefanie. I'm thrilled to know that this post helped you discover Flickr as a source of vintage inspiration. It's been one of my biggest for many years now, especially since there's always new content being added. Hope you love garnering inspiration from that site as much as I do.
Delete♥ Jessica
I'm amused about this 'extreme vintage' business! Though I don't wear as much 'proper' vintage these days, well at the moment travelling I have no clothes, I have like 3 skirts so my wardrobe is limited to say the least! But yeah I wear more second hand clothing from more recent eras than 'true vintage' even though I have a lot of it stashed away (guess some of it is too good and fancy or too delicate to wear.
ReplyDeleteHi Madeline, thank you very much for your comment. I'm personally of the mind that there isn't a right or wrong way to wear vintage (though I do shudder when I hear about people "upcycling" perfectly intact pre-1960s vintage), just whatever way makes your heart most happy. If this means head-to-toe period pieces from the 40s, go for it. If you prefer more of a magpie approach and like to mix ers, repro and vintage, vintage appropriate and vintage, etc, then totally go for it. And by the same token, if you wear secondhand clothes from more recent eras, that's completely cool, too. Again, style is to each their own and I don't feel we should judge one another based on how much (or how little) vintage we wear.
Delete♥ Jessica
Really enjoyed reading this and getting to know you better..and loved the photos...
ReplyDeleteI think I'll answer this questions too ;) It's great idea for a blog post, especially I'm in my "too little blog posts inspirations" period (I think it's because I'm tired after my exams...)
nice questions and answers! love your answers! xx
ReplyDeleteLetters To Juliet
What a charming idea! I throroughly enjoyed your answers.xx Shauna
ReplyDeleteLovely post!! :D I really like tag posts ^-^
ReplyDeleteIt was fun reading your answers, Jessica! I might just give these questions a go sometime soon myself. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, hon! Please feel free to share a link to your post here if you do, I'd totally love to read your answers! :)
Delete♥ Jessica
Just posted my answers! :)
Such a lovely post, I really enjoyed reading and getting to know you a bit better. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a fun idea and I'm glad I got to know a bit more about your vintage self!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I've found metal bobby pins that are nickel free on Etsy. I make vintage button bobby pins and had not thought about the nickel problem with hair pins before. Maybe the next round of those I make, I'll get those in nickel free! Thanks!
I can't say that the fact Tony likes your look is surprising :) In fact, my husband actively encourages me to dress in my hand-sewn vintage style LOL I think our gents have a tendency to enjoy squiring the best dressed ladies around, out and about! ;)
ReplyDeleteHow absolutely marvelous - the world needs more chaps like our fellows, who really appreciate and even encourage our love of wearing yesteryear fashions. Tony can be quite dapper sometimes, too, and we've been asked before (while out and about, I in my usual vintage garb, he in a stylish ensemble and one of his beloved fedoras) if we were performers (no, we're not - but I wouldn't turn down the right gig, if offered ;D).
DeleteThank you very much for your lovely comment, sweet Rachel. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
♥ Jessica
What a delightful thing to do with fellow bloggers! And I adore so many of your answers. We're on the same page on so many things.
ReplyDeleteI think I will be doing this in the near future!
We really are two peas in the same vintage pod, sweet dear. I adore all of the things that we have in common and always love it when I read one of your posts and discover yet another. Can't wait to read your answers if you give this Q&A a spin.
DeleteBig hugs,
♥ Jessica
really a wonderful post to get to know to you better and yes i think the vintage community very welcoming and lovely, interested in others and supportive you are the perfect example for that darling!
ReplyDeletehave a great weekend!
Great idea. I am always amazed at how often MAC's Russian Red comes up on vintage sites around the world. It really is the best of all the reds. I must say I've always loved Veronica Lake, she just oozed elegance. Love that two of your favourite things (pearls and purse)are from Tony. He's a good man who knows the woman he loves. xx
ReplyDeleteThank you very much - you're absolutely spot on. Tony knows me inside and out, just as I do him. It's such a joy and a blessing to be married to someone with whom you have that kind of deep understanding.
DeleteI'm with you completely - Russian Red really is the best of the best if you're looking for a matte, slightly blue red with tons of staying power.
♥ Jessica
Lovely replies, which I really enjoyed. Especially because I haven't followed your blog for so long, so you have just answered some of my questions. Have a lovely weekend, dear. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, my sweet friend. It's wonderful to share more about myself and my passion for the past with you. If there's anything in particular that you've ever wondered about me (or my interests, etc), by all means feel free to ask anytime.
DeleteBig hugs,
♥ Jessica
I have joined the vintage tag game! I tried to branch out and make a video (which took me a very long time, haha..... so those probably won't happen often......). Thanks for introducing me to the game!
That's awesome, Emileigh! I love that you followed Stephanie's lead and made a video to answer these questions. I'm off to watch right now and can't wait to hear more about your replies.
Delete♥ Jessica
Most human hair weaves come from parts of Asia and India.This is because Indian hair is easily blended with hair of women in other countries.