
May 27, 2013

Announcing the Spear of Summer Grass book giveaway winners

Happy Monday evening greetings, my dears, can you believe that we're already into the last week of May? Where on earth did this month zoom off to at the speed of light and then some?

Though there were some long moments for me, overall it was pretty darn speedy, very much including the last week, which included a giveaway post that offered up two copies of author Deanna Raybourn's captivating new novel A Spear of Summer Grass.

 photo aspearofsummergrass_zps9d45f0b2.jpg

This giveaway was a touch different that most that we've held here before, because it involved having two prizes (copies of the same book) to bestow on two lucky winners: one from Canada or America, the other from anywhere else in the world.

The North American winner will receive their copy directly from the publisher, the international winner will receive their from me (the publisher will be mailing it out to me very soon, and I in turn will send it to you as soon as it reaches me - that book will definitely be logging some major frequent flyer miles! :)).

Using a random number generator (separating the North American commenters from the international ones and drawing from the total number of comments in each of those two groups), the following two winning comments were selected.

North American winner: Jill from Tea with the Vintage Baroness

International winner: Erika from Swingin' it in vintage

Happiest congrats, ladies! I'm thrilled for you both and hope that you enjoy this lovely page turner that's set in 1920s Africa as much as I did. Please email me anytime with your mailing address so that I can pass it along to the publisher (for Jill) and post out the other copy (to Erika).

I really appreciate all of the comments that poured in for this fun giveaway - which, interestingly, was the first one we've held in more than four years of this blog's life for a book (I highly suspect it won't be the last though).

Fear not if your number was drawn this time around, I have (at least) three more giveaways slated for the coming summer months, so there will plenty of other chances for you to potentially land a great vintage related prize of your own in the coming weeks.


  1. Is it shallow that based on the cover of this novel I am intrigued already? Sounds like a great read, I'll have to add it to my list.

    1. It's not shallow at all - there's a good reason why the old axiom about judging a book by its cover exists.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Seems like a really sweet book! Congrats to the winners! I hope you, Jessica, has had a great weekend and I wish you a great day!

  3. Congratulations to the winners! Sounds like a lovely treat to receive in the post! Hope you have had a lovely weekend my dear!
    May xx

  4. Congratulations to the winners! I am adding this book to my summer reading list... call me shallow too, lol! The cover got my attention!
    Hugs and enjoy the week my friend,
    Beth P

  5. Sounds like a lovely giveaway...must check this book/author out! Congrats to the winners! And it's so true Jessica, I can't believe it's already the end of May!!

  6. This sounds interesting there is a book by Anthony Marras that I want to read.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  7. Sounds interesting ... I need to get back to my reading habit, but I need more time to read ... Congratulations to the winners of this great prize! I hope you are enjoying the week, dear Lady.

  8. Making me think of the depressingly small amount of books I have read this year...I have some catching up to do!

  9. I am so bummed I missed this giveaway! I love Deanna Raybourn! But I guess it's ok since I was enjoying myself in Italy! HeHe!
    Great to be back- I missed reading your wonderful posts!!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  10. I missed this giveaway, it sounds like a great book! Congratulations to the winners!
