
August 4, 2013

Vintage B.C. beauty queens

This past May in a post devoted to the Library and Achieves Canada, I discussed the fact that, as a general rule, one does not encounter nearly as many vintage and antique images from Canada as there are to be had as those from countries such as America and the United Kingdom.

Of course there are vintage Canadian photographs out there(some of which you can enjoy in the Vintage Canada Flickr group I started a couple of years ago, as well as my Vintage Canada Pinterest board), but it can be tricky (verging on impossible) at times to unearth images online pertaining to certain locations (especially small towns) and subjects.

I'm constantly on the prowl for new-to-me vintage Canadian photos and always keep a flame of hope burning bright that I might happen across one of more relating not just to Canadian history, but to British Columbia, and even - if I'm especially lucky - to Penticton's past.

Despite the Okanagan Valley having been settled from the mid-1800s onwards, there are surprisingly few yesteryear photos of the area to be had on the web, so it was with no small amount of excitement that I just about leapt off the sofa when I spied the delightful image below one day on Flickr.

Aside from a date of 1949 (which appears on the sash of the woman on the far left of the picture), the Flickr poster didn't provide any further information about this shot, but the photo itself speaks volumes and clearly depicts a group of beauty pageant winners from various B.C. towns, surrounding an unidentified man as he tries his hand at ironing. I have no idea who this fellow was, but I'd venture to guess he might have been a local politician or well known figure in the community.

Listed amongst the beautiful swimsuit clad ladies here, we have beauty queens from (my town of) Penticton, Kamloops, and what looks like it probably says Trail, as well as a few others whose sashes we're unable to see.

They're all so lovely and are decked out in swimsuits, shoes, and haircuts I'd be pleased as punch to sport myself, too. I've never been involved with a beauty pageant, but sure wish I could hop back in time and take part in a local 1940s Miss Penticton competition!

Given that tomorrow is the August Civic Holiday here in Canada, I though this fabulous image of yesteryear ladies who hailed from my very same corner of the province sporting summery swimsuits would be the perfect image to help get us all in the mood to kick back, slip into something beachy, and enjoy the many different kinds of beauty that August is famous for.

Happy long weekend, my dears - I hope you all have a thoroughly fantastic one!

*Post update* Tony, along with two wonderful blog readers, did some top-notch online detective work and uncovered further details (including some names) about this delightful vintage photo. You read all about their finds here


  1. What a great find! I wonder which one won the contest. =)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Denise. Oohhh, great question, I really wonder, too! I can't help but hope it was hometown girl, Miss Penticton.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Oh, coming from Australia I know exactly what you mean! I suppose I'm fortunate in that my home, now a suburb of Melbourne, was once an independent town at the harbour mouth; in other words, an individual character and enough money coming in and out to justify it. I love that I can find vintage and antique photos from around the literal corner as well as the more generic city ones. Doesn't it just give you a thrill? x Elke

    1. Hi Elke, thank you for your lovely comment. It certainly an amazing thrill to discover a vintage photograph that jumps out at, and speaks to, you no matter where in the world (or online) you go.

      Cheerful greetings from Canada!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. My goodness, this picture warms my heart. We can see those ladies in their beauty and wonderfulness. Their spirit is apparent and eternal. This image gives me faith in humanity. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. It is a wonderful image and, oh, those shoes. Gorgeous!

  5. Lovely picture and pretty funny too. I personally have no desire to watch beauty pagents as I think they are bit antiquated but the old pictures are fun. I also think you are every bit as lovely as any of those ladies!

    Kate The Old Fashioned Way

  6. I suppose I should have added a bit sexist as well as antiquated since I love antiquated things! Though Im not against pagents for people who enjoy them


  7. Have you seen this:
    Could she be Joyce Nasica?

    1. You and Tony are both very keen detectives, dear Kathleen. While I was sleeping today, he decided to go digging for more info on this photo and found that link. Thank you so much for sharing it! I need to do a little post on Mon or Tues to announce last week's blog giveaway winner and am going to mention that link in as an update to Sunday's post. Crediting both of you and Tony for it, of course.

      Big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I bet that man had never ironed before in his life! I too think he may have been a politician or a mayor. I am struck by the beautifully shaped eyebrows of the glamorous women!

    1. Their eyebrows really jumped out at me, too. Most are quite similar and all are entirely lovely. My own eyebrows are very pale and sparse and entirely lack the second half (the half that would be closest to my ears), which I lost in my early teens (a medical occurrence called The Sign of Hertoghe), so I have to pencil them in following as close to my actual brow shape as possible. I don't love my brows most of the time though, so I always find I'm drawn to looking at other peoples' in photos - especially 40s and 50s ones.

      ♥ Jessica

    2. It must have been tough to loose part of your brows as a teenager, just when everyone feels at their most awkward and self conscious. I am eyebrow obsessed at the moment, I think it is due to a recent addiction to a great brow pencil. I even notice eyebrows on the models on my vintage knitting patterns! Yours always look marvellous!

    3. You're very sweet, dear Kate, thank you. I think I'm mildly obsessed with looking at eyebrows, too. Sometimes (not on camera - just playing around at home) I try other shapes, but they don't seem to work on me - yet I don't entirely love the shape I have/create now (and for the past several years). Sometimes I feel like it would be fun to see what a vintage make-up artist would do to them (but there aren't any in my part of the province, I've checked extensively). It's awesome that you recently found a great brow pencil! They're tricky to come by. I actually use an eyeliner pencil because I couldn't find a brow pencil (or powder) I liked that didn't bug my sensitive skin.

      ♥ Jessica

  9. What a delight to come across! Miss Kamloops's hair looks so pretty!

    1. Thank you very much, sweetheart, it really was - plus two people have since found more info on this photo, which I'm going to share about either tomorrow on Tuesday (just depending on how much energy to put towards writing a little post). I agree, Miss Kamloops' hair really is lovely - I am feeling so pulled towards classic shoulder length styles like that lately.

      ♥ Jessica

  10. Oh, I'm the same when it comes to Australian vintage photographs. It's so exciting to find them and especially ones you can relate to your own home town.

    I think you would be a shoe-in for Miss Penticton!

  11. You would absolutely take out the crown and be "Miss Penticton"

  12. First idea in my mind: Beautiful women looking dashing - and the MAN is IRONING. Not an image seen too often then (and now?) :D

    Miss Canada for 1949 was.... drum-rolls... Vancouver (BC) - Margaret Lynn Munn

    Have a great week, dear!

    1. Terrific detective work, dear Marija, thank you for sharing Miss Canada 1949's name with us. More and more facts keep pouring in relating to this fun photo, and I'm going to post a wee follow up about them in a day or two.

      Thanks again, sweetheart - big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  13. What a wonderful photograph! I can't help but notice how drool-worthy their shoes are - and a couple of them really look similar to the modern Remix reproductions!

  14. Great photo! I can't wait to learn more about it from you and your researching readers and I hope someone can identify the man. Love the wooden ironing board--near and dear to my heart. How nice to have a long weekend this time of year!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Ann. I'm really curious about his identity, too. Perhaps I'll take this photo with me the next time I go to our (incredibly small) local museum and see if they can help point me towards a name for our mystery man.

      ♥ Jessica

  15. The girl representing your town is an absolute doll! What a fantastic suit she has too!

  16. Loved the picture, but then I love just about everything you post anyway !!
    I have seen "beauty contest" pictures taken at our local ski resort. Ala 1950's.
    All in swimsuits/high heels/sashes standing in about 2 inches of fresh snow outside on the boardwalk !! People behind are all bundled up but the contestants are smiling like they had good sense.I just hope the "crown" was worth it !!
    Sierra Sue

    1. My goodness, those brave contestants! That sounds very much like something one might spot here in Canada as well. Though our local Miss Penticton pageant takes place around the start of the summer, I'm sure that at various spots across the country over the years, handfuls of hearty ladies have endured the cold in swimsuits, too. If I ever come across any such images online, I'll be sure to mention them in a post here.

      ♥ Jessica

  17. These ladies definitely are beauties. Much classier and more elegant than today's beauty pageant contestants.

  18. I love this photo! I love the ladies' style, but also the humour. What on earth is going on here? Ladies in bathing suits and a man ironing. :)
