
September 9, 2013

Announcing the Blue Rose Vintage hat giveaway winner

A vintage hat is a thing of beauty and an incredible way to accentuate - or even star as the main event in - any outfit. I've long felt that way, and know that many of you do as well, so it was especially awesome to see the abundance of comments that poured in for our giveaway to win any vintage hat you wanted from beautiful online boutique Blue Rose Vintage.

Many of you shared some of the diverse, fascinating reasons why you adore vintage hats, posted about this giveaway across social media, and even blogged about it on your own wonderful sites. I really appreciate every entry and want to thank both those of who took part in this fab contest, as well as Blue Rose Vintage again for their generosity. Without further ado...

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With the use of a random number generator, I'm pleased as punch to say that the winning comment number is 120 which belongs to Joleen Brown from the Miss Dolly Bow Beep.

Happiest congrats, dear gal! Please email me anytime you'd like and I'll pass along your details to the terrific folks at Blue Rose Vintage right away, who will then be in touch with you regarding picking any of their stellar vintage hats that you'd like. 

Another giveaway, this time brought to you by renowned Canadian TV and cinema production company Sullivan Entertainment (who are famed for their shows such as Road to Avonlea and Wind at My Back, as well as the much beloved Annie of Green Gables movies), that I am massively excited about, will be coming your way later this very month, so if you didn't win today, fear not, you might just hit the jackpot next time.

Have an awesome Monday, everyone - here's to a beautiful, fun filled just-about-autumn week ahead for one and all!


  1. (would I be happy if it was me? yes.. but there'll be more chances)..
    My sencere congrats to Joleen Brown from the Miss Dolly Bow Beep!


  2. Congratulations to Joleen!! She is such a sweetheart!

  3. Oh its Joleen! Whoot! Yeahhhhh! Congrats hun!! xox

  4. Congratulations!!!!!!! What a delight!

  5. AWWWW YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!! Super fun!

  6. It's so nice the idea of a giveaway, and a vintage hat is a real treasure to win!

  7. Congrats to the winner!

    urban hounds

  8. Congrats!
    PS: It's a gorgeous hat!

  9. Thank you sooooooooooo much Jessica.
    it means a lot.

  10. ooo just so lovley to find you! xxx
