
October 11, 2013

The winner of the Road to Avonlea giveaway, I wrote a guest post on the colour purple, and other fun going ons this week

 This week was one of those where you feel like that for every step you take forward, you take several back. Nothing (thank goodness!) bad happened per se, though my darling chap is feeling under the weather with the flu (and I'm hoping to high heaven that it doesn't jump ship to me), it's mostly that I've been trudging away at the backlog of things that built up (and require I reply to/do them) while we were away last month. No worries though, I'm making lots of progress there and hope to be at least 75% caught up by the time this weekend is over.

Last week we launched a fabulously lovely Road to Avonlea gift pack giveaway here, which not only brought in 114 comments, but also lead me to discover that there are many, many fellow fans of Lucy Maud Montgomery's writings, and Sullivan Entertainment's products, amongst my wonderful readers.

I sincerely appreciate all those who participated in this giveaway, both here and across the social media spectrum. It was a joy to read each of your entry comments as the came in. The Road to Avonlea giveaway has now wrapped up and I am delighted to announce that the lucky winner has been drawn using a random number generator.

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Happiest congrats to comment number 31, which belongs to rachlovespenguins! Please contact me anytime via email with your full name and mailing address, so that I can pass it along to the fantastic folks at Sullivan Entertainment, who will be shipping your prize pack out to you, my dear. I truly hope that you adore all of the lovely RTA offerings that are coming your way.

Recently I was touched when my lovely online friend, Tasha (who I know is also a household name for many of you who adore her stellar blog, By Gum, By Golly), asked me if I'd be interested in writing a guest post for her blog devoted to the colour purple.

I don't write a lot of guest posts, as a general rule, because of the wildly unpredictable nature of my health and that fact that I would never want to be unable to deliver by a given deadline and risk messing up someone's blogging schedule. Thankfully there was zero risk of that happening in this case, as Tasha very sweetly gave me ample time to write the post and then (she is such a dear) held off on posting it until we were back from Calgary and I'd recouped a bit from the trip.

Colour has always been a fundamental part of my wardrobe, and there's scarcely a hue alive I won't wax poetically about, so when I was tapped to discuss purple and the role it's played in women's fashion from the Victorian era up to the present day, I was nothing short of thrilled about this fun assignment. Once the wheels started turning, they weren't in a hurry to slow down, and my post ended up being longer than I'd imagined, but I was really happy with its size in the end, because I felt like I got a chance to really delve into the history and popularity of this regal hue.

My guest post went live today over at Tasha's and you can read all about it here. We may still have 2.5 months of the year to go, but I'm already dubbing purple my colour for 2014, a choice that was spurred on even more by getting the exciting opportunity to write this enjoyable piece all bout that hue this summer.

Elsewhere on the great, ol' interwebs, Chronically Vintage hit 1,500+ likes on Facebook earlier this week. Thank you so much to everyone who made that number possible! I love getting a chance to connect with many of you there as well. Who knows, maybe we'll reach 2,000 likes by the time Chronically Vintage hits its one year anniversary of being on Facebook in mid-December.

Last weekend I shared 31 of the things without which Halloween just wouldn't be the same for me, and one my lovely readers, Jennifer, who is also a longstanding online friend, was so inspired by my post, that she wrote an awesome list of her own here. Her list is so festively fabulous and includes some more of my favourite seasonal things that weren't on mine, such as making sure I set aside time to read Poe's spookiest works this month.

I'm always touched when readers are spurred on to write posts based on things I share, so if you do the same (with any post), please be sure to let me know so that I can share it here in a future post.

As you may recall from this post last May, I'm a big fan of earrings (so long as they're 100% nickel-free!). This rings especially true if they're vintage or look the part, and I always enjoy seeing examples of earrings from the past.

Usually the comes in the form of photographs, ads or while out shopping, but this week Joanna (another endlessly dear friend) from Dividing Vintage Moments shared three terrific old school fashion video clips, amongst which was one from the 1950s in which a model tries on earrings in a costume jewelry store. I really though this short little clip was cool, and so am taking Joanna's lead and sharing it here as well with all of you today.

Hopping subjects once more before this quick Friday afternoon post wraps up, I am super happy about the fact that Tony and I both found our Halloween costumes last weekend. I'm a big fan of surprise reveals, so I'm keeping mine under wraps until the 31st, but I'll give you a couple of hints beforehand.

One, it's someone I've wanted to dress as for Halloween ever since I was a little girl, and two, this person has been mentioned on my before. That's all I'm saying in advance though - you'll just have to wait until All Hallows Eve rolls around to find out more! :)

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Have an beautiful mid-October weekend, my sweet dears - and may it be extra happy, bountiful, and very blessed Thanksgiving one to all my fellow Canucks.


  1. Oh thank you so very much for the shout out:) You are so kind and thoughtful:) I can't wait to read all about the color purple as this is one of my favorite hues. Now, I am thinking it about I think this color can also suit just about everyone. It's such a regal color. Wishing you a great start to the weekend and future week ahead!

    1. You're very welcome, sweet Joanna. Thank you again for sharing those wonderful video clips. I watched each one twice, they were so much fun!

      It's true, there's a shade of purple for nearly everyone. I'm really looking forward to expanding the violet section in my wardrobe in the coming months.

      Big hugs & the happiest of weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I just finished reading your guest post. I was so interesting! You are an amazingly skilled writer. The whole post was like poetry.


    1. That is a phenomenally beautiful compliment, dear Lisa, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm really happy to know that you enjoyed it (I had a blast writing it).

      Happiest Thanksgiving weekend wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. dear jessica!
    this earrings are super gorgeous! since i was a teen (80´s!) i loooove huge earrings. because there was nothing in the shops I made them myself from all possible what so fell into my hands. haha, wearing them was really fun :-)
    going to the woods i can recommend from the ground of my heart - there is so much healing athmosphere in the green lung of our planet. and lucky you live in a country that is famous for its forests!
    happy thanksgiving!

    1. That's another wonderful thing that we share in common, dear Beate. I've been making some of my earrings myself, too, ever since I was a teenager. I'm super allergic to nickel, which is so common in many types of inexpensive earrings, but by making my own from nickel-free materials, I bypass that potential problem entirely. :)

      Beautifully said. There is something truly healing, relaxing and vital about connecting with nature. We do live in a country that's famous for its forests, so our corner of it has more of a desert-like appearance. There are woods around these parts though, they're just not as densely packed with trees as some of the forests elsewhere in British Columbia.

      Have a terrific weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I'll pack away my autumn decor tomorrow and find my Halloween things instead. I just love Halloween, and cannot wait to wear my lovely Halloween jools again. Wishing you both a lovely weekend, and best wishes for poor Tony. :)

    1. How exciting!!! Between our travels, the family hardships last month, and various other recent going-ons, I haven't put out much of our seasonal decor yet, but once Thanksgiving is over (it's on Monday), I'll probably start bringing out my beloved Halloween decorations, too.

      Happy countdown to the 31st, dear Sanne!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Wonderfully informative post on purple dear lady!

    I hope you've been enjoying a relaxing weekend.

  6. I am always so uncomfortable with the idea of dressing up for Halloween. Probably because it just isn't a big deal back in the UK, and I did not grow up doing it LOL But that doesn't mean I don't make DD's outfits (of course I do :p )
    I enjoyed your guest post on Tasha's page, btw :)

    1. That's completely understandable. Tony was born and raised in Italy, where at the time Halloween wasn't celebrated by most folks, so he was fairly new to it when we started our life together. At first he wasn't a huge fan, but after a few years, my boundless passion for October 31st started to rub off on him and now he loves Halloween, too. This year - so exciting! - he's going to be wearing a festive costume for the first time.

      Thank you very much! It was such a special joy to write that guest post. I've got purple fashions on the brain big time now. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  7. I am so sorry Tony is ill! Wishing him a speedy recovery, and hope you don't catch it too, and can enjoy all the wonderful celebrations you have coming up x

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend. I will pass along your caring well wishes to Tony as soon as he wakes up. I'm feeling oddly tired today myself, and am hoping it's just a spike in my usual fatigue (perhaps from nursing Tony), not a sign that the flu is jumping ship to me. Only time will tell. Keeping my fingers crossed for sure!

      Big hugs & the happiest of Sunday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. The video about earrings is so interesting - the only pairs I think I wouldn't wear are the traffic lights and the man on skis, they were a bit much for my tastes. All the others are fair game though. Hope your husband is better soon! x

    1. Thank you very much, sweetheart, I will share your well wishes with Tony first thing in the morning. I love of these earrings. Some look they might be a bit touch on the ol' lobes because of their weight, but I'd try them on for a photo shoot, if nothing else. It's just so fun see and daydream about maybe one day finding some of these charming accessories. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Congrats to the lucky winner! But I can't say I'm not disappointed. Much like you I adore RTA and AOGG. Le sigh. :-P

  10. congrats to the winner and happy thanks giving!!!!!

    kate the old fashioned way

  11. Really enjoyed the history of purple. It is such a glorious colour, definitely one of my favourites.
