
November 3, 2013

Get to know, and save 20% off from, etsy seller Little Nettie Vintage

Just the other day, Tony remarked to me about something that I’ve also given much thought to over the years, how in life, we - as a whole entire human race - are often more connected to one another than we realize. Vast and grand as we may be as a population that now exceeds seven billion, there are times when, especially now thanks to the internet, our paths cross or we're closer to someone (who maybe knows another person that we’re acquainted with, for example) than we often realize.

Earlier this year I had one of those, "Gosh, isn't it a small world!" moments when shopping on etsy. I bought a couple of items (including this Brooks Brothers button front shirt) from a lovely seller who recognized my name and asked if I was the same Jessica Cangiano behind Chronically Vintage. That very same, I replied, she quickly shared who she was (she'd commented on some of my posts in the past, and from there a wonderful back and forth exchange of messages has been whizzing across the good, ol' interwebs ever since.

Today I'm truly delighted to share more about the etsy shop that Ronda, the wonderful lady in question, runs, as well as to welcome Little Netties Vintage as one of Chronically Vintage's newest sponsors this fall.

Chocked full of well curated, surprisingly affordable (let's not beat around the bush, vintage prices continue to soar ever higher with each passing year - if not month, sometimes - and it's always a fabulously welcome breath of fresh air to encounter a seller who doesn't charge an arm and leg for quality merchandise), beautiful vintage garments spanning the mid-twentieth century right on up to the 80s, Little Nettie's, which is named after Ronda's own sweet mother (pictured above when she was a - very stylish - teenager), is the kind of etsy shop I'm always on the prowl for.

With a diverse professional history, including selling antiques earlier on in her life, and a keen eye for beautiful vintage clothing and accessories, Ronda is a pleasure to shop from and discuss vintage with. She's a smart, charismatic, business minded woman, who is as friendly as the day in long. Case in point, she encourages those who pop by her shop to drop her an etsy message anytime, including to ask if she might have, or be able to find, an item that isn't listed in her shop, but which you're on the prowl for.

In addition to have great prices on all of her vintage items, Ronda offers customers the option of a three month layaway plan (this is, hands down, one of the most generous layaways timeframes I've ever seen on etsy), as well a a discount (contact her on etsy for further details) on multiple purchases.

From time she also runs sales as, too, so it's well worth adding Little Netties's Vintage to your list of etsy favourites, so that you can stay abreast of her latest offerings, which are added to on a frequent basis.

Though launched just a few months ago (this past February to be exact), Little Netties Vintage has already amassed more than 310 sales so far. After you spend a few moments looking at Ronda's terrific vintage clothing and accessory listings, nodding approvingly of her great prices, enjoying her clear, informative listing photographs and descriptions; and perhaps even swapping messages with Ronda herself, it's immensely easy to see how and why this shop hit the ground running with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

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{Four of the enchantingly lovely currently available from Little Netties Vintage. From top left to bottom right: Pink 1950s a-line skirt with white rickrack detailing, 1950s Simplicity 2828 peasant style dress sewing pattern, 1950s Caron of Houston Texas floral needlepoint purse with beading, Beautiful 1980s Laura Ashley floral summer sundress.}

Should you be in the mood to do some shopping at Little Netties Vintage yourself, too, I'm thrilled to let you know that all Chronically Vintage readers can currently take 20% of their total order when you use the coupon code CVintage20 at the checkout between today (November 3rd) and November 17, 2013.

This isn't is the first time I've bumped into someone online who knew me through my blog, but it's one of the first from which both a dear friendship and a fabulous new sponsorship sprang to life, and it really does drive home that fact that, when all is said and done, as gigantic as the world and its number of inhabitants are, we're often far more connected to one another than we realize on the surface. A point which, much like a visit to Little Netties Vintage, always makes me beam with happiness.


  1. I love vintage! Thank you for the information.

  2. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful seller:)

  3. It is a small world and if you talk to someone long enough, you'll find a common link. Nice post.

  4. aahhhh... such a darling dress!!!

  5. How good to get to know someone in this way.

  6. Ooo, lovely items, I'm off to take a look asap!!

  7. Jessica, thanks so much for this beautiful post! It is an honor to be featured on your blog and to sponsor a blog I've greatly enjoyed. You are a very talented writer and lovely person.

    Ps... I have to admit I did not see when this post aired. If anyone tried to use the coupon code and it did not work, it is active now. Please accept my apologies.
    Ronda, Little Netties

    1. You are so very welcome, dear Ronda, it was a complete and total pleasure to shine the well deserved spotlight on your awesome etsy shop. I didn't receive any emails or comments about the coupon code not working, but thank you so much for letting me (and everyone else) know that it is now. That's terrific.

      Many thanks again for your sponsorship (and, of course, your dear friendship, too),
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I'm also getting more midcentury items listed by tonight :)

  9. It's always fantastic to see fabulous small-business owners getting the praise and credit they deserve. I can't wait to pop by the store and check it out.
