
January 2, 2014

This year I’m going to…

Shining like a newly minted penny, a fresh January start is upon us and for a while - maybe a week, a month, or even the rest of the season - the world seems to spring to life with possibility and a desire to embrace change, start afresh, and set to work on bettering ourselves.
I'm not a New Years resolution maker. Never have been, doubt I ever will be. If I want to change something about my life or myself, I just do it. Right then, right there, or at the very least, as soon as possible. I don't procrastinate, I don't typically fear change, and I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves and do some (proverbial) heavy lifting, when life calls for it.

That said, it can be both beneficial and enjoyable to kick off a new year with certain areas of your life, plans and goals at the forefront of your mind. Last year, I launched 2013 with a list of adjectives that I hoped I would embody more than ever in the twelve months that followed.

It wasn't that I hadn't been those things before, but rather that I wanted to live them to an even greater degree. Though some took a while to really hit their stride, and I'm still working to bolster others to a greater degree, I'm genuinely happy to say that I feel, a year onward, that I really did embody each of them to a greater degree. During, and in the months after, our trip to Calgary, for example, I found myself being braver, more confident and adventurous than I'd felt in many years, and I absolutely love this!

I, like each of us, have very little clue what this year will ultimately hold in store, but I'm really hoping it puts 2013 to shame. Was last year all bad? Thankfully, goodness, no, but it wasn't always the bee's knees by any means either, and as (call it coincidence, if you like) I tend to have better years when they fall on even numbered dates (as in 2014 this year), I'm really hoping that the year that sees me turn thirty in July, will be an incredible one.

Along the way, there are certainly things that I plan to do more, or less, as the case maybe and today, for my first post of this great new chapter in our lives, I wanted to share some of them with all of you. So without further ado, may I present a quick overview of some of what I hope, I will, and will not, be up to as we embrace and celebrate each day of the coming year.

1. Sweat the small stuff less!: Yes, we've all heard, and likely said a time or two, that we're going to do this, but last year I made a conscious effort to really live that mantra, and and it helped to noticeably reduce my personal stress levels (I'm a natural worrier/prone to really internalizing stress), so I'm going to try and sweat even less of the things, that in the grander scheme of life, don't matter much, if at all, throughout 2014.

2. Spend less time online: I absolutely flat out love, and could scarcely picture my life without the internet (a point I discussed last fall in this post), especially because I'm so frequently bedridden/housebound, but it's neither healthy (fresh air does the body wonders!) nor getting the most out of one's existence to spend a massive amount of time online every single day, and so this year, I'm going to make a conscious effort to purposely set aside a day or two every now and then when I don't even so much as flick on my computer, and may even take the occasional blogcation entirely. The web rocks, but so does the real world, and that's something that's become all too easy to forget at times in today's world, where it seems like we're connected to the internet 24/7.

3. Buy more items in person: Now granted, I doubt I'll ever stop shopping online entirely and have zero desire for such to be the case, but getting the chance to shop for vintage in person in Alberta, as well as a few locations (chiefly the city of Vernon) locally last year, really drove home how nice it can be to hold, inspect, and if applicable, try on an item before I buy it. My town doesn't have any vintage clothing stores, so I'll always do some of my wardrobe shopping online, but I'm also going to try to simply tuck more of my personal budget aside to spend when I get the chance to travel again and/or attend some of the antique and collectible fairs that happen each year throughout the Okanagan Valley.

4. Take care of the mending pile that built up in 2013: I do try to stay abreast of my mending, but it seems like a fair number of garments have developed minor issues that need attending in the past few months, and whether I take care of them myself or have them fixed by a professional, by the time spring returns, I want my mending basket to be a ghost town again.

5. See more of the world: I'm a realist. I know that my chronic medical problems will always severely limit the amount (and duration) of traveling that I can do, where I can go, and what I'll fill my time with once I get there, but last year's week in Calgary reawakened a sense of wanderlust in me that I'd nearly forgotten I had, and and which now wants to try, circumstances permitting, to take at least one trip each year. It might not be to the furthest reaches of the earth, but that's a-okay, just as long as it's something that strikes me as fun and exciting, and which, hopefully, holds the promise of at least a little vintage shopping! :)

6. Try new things and push myself outside of my comfort zone: I like to think of myself as a fairly brave person - I've certainly stared my own personal Goliaths in the eyes and knocked them out on many occasions, but sometimes it's great to throw yourself headfirst into something totally new, wholly different, and which even scares you silly. A few months ago I read a quote (I wish I'd bookmarked it at the time) that said something to the effect of that "Nothing is never as frightening as the first time you do it", and that sentiment has lingered with me powerfully ever since.

7. Not let other people's problems, which I have no actual firsthand roll in, stress me out so much (or take up so much of my time): Every day I receive dozens of different emails (and Facebook messages) from people, most of whom I've never had contact with me before, or whom I know only in vague passing, asking me about different things - be it relating to medical topics, vintage, or simply life in general. Often, I find, complete strangers eagerly share a good chunk of their life story with, and pour out their problems, to me. I realized, like a bolt of lightning from the heavens one day last September, that, while I am usually genuinely glad to help anyone I can out, at times it can greatly bring down my own (naturally upbeat, happy mood) to constantly be brought in on strangers problems.

I'm not a professional shrink, a priest, or a bartender, but I need to learn to think and react more like these folks, and not internalize and stress so much over issues that, heartbreaking or worrisome as they be, are not my own. I'm happy to listen and provide advice when asked, but I can't do that to the best of my ability if my mood has turned grey because of problems that aren't mine to begin with.

8. Keeping hunting for more of the items on my vintage list: Last year I put down on virtual paper twelve of the things that were, at the time, topping my vintage wish list. More than half a year on, I've crossed two off so far. There's no time frame on this list (which included many more items in addition to those twelve), and the hunt is certainly part of the fun, but I would like to tick at least another one or two off throughout 2014.

9. Cancel magazine subscriptions I don't get a great deal out of any more: I absolutely love reading magazines on a wide range of topics, and subscribe to a few different publications. Some knock my socks off month after month, but last year a couple took a real nose dive in terms of both page count (they slashed their number of pages in half) and content that felt relevant to me any more. Though I do love supporting paper magazines, for the sake of my budget, I'm going to bid farewell to those that no longer make my eyes light up when I spy them in the mailbox.

10. Take more naps outside: I know, that's a somewhat unique sounding one, but as I mentioned in this post last fall, I've always been wild about sleeping outside. We don't have a yard or a deck of our own, but my parents have both, so pillow in hand, I'm going to headed that way come the warmer months for some much needed outdoor zzz's.

11. Look for even more ways to stretch a dollar. be financially savvy, and bolster our income: Like most people, I've made some mistakes in my life when it comes to handling my finances, but overall, I like to think that I'm good with money and that I can be resourceful, diligent, and wise when it comes to financial matters.

As many couples do, my husband and I have certain long term goals, and some shorter term ones that require budgeting (like traveling) that I truly want to see happen in time, and I'm going to try even harder this year to focus on turning those dreams in reality. It might mean making more sacrifices, forgoing momentary wants for longstanding desires, and being ruthless with our budgeting, but I don't mind at all. In fact, I'm happy to do it, because I know what I want to see our life blossom into later down the road.

12. Ask people for things: As someone is who is, typically, astronomically shy, scared to the point of losing the ability to speak by confrontation, and incredibly self-conscious, I've never been good at asking for what I want in life, even we're taking about something ludicrously simple like having the string beans passed down my way at the dinner table. Bigger things? Geeeshhh, you might as well forget about it, unless I give myself an Any Given Sunday worthy pep talk in advance.

Enough of this! I'm a grown woman who has forged her own way in the world, (humbly) accomplished a great deal in my 29.5 years of life, is bright, insightful and and able to speak up when she wants something. The worst thing you can hear usually, really is, "no", and you know what, that usually isn't the end of the world, and more often then not, I'm starting to learn, you'll be surprised by how often you get what you ask for it.

 photo tumblr_mejalvJcOM1qinw11o1_500_zpse2bf34cb.jpg

{Hello, 2104! I'm ready for you and have plans, both big and small, to fill each of your awesome new days with. Vintage photo of actress Barbara Stanwyck via Joan de Beauvoir on Tumblr.}

♥  ♥  ♥

Though I could keep going, and certainly will in my daily life, I'll cap today's list at twelve entries, one to represent each month of the coming year. Every one of these things matters to me, they wouldn't be here if they didn't. Some are more pressing or important than others, and will, naturally enough, see my focus turned to them more frequently, but I do truly plan to work on every last one as often as possible.

In addition to these things, something that is deeply important and which I make a conscious effort to do every day of my life is to take stock of my blessings. Be they big or small, new or as old gifts, I find my life is enriched and made more joyful by the simple act of being appreciative of all the good, the love, and positivity that flows through my world.

I have high hopes for, and great feelings about this year. A voice deep inside says that it's going to turn out well. Maybe that's just the perpetual optimistic in me, perhaps its because a new decade (my 30s) will kick off in a few moths, or it could be because such really is going to be the case.

Whatever comes to be, through thick or thin, on awesome days and sad ones alike, this year I'm going to do all of these twelve things and think that the sheer act carrying them out will, in and of itself, help make 2014 an unforgettable year.


  1. Haha we had the same post ideas, but you re more realistic than me, who seems to brag with my I won't change a thing haha
    Spend less time online is definitely what I should do, though.

    I was thinking about how shy you said you were... I think I could use one of your advices as I have a hairstyling presentation for two groups this weekend and I'm totally freaking out... Yes, old shy Lorna is returning to life :(

    Hope you could achieve all what you want in this new year !

  2. This is such a wonderful list! There are so many of these points that I want to do myself, like reducing stress levels and getting rid of things that just take my energy away. We would feel so much better if we didn't let the smallest of things get to us and bring us down.

    Taking naps outside sound absolutely lovely, maybe I get to do that in the summer. I wish you a fabulous year my darling, hopefully your dreams and expectations of the year will come true! Hugs, Annie!

  3. This is a great list, and is totally doable, too! I hope that you achieve all of these things and many more in 2014!

  4. Good list. We could all benefit from those improvements. I sense 2014 will be great for both of us!

  5. That´s not only a good but also a realistic list. Sometimes people seem to punish themselves with new years lists. I think number 1 (something I´m guilty of myself) and number 12 often go hand in hand, or at least that´s how I´ve experienced it. Becoming less shy reduces a lot of stress when it comes to given tasks or just social interaction.
    I wish you all the best for 2014! :)

  6. Wonderful list, Jessica, and many of the things you mention are ideas I've been toying with for this new year too! The one that really caught my eye was spending less time online. I have so very many "real world" interests that I end up shortchanging (time wise) in favor of wasting time on the internet. Mind you, I don't count blogging or communicating with my blog friends as a waste of time! But I do lots of random internet surfing that doesn't enrich my life in any way! I, too, would like to free up some of this time for things I truly love!

    Happy New Year Jessica! <3

  7. Some excellent rules to live by, and I will definitely be embracing a few of them myself.
    Happy New Year, Jessica.

  8. You made a really great list, a good mix of personal and fun (vintage shopping!) I am trying to not make a list this year I have the past few years and although I did force myself to try out a few new things I failed (which is always okay, you learn from this) but I think I need a break from my own worries and just go with the flow for a few more months! I look forward to seeing what 2014 brings for you, your blog is always a treat even if I don't comment:)

    1. That is such an excellent way of putting things, sweet dear. I too feel like I'd be very well served by taking a break from my own worries and going with the flow as much as possible. I'm getting a little better at doing so as the years tick on, but I'm rarely as "zen" as I'd like and it's something I'm really going to work on more this year. It would be good to not have the heavy weight of countless worries sitting on my shoulders.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment - have an amazing 2014!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Dear Jessica, I have been following your blog and really enjoying it. You gave me such a wonderful answer a few months ago about wearing fur and how to attach hats. I am actually going to take a 3 day millinery class this month that I am just thrilled about. (

    Anyway, I know you have mentioned in previous posts your sizes, but I cannot find the info. I ask as I have found a few items that I would like to send you as they just screamed your name when I saw them, one is a lovely heavy wool plaid/pleated skirt but with a waist of 28 in and the other a brown gathered skirt with cute rickrack with a 30 in waist. Neither fit me as I am a 38 in waist. I have an amazing Goodwill outlet that sells stuff by the pound!!!! So both skirts were ridiculously cheap. Anyway, they are yours for free if they fit.
    Hugs, Happy New Year and keep on bloggin'.
    Morning Waters
    Celtic Lass

    1. My dear Morning Waters, what a kindhearted, generous offer and beautiful comment. I would be over-the-moon happy and very honoured to receive any vintage gift you'd like to send me (both of those skirts would certainly fit me in the waist as I'm a 27/28" waist). Thank you deeply.

      That sounds like such a terrific class to take. I've long said that if one was offered here, I'd pounce on it. I hope you have a splendid time and create something (or some things) that you just adore.

      Please feel free to email me anytime to chat more (

      Countless hugs & wishes of joy, serenity, and good health to you for 2014,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I'm not much of a resolution maker either. I used to be as a child, especially since it was an "activity" in many of the schools I attended. I recall even making a "stained glass" of our resolutions. And by "stained glass" I really mean a plastic lid and then coloring and writing on it with markers. But, like you, I believe change should happen in the moment.

    I really like your list though and they inspire me that I need to work of quite a few of them myself.

    Happy New Year!


  11. I too feel much more positive about 2014 than I have for any of the past few years. I have to say that reading your blog always cheers me up, you are always so perky.

  12. I am so with you on many of these! I am positive, however, that 2014 is going to be a splendid year, I feel so much more bright and optimistic than I have done for years.

    I do like reading your blog though, it always puts a smile on my face :-)

  13. Such an interesting list and a good mix of reasonably quick to achieve and more long term goals. The one about magazine subscriptions rang a bell with me as I am in the same boat, a couple that I used to love just aren't as good anymore. I really am a magazine addict so I probably will replace them with others! I hope that you do get to travel, find some vintages treasures and do some sleeping outside!

    1. Thank you very much, honey. I too thought about subbing in other subscriptions for the ones that will be getting axed, but then good, ol' number 11 on this list sprang to mind and I've - thus far - held off.

      I wholeheartedly hope that everything you're hoping to achieve in 2014 comes true for you as well, my dear friend!

      ♥ Jessica

    2. Ha ha! Guess I need to adopt your number 11 too!

  14. Great list! I'm also planning on spending less time online and more time living away from my computer. Here's to a great 2014, Im so hoping it is better than this last year has been.

  15. A perfect set of resolutions Jessica. Things I also aspire to do more of myself!
    Have an absolutely amazing 2014!!

  16. Great list! I wish you luck with achieving your goals. I am sure it'll work out for you; I don't know you in person but you don't look like your a quitter!

    I hope 2014 will bring you many good things. You really deserve them.

  17. A lot of thoughts and ideas in your lovely post Dear Jessica. It sounds like you are longing for some experiences that extend beyond the boundaries of the cyber world. I wish you some great adventures in 2014! Sometimes you just have to jump right in with both feet:) You have such a thoughtful soul that people just naturally open up to you and it is good that you realize your limits and when to take a step back. You have nothing to feel bad about in doing this:) I'm with you about New Year's resolutions. I don't really make any "set" goals but I try to have aspirations as they are what drives us:) Here's to a grand New Year!!!! I'm looking forward to sharing vintage experiences with you.

    1. That's a very good way of putting it, sweet Joanna. I agree that I'm keen to balance more offline activities with those (like blogging) that I adore online. This desire has been especially strong in me ever since our awesome time in Calgary and I've already been doing a little more offline since we got back. I really find that doing things I love in both realms can help better the other, so it's a win-win all around.

      Thank you very much for your caring, wonderful comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. I think its a great list blog breaks are great and I always take a month or or so off blogging every year

    retro rover

  19. It's happened again my friend…I've posted my New Years Anti-Resolution list today too! haha! And I started my post with the exact same sentiment as you. haha! Great minds…


  20. Hello Jessica,
    You have some good goals here, especially not taking on other peoples problems. Being the giving person you are, I can understand how difficult it must be for you not to do all you can to help others with their questions, but there is only so much one can do.
    Being thankful and content is the best medicine. From what I know about you, you are good at both of these things.
    Best wishes for the New Year!

    1. Hello dear Hope, thank you very much for the lovely New Year's wishes and your thoughtful comment. It's not usually emails with questions about vintage related topics that drain me, regardless of the volume, it's the fact that a rather substantial number of complete strangers or people I barely know write to me each week and pour out their woes, trouble and life stories to me and then often try to engage me in helping them sort out their issues.

      By my very nature, I am happy to help most folks when and how I can, but when problems in strangers lives are robbing me of sleep at night and making me feel very stressed even though I'm in no way a part of the issue at hand, then a red flag goes shooting up and I have to access whether it's wise or not for me to take an interest in that person and their problems. I was really, substantially drained by a few people who did put me in this kind of situation last year (and many others in years past) and it juts hit me like a ton of bricks back in September that these folks were having a negative impact on my own personal happiness levels, so this year I'll proceed with more caution and less of a vested interest (at least sometimes) when these sorts of emails (or FM messages, etc) arrive.

      Wishing you a stellar New Year!
      ♥ Jessica

  21. May 2014 be a fabulous year for you, dear Jessica! :)
    And I definitely hear you on the mending pile! I'm not really one for making lists of resolutions, but the mending pile (and its sister stack of half-finished projects) are certainly on my mind.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady! I wholeheartedly hope that 2014 sings with happiness, fun, good health, and lots of time for your favourite interests, too.

      Here's to both of us tackling our mending and an amazing year ahead!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Oh darling I could have a conversation with you about each one of those objectives! But it would carry on for a long time! One thing I'll share from my experiences over the last few weeks is that if we allow those people who come into our lives with lots of problems to find their own solutions, they, and we, are better off. In the past I've had a problem with 'fixing' things for others, to my own detriment. Over the last month I've deliberately stayed a little detached from somebody who's having mental issues (still send supportive emails but won't listen on the phone, or over coffee, for hours to all the problems) and this person has now, after many years, sought professional help. We need to put ourselves first, for everyone's sake.
    Take care of yourself dear girl and a wonderful 2014 to you!

  23. great list :) I definitely get the asking part. Sometimes it is so difficult to approach other people. I hope you had a lovely new year and that some of your resolutions work out.

  24. This is a great list, wishing you every success in achieving it in 2014! x

  25. Truthful, honest and realistic list, Jessica.
    These are all some of the great expectations for 2014; and majority of us should follow your list. One of the big ones in all of our lives should (no: must) be spending less time in digital world, and more time in entertaining ourselves with real folks. I too love my online friends; but I must not let go of my materially present ones. Because, there comes a time in our life that we need physical assistance, a helping hand and a real hug, right?
    Thank you for reminding me that there's a pile (getting bigger as I write this) of "to be mended" clothing items - my dad's new pans are in the urgent need of shortening.
    My life is filled with "complete strangers eagerly share a good chunk of their life " - since I work in a department that receive complaints.. strangers sharing their life story, their medical history and their frustrations on our outfit choices for the day (we get those, too). So, getting over that as fast as I can possibly can is the KEY to mental and emotional survival.

    There's a great saying, and I want to share it with you.
    It goes like this "STRESS LESS" :)

    Many hugs, dear!

  26. Absolutely lovely post!! :D
    I hope that you are feeling better <3 and that you have an amazing 2014. You are a very strong and inspiring woman, and I have no doubt that you will be able to accomplish all of these things, and anything else you set your mind to. :D
    I will try to take more time offline as well, and have found myself doing so more and more in the last month or two. :D
    You are so very inspiring, and I hope that I can accomplish a lot of similar goals in my life as well :D

  27. jessica - i wish i was that wise with (almost) 30!
    the points you´r making here are a very good guideline for everyone in everyday live.

  28. What a great balance of the practical and personal you would like to achieve! Each and every one of your objectives seem very sensible to me. If you can concentrate on what really matters, you will have more energy to do what you want...a virtuous circle. I used to take on other people's problems far too much, too. Eventually you realise you can still be kind...but it's up to that person to 'tend the

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely, understanding comment, dear Philippa. It means a lot to me to know that you too have found yourself taking on other peoples' issues, which weren't your own in any way, throughout your life, too. I think that many of us do this every now and then, but there are some of us - often with gentle spirits and extra kind hearts - who do it far too often and end up really feeling drained and browbeaten by it. I love to help folks when and where I can, but I must learn to get better at creating distance with folks who want to use me as their own personal therapist, as well as to remember to factor in my own happiness and well being in many such situations.

      Gentle hugs & joyful New Year's wishes!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  29. I think your goals sound grand, and plenty do-able! I'm also not a resolution maker. I do love the fresh start to a new year, but at the same time, nothing actually CHANGES with the ticking of the clock into a new year, so I don't feel compelled to give myself a bunch of resolutions to follow or break, as the case may be. But this year I am trying to to just keep a few ideas rolling around in my head. We're hoping to travel more this year, I definitely want to spend less time online, and more time enjoying the little things. That's enough to keep me busy for awhile, I think. :)

  30. Excellent list, and are similar to some of my own. I'm like you, I like even numbered years better (crazy, I know), so am hoping that 2014 is going to be grand for both of us!

  31. I think this list is wonderful! I especially second you on spending less time on the internet, and also taking more naps outside. I love napping outside! :)

    Happy New Year! <3

  32. What a great list! And I agree with most of it. I also love to sleep outside, we have a vintage garden swing which is perfect sleeping in. I also have to buy less. I've had a blast on etsy, and before that I had the ebay fever. I mostly buy small things, and love the handmade things as much as vintage goodies, but I'm fed up with it, and it scares me how much I've bought lately. It's a bad habit, and if I get a new job at a much lower salary I cannot continue buying things (althouh they are small) this way. But what I will do is wear more vintage. We have finally gotten some vintage shops in Denmark and I cannot wait to visit them. Spending less time online, and do include the tv too, is great for you I'm sure. I am amazed how much tv people on average watch. I have spend much less time at my computer for the last months. Knitting is much better for relaxing. I wish you a happy New Year, and hope you will write about how your list went at the end of the year. :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Sanne. I wish we lived nearby, perhaps you'd let me come over for the occasional nap in your garden swing. It sounds like a heavenly little corner of summer paradise.

      I understand completely about the cost of TV. We recently cut our cable service and are saving $70.00 a month there that we're able to put towards other far more important expenses. Between Netflix (do you have in Europe?) and the fact that so many TV channels now put episodes of their shows online, there's little need to pay for cable anymore unless you're a big TV watcher (which neither of us are).

      How exciting that you've got some vintage shops in Denmark now! I've always wanted to visit Denmark (especially since I have a second cousin who lives there with her family) and now knowing that I want to make my way there all the more! :)

      Tons of hugs & wishes for amazing, serene, fun filled year ahead!
      ♥ Jessica

      ♥ Jessica

  33. You've got a really great list! My main ones are to try and be more financially stable (cause, you know, by the age of 23.5 and living out of home for 4 of those years, I really should be able to manage a decent budget!), and also to get better at recognising when I achieve something. I'm the kind to get bogged down in "I haven't done enough" and the like, which ain't a mood helper! So I've started really reminding myself when I do things that are awesome achievements - like yesterday, I spent 4.5 hours cleaning up our small garden outside (Imagine a right angled triangle where the shorter sides are at most 3yds long), trimming the tree that hangs over our gate, and pulled all the weeds out from between the pavers. I keep reminding myself that I did a tonne of work, so it's okay that I haven't done the washing or vaccumed - I achieved something awesome that will mean we have a really nice area to sit outside in all summer.
    Good luck with your plans for the year! I also have some mending piles that need attention - perhaps tomorrow!

  34. Learning to ask for things is something that I'm currently working on. I find it so difficult to speak up when there's something I need or want, and I usually end up disappointed or frustrated. The few times I've managed to squeak up and ask for what I've wanted, I've been rewarded with a positive result. Good luck with this goal!

  35. Love this list of your outlook for 2014. And I truly hope you are able to get another road trip in there with lots of in person vintage shopping. It always is nice to buy vintage in person if you can. I shop a lot via internet because they are very few places where you can purchase any kind of vintage.

    And definitely go for asking for things. The worst you can get is a 'no.' I hate to ask for things, people often offer me things and I'll reply with a "are you sure." Maybe that is something I can work on this year. I joined swapdom and maybe that would be a great avenue to get some vintage and get used to asking for things at the same time.

    1. It definitely would be! Last I checked (and I've checked three times so far) Swapdom is only open to folks in the States, otherwise I'd sign up for it, too.

      Thank you very much for this and all of your wonderful comments recently. I really appreciate them, honey.

      ♥ Jessica

  36. I wish you much luck and success on all your goals (I here ya on that mending pile! Yeesh is mine ever overwhelming!) and a very healthy healthy healthy and happy new year friend!!! :-)

  37. Oh i think you are on the right path Jessica, jotting down all you want to accomplish is the first step :)
    My favorite is: ask for things, because sometimes that's all you need to do. The worst that can happen is that the other person says no.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Lorena. It's one of the hardest things - perhaps the very hardest - for me on this list, but it's something I must challenge myself to do so and grow my confidence levels on this front. I know that I'll always be super shy and fearful of confrontation, but I must push through those points at least sometimes to speak up and ask for what I want in life. Over the last half a year, I've been making strides here and must say, so far at least, haven't received a "no" to anything major yet.

      ♥ Jessica

  38. I swear we are long-lost sisters! Kindred spirits! Everything on your list is on mine as well! We can check in on each other! ;)
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

    1. That would be really terrific, my dear kindred spirit. It's awesome to know there's another vintage loving lady out there working on precisely the same kinds of things that I am this year. I have a great feeling about 2014 and suspect we'll both surprise ourselves with how well we'll do on all of these points.

      ♥ Jessica
