Back when this year was still in its infancy, I wrote two detailed post on the topic of blogging (30 tips that will help you succeed as a new blogger & 10 harsh truths that will make you a better blogger, respectively), which based on the number of page views they received have proven to not only be some of the most popular of this year, but of all time here on Chronically Vintage.
As 2014 winds down, I thought it would be fun to shine the spotlight on the act of blogging again. However, in this case we’ll be chatting about the history of my blog itself and some of the elements that go into running it via a series of eleven questions that I discovered on my friend Bonita's absolutely lovely blog, Lavender & Twill, also back in January of this year.
1. When did you first start blogging and why? Chronically Vintage sprang to life on April 17, 2009. As I've recounted from time-to-time in various posts and interviews over the years, the main reason behind why I started my blog was because I needed a creative outlet in my life that wasn't focused on my health, which had been going through an especially hellish period at the time.
The name of my blog, Chronically Vintage, stems from the fact that I didn't want to simply be seen/defined as being chronically ill (or thinking of myself as such, for that matter), but rather for the focus in my world to be on something significantly more positive, my lifelong passion for vintage. I'd always loved writing and had already run some other (non-vintage related) websites and blogs before then, so one evening in April when I was feeling rather rough on the health front, I decided to start this site and doing so has turned out to be one of the best and most life changing decisions I've ever made.
{From the very earliest days, I've had a clear vision for my blog and desire to see it flourish. I'm happy to put in the long hours and hard work required to make that happen and couldn't imagine my life without vintage blogging in it at this point. Image source.}
2. Have you had any past online presence? Oh, let me count the ways... :D I have, yes, and each was very important to me unto itself at the time, but I haven't been involved with most of them for a few years now. The most substantial would be that from 2004 to 2014, I ran a peer-to-peer website that I founded for folks who shared one of my chronic illnesses (interstitial cystitis/PBS). I made the difficult choice to shut it down after it was hacked again (by completely random cyber hackers from Eastern Europe), because rebuilding it was not something I could work into my life and work schedule at that point in time. I wrote hundreds of articles and recipes for that site, which was an incredibly important part of my early years battling multiple chronic illnesses and it will always hold a deeply special place in my heart.
3. When did you become serious about your blog? I've never been the type to do things halfway, so I'd honestly say that I was serious about my blog from the very first post onward. Because I was coming from a website and professional freelance/ghost writing background, I hit the ground running, often penning lengthy, informative, highly researched posts and burning the candle at both ends to get my blog off the ground and well established in the vintage community early on.
4. What was your first blog post? It was called First Day of Life and was a simple, heartfelt introductory post (the image from which I would reuse in 2013 to celebrate my blog's 4th birthday).
5. What have been your biggest challenges blogging? From day one, my biggest challenge has been keeping my blog afloat in the face of life with more than a dozen different severe, complex chronic illnesses. Though there have been times (chiefly in 2010 and '11), when I thought I might be forced to throw in the towel, but thankfully, I held on and though that possibility is a constant in my life, I'm immensely happy to say that I've been able to weather each and every storm on that front, stick with it, and create a blog that has become not only a passionate pastime, but also in recent years, a full-time income generating career.
{Though I may have substantially less energy and "good days" (health wise) than most folks, I don't let that stop me from putting my all into my blog, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. I just grab a nap, take the occasional vacation, try to pace myself and start fresh again the next day, spurred on my an endless passion for what I do and the fantastic support of my online friends and readers. Image source.}
6. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging? This list could go on for miles, but I would that three top entries on it for me are: the friendships I've made with other vintage lovers around the world (an especially important point since I'm the only such person that I know in my own town), the perpetual inspiration and knowledge that I glean from my fellow bloggers (and social media friends), and the amazing feeling that comes from turning a blog on what is arguably a rather niche subject in the scope of society as a whole, and parlaying it into not just my honest to goodness job, as mentioned above, but the also catalyst for for my Etsy vintage shop (which opened its doors in May of this year).
7. What is the most discouraging thing about blogging? I'm not the type to get discouraged easily ("tenacious" might as well be my middle name) and I love to learn and thrive from what different kinds of obstacles and challenges present me with, eking out the silver lining from any situation. That said, I think that one of the most discouraging things about blogging is that when push comes to shove, you'll often quickly learn that you have quite a few fair-weather fans and friends out there. For someone like me, for whom loyalty, honesty and sincerity are exceedingly important, this point will always have the sting of a scorpion's tail.
8. What is your lasting inspiration or motivation (of blogging)? For me it has been showing my chronic illnesses that they don't have complete control of my life (try as they may!), that despite having countless more than legitimate reasons not to blog - to spare myself from the work, stress, and physical demands of running both a popular website and thriving Etsy shop - I can do just that and succeed with it. Each time I post a new entry (or list a new item in my shop), I'm reconfirming to myself that I'm still able to be a productive member of society, despite the endless challenges, crippling chronic pain, and near debilitating fatigue that comes with my medical situation.
9. What is your blogging dirty secret? I honestly don't think I have one. Definitely one of my best (positive) blogging secrets - which isn't actually all that hush-hush, given that I've written posts about it before - is that I am an ardent devotee of using a blogging schedule.
10. What is your current goal as a blogger? To continue to grow my blog's reach. The vintage blogging world has dwindled somewhat in the past two-three years, in part because of the explosion in popularity of various social media sites, such as Pinterest and Instagram, and there are only so many folks in our wonderful community that I can reach. I would like to see Chronically Vintage gain wider traction in the mainstream fashion and lifestyle blogging worlds. I'd also absolutely love to pen a book on vintage fashion (or another vintage related topic) one day, and perhaps either create my own or collaborate with an existing vintage reproduction company to produce line of clothing.

{It's a joy and an honour to be a well known part of the online vintage community. As we head towards 2015 and beyond, I would absolutely love to continue to connect with an even broader array of readers and new friends out there in the larger scope of the web and help spread the vintage lifestyle goodness near and far. Image source.}
11. Have you learned or become passionate about anything through blogging that caught you by surprise? I'd say that through blogging, my passion for earlier and later decades - not just my beloved 1940s and 50s - has deepened significantly. I've learned that you never know what amazing opportunity is coming around the corner (for example, collaborations with fantastic companies, being interviewed by print and online magazines, and getting to meet fellow vintage bloggers in person), that patience does indeed pay off, that you can never be too prepared (but that by the same token, spontaneity has its perks, too), that when you do what you truly love, it rarely feels like work, and that there is always, without a doubt, more to learn - amongst countless other things that have come about and bettered by life thanks to the act and love of blogging.
♥ ♥ ♥
If you're a blogger yourself, why not have a go at these questions? They're a great way to record where you're at in your blogging journey at this point and to reflect on how far you've already come. In little more than four months, Chronically Vintage will turn six years old and I'm very grateful that throughout that time, at various points, I've intentionally written about how things were going with my own site. Looking back on these posts - just as I'm sure I will with this one down the road - I see how far I've come, where I hope to go next, and am reminded of some of the many reasons why blogging is so phenomenally near and dear to me.
Thank you very much, Bonita, for posting about this enjoyable blogging Q&A several months ago now. I knew the moment that I saw it, I wanted to give these questions a spin myself, I just didn't know that this year would prove to be so wildly busy that I wouldn't get a chance to do so until three weeks from the very end of it. No time like the present though, especially since the holiday season itself isn't exactly famous for being the least hectic time of the year. :)
love this!
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing your answers with us!
yes - i´m totally for planned postings and i have to remind myself frequently that not all "friends" out there are like you.....
tons of hugs and happy winter wishes! <3 xxxx
My absolute pleasure, dear Beate. Thank you very much for your lovely comment, hugs and winter wishes. All are thoroughly appreciated and sent straight back to you with lashing of joy.
Delete♥ Jessica
What wonderful questions. They elicit the heart of our passion for blogging. Plus I learned new stuff about you. I may take a crack at these, but it'll take me a while to prepare the thoughtful answers they deserve. Great post, buddy.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Ally. It would be fantastic to to read your answers to this near dozen questions anytime (and of course, a person could always split them into multiple posts or even devote a whole post to each of the 11, if so desired).
DeleteHave a terrific Tuesday,
♥ Jessica
I went back to read the previous posts you made on blogging and I liked it very much. I read this one ''30 tips that will help you succeed as a new blogger'' with attention and I'm gonna keep it on my 'sos kit' for my blog, it really helped me a lot :) I can feel your passion and dedication to what you do and that's very inspiring :)
ReplyDeleteThat is an immensely touching and very meaningful compliment, sweet dear, thank you deeply. I love that you could pick on my passion for vintage and blogging. It does no limits and really does pulsate even within myself at times.
DeleteBig hugs,
♥ Jessica
I think your secret is your poetic writing, which I truly love. I follow a good handful of blogs which I use as a break at work, but never your blog. I want to sit with a cup of tea in the sofa and take my time to enjoy your writing. Most other blogs are quickly over looked. And I don't think it is bad. I also love your tasteful selection of vintage photos and the fact that you have your own private pro photographer. ;) Your blog is so tasteful and very professional. And if you ever write a book I would buy it on the spot, and ditto if you designed a repro dress line. It can only be a success, dear, but do take care what you are capable of, your plate is pretty full at the moment. Wishing you a lovely day. :)
ReplyDeleteSweet Sanne, your comment nearly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you very much, I'm honoured that you think so highly of my blog (and Tony's photographs) and that you would purchase a book, should I ever pen one (that really is one of my biggest long-term goals in life, so hopefully I can send you an autographed copy one day!).
DeleteIndeed, save for if the right publisher and book deal were to come calling, at this exact moment in time, I'm not hunting for a publisher, but as I work my way further through my 30s, it is something I would truly love to have happen (at any age, but it would be really fabulous to write my first book in this decade of my life). Right now my shop, blog, health, family, and other areas are where my focus is at, but that dream is always there and I do truly hope to bring it to fruition one day.
Really, deeply, entirely, thank you again, my lovely friend.
♥ Jessica
You can really tell you have a clear vision for this blog and an organised approach to it - each post is so meticulously written and clearly has so much passion for what you do going into it. That's why we all read it! And I wanted to say I really feel for you on the interstitial cystitis front - it was something I was tested for not too long ago, but I was lucky as it turned out not to be that. The fact that's just one of several illnesses I can't even comprehend; I'm glad you've been able to keep the blog going through it all though, what a Herculean feat! And just even better that all the hard work has paid off :) CC x
ReplyDeleteThank you from the bottom of my heart, sweet dear. I'm deeply sorry to hear that you've been battling some bladder/health issues yourself. Please know that I'm always here 24/7 if if you ever need someone to talk to. Between both a (real world) support group I used to run and the (now closed) website mentioned here, I'm peer counselled hundreds upon hundreds (thousands, really) of chronically ill folks over the years and there's nothing on the medical front I can't discuss or that I wouldn't try to help you with in any way that I possibly could.
DeleteGentle hugs & endless understanding,
♥ Jessica
Jessica, you are so amazing! I'm in awe of how you can keep to a blogging schedule with all the health issues you have been through. It's a good thing you are so tenacious, because I love to visit your blog :)
ReplyDeleteThat is tremendously touching, dear Debra Lynn, thank you so much. I love that you visit! :)
DeleteHuge hugs,
♥ Jessica
This was a really interesting look into your blogging process, thank you for posting about it. I went back and reread your post about having a blogging calendar, which is an excellent idea that I really need to employ more often.
ReplyDeleteI think you would be the perfect candidate for a book on vintage fashion...and I definitely think your blog does/can attract a wider audience outside the vintage fashion me for example. :)
ReplyDeleteyour a wonderfully successful blogger
ReplyDeleteretro rover
thank you for sharing! i always love to read blogger's take on questions like this. the first post and overall blogging motivations are always interesting and different from person to person. i love your dedication, thoroughness and passion in the blogging world. how glad we are to have Chronically Vintage and it's blog mother!
ReplyDeletespeaking of being glad for your blog, i recently sent out my gift for the Secret Santa exchange. i have been over the moon excited and happy about this project. thank you so so so very much for doing this. and i can't wait to participate for many years to come. why, just recently a friend and i were talking about how someday we'd be able to say we participated in the first!!
My very sweet friend, thank you deeply for your your beautiful comment and touching words. I'm honoured to know that you're happy my blog and I are here. It's nothing short of a joy to be a part of this community year after year and to connect with so many kind, amazing people like yourself through the world of blogging.
DeleteIt's my pleasure! There was such a phenomenally positive response to initial VSS. All things willing, it will become an annual event that just continues to grow and grow with each passing holiday season. Thank you again for taking part. I'm so happy that you did, honey!
Huge hugs,
♥ Jessica
Well if you do write a book about vintage fashion I hope it comes to Australia :)
ReplyDeleteThat's really sweet, Debs, thank you! I've long said that I would want to publish with a real publishing company, not the self-published route (I'm not dissing it at all, it's just deeply important to be to be backed by a publisher), and thus my book would be on Amazon (and probably other huge book seller sites like The Book Depository), so hopefully it would be accessible to you in Australia. If not, I'd always be happy to ship a copy to you from Canada.
Delete♥ Jessica
Jessica, your talent as a writer along with your always wonderful photos is what keeps me returning to your oh so special blog.I know I dont always leave a comment but I read every post with great enthusiasm.When I started blogging about a year ago, I discovered your blogging tips, printed them off and continue to return to them. Your sweet personality shines through in every post, may each day be full of sunshine my dear. X
ReplyDeleteDear Jill, it touches me through and through to know that you've found my blogging tips and blog itself to be such a positive influence on your own journey into blogging. I'm honoured and must say that I think you're a wonderful blogger and dear online friend, whose style never fails to inspire me.
DeleteHuge hugs,
♥ Jessica
You are always a blogging inspiration to me. I think of you often when I'm planning a post or thinking about my blogging schedule.
That is a compliment of the highest magnitude, my dear friend. Thank you deeply (you, your style, and your blog are constant sources of inspiration to me as well).
DeleteHuge hugs,
♥ Jessica
Spot-on, Jessica!
ReplyDeleteOne thing is amazing about YOU and blogging: no matter the pain and struggle with your illness, your blog has never been let to suffer your pain. I know you have bad days, and hard days.. and days you "just can't" - but this place is spotles no matter what!
You're an amazing role-model to this vintage-blogging community.
Dearest Marija, hand on my heart, your incredibly compassionate comment brought tears to my eyes. I can't begin to adequately express what it means to me to know that you "get it" when it comes to my life behind the scenes of my blog. Thank you so immensely much for letting me know that you do and for the blessing of your friendship and understanding.
DeleteCountless hugs always,
♥ Jessica
I love that you shared your answers to these questions as it allows others to see how your blog has developed into the wonderfully successful and informative site that it is today.
ReplyDeleteYou're so kind and sweet, Shelly, thank you very, very much. I know beyond a shadow a doubt that my blog wouldn't be what it is today without awesome, loyal readers and online friends like yourself.
Delete♥ Jessica
Very interesting to read! I started a blog time and time again, and most of them failed. Right now, I've 2 blogs, and it's a handful handling them. I have two different styles, totally different styles, and I like to keep them seperated. :)
ReplyDeleteI only discovered your blog about a week or 2 ago, and I must say, you're an inspiring person! You have such a lovely writing style. Thank you for answering these questions :) It's really interesting, I love it when bloggers do that!
x Angela //
Thank you sweetly, my dear, that's wonderfully of you to say. I'm delighted that you discovered my blog and hope that you've really been enjoying your time here so far.
DeleteI totally get that about keeping two distinct sides of yourself separate with different blogs. I had a crafting blog for over two years (during part of the time I've had this blog, but for a plethora of reasons, I wasn't able to blog there often, let alone create craft projects for it, so as this blog continued to expand and take up more of my time (in a good way), I opted to shut it down. Every now and then I get very tempted to launch another blog about one or another of my various interests, but for now (especially since opening my Etsy shop this past spring, which is definitely a full time job unto itself), I haven't started another one up again on top of the sites that I already run. Perhaps down the road, but for now focusing on Chronically Vintage is my priority.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
I loved reading this.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the things other than my love if vintage - that I always keep coming back to your blog for is the writing. You are able to capture your reader with your writing :)
That truly means a lot to me, dear Lorena. I am fully aware of the fact that my writing style and typically decent length posts isn't everyone's cup of tea (especially as the web shifts more and more to social media and video content), but it's how I most enjoy writing and feel like I'm able to present myself best to the online world, so I have to plans to ever change on that front. Knowing that some of my readers enjoy my writing voice means so much and is super encouraging when it comes to continuing to pen frequent posts here.
DeleteTons of hugs,
♥ Jessica
As always you inspire me and make me think. :) I've been thinking about a lot of things you've wrote about in the past and these questions are perfect timing to close out this year to continue that thinking process. You have no idea how many times I go looking to you for advice on so many things either blog or fashion related. May your next year bring you wonderful surprises along the way!!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Debra, that is as touching and meaningful a thing as a blogger could ever here. Thank you deeply for sharing that my blog has helped and inspired you time and time again. I wish I could reach out and give you a huge hug right now!
Delete♥ Jessica
I loved reading this and learning more about you, especially since I recently started following you :). One of the things I've also gained from being a blogger (though it's still all new to me) has been making friendships with so many wonderful people who have a passion for blogging and such amazing, inspirational style. I love your style and look forward to more of your posts! <3
ReplyDeletexo, Serli
That's really sweet, honey, thank you very much. I'm delighted that our paths were able to cross so early on in your own blogging journey. Please know that I'm always here if you need someone to "talk shop" with about blogging.
Delete♥ Jessica
Oh yay! I get a chance to read your answers to these questions. :) I've been waiting for this post to pop up; I do so enjoying hearing the stories behind the blogs. It's such a nice way to connect with the person behind all the ideas. ♥
ReplyDeleteAnd I must say, I really do admire your dedication to your blog and how much time you must spend carefully curating and crafting {how's that for alliteration? :P} such rich, informative and elegant content. You are always an inspiration to me dear, and certainly an excellent example of how to hold on to something you feel passionate about, no matter what circumstances life leads you through.
Wishing you all the best for your blogging year to come!
bonita of Lavender & Twill
Sweet Bonita, I truly appreciate and am touched to my core by your beautiful words and compliments. Thank you so much both for them and again for posting this thought provoking set of questions. I didn't foresee it taking me nearly a year to try my hand at them, but in a way I'm glad that things worked out as such, as it meant that I had time to thoroughly reflect on them over the past several months so that when it came time to craft them, I knew exactly what I wanted to say.
DeleteWishing you an absolutely stellar blogging year ahead as well - and many more fabulous ones beyond it to come, too.
Huge hugs,
♥ Jessica
What a lovely list of questions! And your answers are so in-depth and heartfelt! Like everything you do! And like so much of your blog, these answers are inspiring! And are a delightful little push in the blogesphere for fellow bloggers!
ReplyDeleteI may get around to answering these one day! The origin of my blog and past on-line presence is a difficult question for me, as I am slightly ashamed of past experiences.
Hi lovely Janey, I'm touched to know that this set of eleven questions speaks to you as well. There's nothing that says you have to follow them to the letter. If you'd prefer not to discuss some past elements of your online activity, then definitely feel free to skip that question and/or sub it in with one of your own. Answering these points should be fun, not stressful, embarrassing or any other negative feeling. If you do have a go at them, I eagerly look forward to reading your answers and learning more about you and your blog, my dear friend.
DeleteBig hugs & tons of happy weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
I do admire your staying power Jessica, you're certainly an inspiration. I battle to keep my own little corner of the blogisphere going with my own health issues (both physical and otherwise) but I know that if you can do it, there's no reason why I can't, though I know I will ever be as successful as you xxx
ReplyDeleteSweet Melanie, that's very, very kind and touching of you to say. Thank you! I think your blog is the bee's knees (vintage! a rabbit! fab outfits!) and am sure that all of your readers would agree with me there.
DeleteBig hugs & tons of happy weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
I enjoyed reading this, you can feel the passion that you have for your blog in your answers and I am sure that is one of the reasons that it is so popular. Your posts are always interesting, witty, well researched and a pleasure to read and often provided ideas or facts to mull over later. To say nothing of your great photographer of course!
ReplyDeleteSweet Kate, you have me blushing more than one of the Okanagan's famous peaches. Thank you deeply and dearly. That is such a touching, uplifting and encouraging compliment, which genuinely means a lot to me. Definitely, major props go out to Tony for all of his diligent and skilled photography work - this blog would certainly not be the same without it.
DeleteTons of hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica