
March 14, 2015

CV + The Curious Professor Z team up for a fabulous Etsy shop giveaway and excusive coupon code on her blog

This week, on none other than Friday the 13th (which, as a bit of a side note, has actually, historically, been a day of good luck for me, not the other way around), I teamed up with my wonderful friend Franny from the blog The Curious Professor Z for a giveaway and limited time coupon code for my Etsy shop.

Swing on by Franny's seriously lovely (she says the nicest things about me - aww!) giveaway post to enter for your chance to win a $50.00 store credit for my Etsy shop and to take advantage of the exclusive 25% off coupon code that I've created just for this exciting post.

The giveaway is open to entrants worldwide and likewise, as I ship to every country, the coupon code can be used by customers anywhere to save a big on purchases made between now and March 31, 2015.

In unrelated news, it was with a heavy heart that I read this week of the recent passing of one of Flickr's greatest vintage image uploaders, Paul Malon.

James Vaughan, aka X-Ray Delta One, kindly took it upon himself to announce the passing at the end of January of his friend Paul, whose chock-a-block vintage photo and illustration filled stream had been a constant companion and source of many images used here in various Chronically Vintage for years now.

Mr. Malon’s tireless passion for sharing old school images was hugely appreciated by myself and many others and he will be greatly missed. At present his Flickr stream, with over 24,600 images is still online and is beyond well worth spending some time with (especially since it's hard to say how long it will continue to remain in place).

This is actually the third person in less than three weeks that I was either acquainted with or who was very close to someone that I knew and am friends with (but hadn't interacted with deceased personally myself) who has departed from this world and I must say, it's making for a rather somber March. Thankfully in the case of Paul's life though, we can continue to celebrate it and his massive love for yesteryear art, photos, and history - something that so many of us here can relate to - through his Flickr stream.

{Just one of the tens of thousands of images that avid Flickr user Paul Malon posted in his incredible, immensely history rich stream over the years. Thank you, Mr. Malon, for the inspiration and images alike. I always loved visiting and checking out what you'd so diligently shared with us there. Flickr won't be the same without you..}

In other recent happenings, the week solid of almost no sleep + around the clock work to get my business taxes in order (last week) really did a number on me. Instead of slowly bouncing back this week, I've almost gotten weaker and more unwell feeling with each passing day, so I'm going to be taking things mighty easy this weekend and hopefully in a few more days I'll have a bit of pep in my step, so to speak, once more.

Aside from those things though, all is well and I'm grateful that spring is a mere week away. Though the weather here is still (somewhat) playing for team winter, the first gentle signs of the new season are beginning to emerge and each one fills me with joy and excitement.

Also firing up my cylinders at the moment is the giveaway over at Franny's terrific blog. Again, my lovely dears, be sure to pop on over and enter for your chance to win a $50.00 store credit for my Etsy vintage shop and to pick up the off coupon code there that will save you 25% off on anything in my store until the end of March.

Wishing you each a beautiful, (hopefully) sun-kissed weekend!!!


  1. Wahoo!😄 I'm thrilled to be your partner in crime, dear gal. Let the fun begin!

  2. Entered:) such a great giveaway and the special discount code is amazing! I am heading to huge antique sale this weekend but if nothing catches my eye I will be looking in your shop:)

    1. Oohh, how fabulously exciting!!! Tony and I are heading about 1.5 hours north of Penticton to the lovely town of Vernon for an antiques auction (the biggest and best in the Okanagan these days) today. Fingers crossed luck is on my side this time around and that I come home with some treasures for the shop.

      I hope things go fabulous for you at the sale!!!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. So sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I hope April looks up fir you
    Retro rover

    1. Thank you deeply, my sweet friend. Though Paul wasn't a close friend, we had certainly know one another for a few years and it came as such a shock to hear that he had passed, as he didn't even let folks know (as far as I'm aware) on Flickr that he had been battling cancer. As the years go on, we will of course lose many more individuals that we just know online, which is new in the scope of human history and presents many interesting thoughts about how the face of grief and grieving and loss itself may change as time goes on.

      Thank you again - have a beautiful weekend,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Replies
    1. Seriously so!!! Can I please have that amazing jukebox and all the vintage fashions that gals in it are wearing? :)

      Tons of hugs and happy weekend/Monday wishes coming your way, honey!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I hope you get more rest and feel better. Often overtaxing ourselves leaves us weakened.

    I too had someone pass away recently (motorcycle buddy). A sad reminder of our mortality.

    1. I'm deeply sorry to that you recently lost someone as well, Ally. Goodness, it breaks my heart how many people are passing this year. That's the nature of life, of course, but it does seem to come in waves like this sometimes and this is one of the bigger for me in quite some time.

      My deepest condolences and understanding on your loss,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. What a lovely giveaway!

    I hope you regain your strength soon, and I'm glad those blasted taxes are out of the way! x

  7. Jessica,
    As you have said it, no one is truly GONE until we stop remembering. So we owe it to this amazing person (whose collection of images have made many of my days brigher) to never stop remembering and honoring him. To Paul!
    ...and thank you for giving folks the chance to get an AMAZING giveaway! Have I mentioned (lately) how awesome you are?! :)


    1. Thank you so very, very much, my darling friend. I really needed that touching reminder today. You are as awesome as they come as well.

      Indeed! To Paul and the tireless, fantastic gift he gave to the online world through his Flickr stream.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Hello Jessica!
    I had the opportunity to visit the Flickr Mr. Paul Malon through the link you left and actually posts are incredible, for sure will be greatly missed. I love the idea of the draw! A big hug my amiable friend!

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend. If you haven't done so, definitely swing by Franny's blog and enter. It's open to readers worldwide and I'm sure you'd enjoy a visit to her site, too (she's such a friendly, wonderful person, just like you).

      Tons of hugs & happy wishes for this new week,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Will head over to have a look! Pleased to hear you will be taking the time to take it a little easier for a while!

  10. Your giveaways are always fun! All the best for the lucky winner!

  11. Oh dear that is so sad about Paul :( I really hope that his images stay up and someone close to him sees the importance of doing this.

    Sorry your under the weather Jessica, I hope you did get some much needed rest this weekend and are feeling a bit on the mends today. Off to see about this contest.

    Liz :)
