March 2, 2015

How to wear navy blue

Recently while bopping around on Flickr (gathering images for the latest edition of Flickr Favourites), I came across this absolutely wonderful late 1940s magazine page that instantly caught my eye. It did so not only for the sophisticated and very pretty suits that it showcased, but because the headline and accompanying text struck me as still be very relevant for today's vintage loving fashionista (or any style conscious dresser, for that matter).

Navy blue is an interesting colour. As one might suspect based on its name, because this elegantly dark shade of blue (which was originally called marine blue) was adopted by the British Royal Navy for use on their uniforms in 1748, it quickly became associated with this branch of the military and took on an eponymous moniker (as well as being adopted by many other such groups in the decades and centuries to come).

Though we do tend to traditionally associate it with men in uniform, including both members of the navy and the police departments, it has long been put to work on women's uniforms in the same capacities as well, in addition to being a popular shade for both men's and women's suits over the decades. In fact, it has been seen in all kinds of garments and accessories for both genders in a fairly even handed distribution for a few generations now.

So tied to authority figures is navy blue, that some people (whether consciously or subconsciously) shy away (or conversely, are especially attracted to) navy blue for this very reason. In general, these days, most of us wear less navy than we do black, and sometimes also brown and/or grey. Yet its beauty and serene lovely is timeless, and its hue frequently tends to flatter people (especially those with fair colouring) more so than black (that definitely rings true for me, which is why I'm much more apt to wear a navy garment near by face than a stark black one), so it's a colour that deserves a second look for sure!

This 1940s magazine page (click here for a larger, easier to read version) offers up numerous helpful hints for wearing navy blue that are excellent points for vintage and contemporary fashion fans alike to keep in mind. For example, it suggests partnering navy blue with hot orange, kelly green, and dogwood white, all excellent pairings for navy's bold, I-can-take-anything-you-throw-at-me hue.

{This elegantly lovely page of fashion advice first appeared in the February 1948 edition of Calling All Girls magazine. It's colour suggestions still ring true an helpful to this day. Vintage image source.}

If you haven't worn too much navy in your life, or haven't sported in in ages, I'd suggest starting with a solid navy garment such as a shirtwaist dress, pair of trousers, or sweater and seeing how you like it. Navy pairs brilliantly with a wide range of colours thanks to the fact that its dark shade make it a neutral tone. Here are twelve (further) fabulous vintage images that show examples of colours (and styles) that navy plays very well with.

{Navy and red always look sensational together (in part because they're both primary colours). The pairing has a nautical vibe to it, whether intended or not, but can also remind one of the 4th of July and all things patriotic (to Americans, Brits, Aussie, the French, and other countries whose nations colours include blue and red). Whatever you think of when you see or wear them together, they're no denying that they're a match made in colour combo heaven!}

{The mingling of sophisticated navy blue with silver or grey is always radiantly beautiful - it instantly reminds me of the sky on a warm summer's night, as millions of stars pulsate and smile with a twinkle down on the earth. As this stunning 1950s example illustrates, the two make for a magnificent evening wear pairing, especially if you're in the mood for a LND for a fun change of pace.}

{Orange and blue sit across from one another on the colour wheel and are therefore complementary (aka, opposite) colour pairs that naturally go very well together. Here rust hued gloves are partnered with a strikingly chic navy blue day dress for a 1940s look that is nothing short of traffic stopping.}

{A navy blue winter coat can be a marvelous alternative to black or grey, especially if you find blues work better with your personal colouring. Here a deeply lovely navy princess coat is partnered with a matching beige-grey scarf and gloves for a look that is serene, refined, and perpetually lovely.}

{When selecting accessories, don't forget about navy blue. Whether to coordinate with a navy outfit or as a stand alone colour unto itself as part of your ensemble, navy is always a great choice for hats, belts, gloves, scarves, umbrellas, shoes, purse, and - as shown here - most definitely snoods, as well.}

{On top of the perpetually becoming partnership of navy and white, this lovely 1950s fashion page shows pink and navy getting along swimmingly too. Chalk it up to my 80s childhood if you like, but this combination has always been one of my very favourites ever.}

{Here we see navy at work with its two primary colour siblings, red and yellow, and looking fresh, youthful and very pretty in the process. I've long enjoyed yellow and navy together. The pairing is somewhat unexpected nowadays in particular and can work, I find, especially well for mid-spring straight on until September.}

{Aside from being massive adorable, this fantastic 1950s poodle novelty print sees navy blue put to work as a canvass for green, red and grey, a quartet that really hits its off, especially in the context of such a feminine style (where the same pattern in say, sky blue, pink, mint and white might risk looking to twee).}

{We're all heard before that navy and black shouldn't mix, but that notion hold little weight in reality, especially if you keep the portions of the two on a big-small scale, with one dominating and the other playing backup in the form or accessories, shoes, or trims/buttons on a garment. Introduce another colour or two, as this chic ensemble does with white, and chances are folks won't even bat an eye if they see wearing blue and navy in the same outfit.}

{Don't just limit navy to mixing with other solids, it can be a great friend to prints as well, very much including leopard and similar animal patterns, as this fun c. 1950s look does a great job of demonstrating.}

{Purple and navy are such a charming pair, yet we don't see them out and about nearly often enough. Remedy that and take a style cue from the beautiful ensemble on the bottom left and try giving them a day (or night) out more often!}

{Sometimes, especially in the warmer months, you not be in the mood for head-to-toe (or nearly so) navy blue, but you don't want to part ways with it entirely. Used sparingly and/or accessories, it can be a great shot of bold colour in the midst of a light or bright outfit, as in this terrific 1950s skirt suit.}

{To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}

♥ ♥ ♥

Interestingly, while today we tend to associate navy blue with the chilly months of fall and winter, this 1948 magazine page suggests starting your Easter outfit with it, meaning that navy would be squarely on the agenda for spring. As navy teams up gorgeously with many pastels (such as peach, mint green, lilac, baby blue, and buttercup yellow), this can actually be a terrific move and one that can see you on into summer, making navy an excellent all-weather and all season choice (for a real sartorial thrill, as touched on above, partner it with leopard, the two jive together surprisingly well).

Come the dog days of summer, I especially like to pair navy blue with turquoise, red, pale grey, kelly green, and salmon/coral. In the fall, I marry it with pumpkin, cinnamon/fawn, pine green, plum, royal purple, medium grey, cream, red, camel and olive. When winter rolls around, it's time to combine navy with red, burgundy, dark grey, chocolate brown (I utterly adore that pairing!), silver, gold, ivory, black, dark pink, pale yellows, tangerine, oatmeal, and copper (in fact, if you happen to have any copper jewelry, trying wearing it with navy the next time you're in the mood for either and you'll be thrilled by how pleasingly they join stylish forces).

Navy was a common colour in fashion throughout the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and to a lesser degree, even the 1960s (more so the first half of the decade). It came back in full force during the power suit days of the 80s and while it has certainly never vanished from store shelves entirely, I would say that was the last decade it really enjoyed a long run in the spotlight.

As vintage wearers however, such things never phase us because we generally base our wardrobes around mid-century decades - a time when navy blue was considerably more commonplace - anyhow. Thankfully, because of navy blue's widespread use and popularity during the early and mid-twentieth century, there's no shortage of vintage pieces on the market in this classic colour and they're well worth stocking up on, if and when you can.

I have a navy blue pencil skirt, a couple of navy dresses, two or three navy cardigans, multiple navy blue hats and pairs of gloves, a plaid shirt with navy its core, scarves with navy in their patterns, a pair of navy blue shoes (they go with nearly everything that black or brown shoes do and give your outfit an unexpected kick of colour when folks see your feet), navy plastic bangle bracelets, and a (small - I really want a larger one, too) navy blue vintage handbag.

One of the things that I love about navy is how crisp and confident it is. You can wear it alone or with numerous other colours and it always stands tall and remains an elegant backdrop or centerpiece alike. If someone asked me right now to list ten of the colours that I most associate with pre-1960s garments, navy would definitely be one of them and I can scarcely imagine my old school wardrobe without it.

If you're been sidestepping or feeling shy around navy, why not use these last few icy cold weeks of winter to give it a test drive. It's classic, becoming, versatile, readily available, and so fabulously vintage appropriate, be it in small does like a pair of earrings, a full length winter coat, or everything in between!


  1. I love navy! When this post popped up on my Bloglovin' feed I couldn't wait to see what you had to say and basically you've confirmed my suspicions: there is little that navy doesn't look great with! I particularly love navy with leopard print and it's my favourite colour for a coat by far. I've never thought of pairing it with green though as I always have this rhyme my mum used to say of 'blue and green should never be seen' which I really have to shake off! And I hadn't thought of putting navy with black accessories but I love that image above - it really can work :) CC x

    1. Leopard and navy are so tremendously chic together! I love that pairing as well and really need to sport it more often myself. I love green and blue together. It's funny, isn't it, the things that stick so strongly with us in regards to fashion that we picked up in our youth. The cool, flattering tones of both play so well off one another and generally look awesome on most folks. I'm sure that you'll style this duet together terrifically!

      Big hugs & many thanks for your wonderful comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I find navy to be a year round colour. I liked your navy and silver, so Christmassy! I myself want a nautical outfit for summer this year. White top, navy bottom and red accessories. I like navy paired with green too for spring and yes orange for fall! Hmmmm I think I need more navy.

    1. I would adore a nautical influenced outfit for summer like that, too. I don't have any navy pants at present, but my Freddies jeans are all dark denim, so they come somewhat close, especially my beloved (and most frequently sported when it comes to pants) 40s style side button pair. I actually just thrifted a new (to me) vintage appropriate top a couple of weekends ago that has fairly narrow stripes of navy and white for the body, with hits of white and red near the shoulders. It's super nautical looking and will be a likely basis for just the sort of outfit you described when I put one together next.

      It's cool that you're a fan of navy and orange together as well. I think that's such an underutilized fashion duet.

      Thank you very much for your great comment. Have a beautiful Monday!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Hi lovely Dawn, thank you very much for your terrific comment. I'm a massive fan of grey as well, especially medium and darker shades, but really, any grey is a winner in my books.

    Maroon/burgundy and navy are smashing together! Here's one of my favourite outfits that combines that pairing: (Oh, for the return of sunny weather like that again!)

    Agreed, green (especially emerald or kelly green) and navy have such a posh, preppy vibe to them that's very Vineyard Vines, amongst other things, to me. I've always adored preppy style and channel it a bit sometimes, so colour combos that call to mind that aesthetic are usually firm favourites of mine.

    Thank you again for your wonderful comment and for sharing some of your own thoughts on this timeless dark neutral with everyone here.

    Have a marvelous Monday!
    ♥ Jessica

  4. And don't forget denim! That's the ultimate way we see navy in many modern outfits, with darker denim (always something I preferred to lighter blue denims). My best friend (not into vintage at all) and I were recently talking about how she loves wearing navy shoes with denim as it's the perfect neutral combination to launch from.

    I've historically preferred black as my "blank slate" dark neutral color, then have finally in adulthood warmed to brown, and I'm slowly coming around to navy, too. I've had a navy vintage cardigan and knit a navy cardigan, so clearly I don't mind it to add a dark cover to a bright or lighter backdrop. And the jacket I'm currently sewing is a navy and cream herringbone. I bought navy and cream spectator low heels over winter and I'm excited to pair them with outfits this spring. Starting with denim and going from there!

    1. Definitely! Thank you for raising that point, dear gal. Dark denim is such a fantastic way to get more navy into one's wardrobe. I can scarcely imagine at this point not having my (dark denim) Freddies to turn to, especially since I own so few pairs of pants (in general they don't generally like my short, curvy figure very much; thankfully Freddies do though!).

      I had a great pair of denim sling back flats for summer that I used to wear with denim often, much as your BF loves sporting navy shoes with her jeans, but alas, Annie (our dog) got to them when she was a puppy back in 2013. I'd really like to find a similar warm weather appropriate pair to wear with denim and navy when the warm weather strikes this year.

      Ooohh, your navy and cream spectators sound magnificent! Would you believe it, though I've owned pairs at various points in my life, I haven't had any spectators for a few years now. They're really up their on my "to find" list though (hard to fit feet) and goodness, would I go wild for a pair in that colour combo. Yours sound so lovely and I really look forward to seeing them, if you post an outfit snap with them on your blog.

      Thank you very much for your terrific comment. Have a beautiful Monday!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Happy sewing on your jacket!

  5. navy blue is my very favorite color you have some great suggestions for how to wear it

    retro rover

  6. My closet probably has too much navy in it, but I love the color! It's colorful enough to be worn alone, but can also be paired with just about any color without looking too loud or busy. Thanks for sharing these pictures, I loved them all!


  7. i've always loved navy, it's such a great basic color but over the last year or so we've sort of fallen out. i've been wearing brown shades of western boots more often than not due to my music entertaining and their comfort and ease of wearing. unfortunately, unless it's basic bluejeans, brown boots don't go too will with navy. but this si really inspiring! i'm sure i'll have to dig out the black pumps and get back to wearing navy before it gets too warm for dark colors.

  8. I love navy blue! For all seasons really, my navy blue pencil skirt gets a lot of use! My only woe is (and I complain about this constantly) I can never seem to find sheer navy back-seam tights to go with my navy outfits. Even fine quality navy fishnets (in a smaller scale net) would satisfy me, but I have yet to come across any. Great post on the merits of a standby vintage hue!

    1. Thank you very much. It was a really fun post to pen - I always adore talking about colour and its role in fashion.

      I promise you, my lovely friend, you are not alone in your hunt for seamed navy blue vintage style stockings (or even tights/hose) in the slightest. I've been searching for them for many years, too, to no avail. If I ever find a source, I promise, you'll be the first person I contact - heck, I might even blog about it, as it will be that big of a deal to me!

      ♥ Jessica

  9. As I have been working really hard to get away from my all red and black wardrobe of the last 10 years (not that you can tell from my most recent post) I have thought a lot about other neutrals and how to incorporate them into my new wardrobe. I have played with navy a little bit and really liked it. This post has reminded me how much I wear the few navy pieces I have and that I need to invest in a few more. Thankfully my favorite navy color pairing is with red and I have a ton of it. Wonderful post, my friend. What a great inspiration

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. That is very kind of you to say, dear Cherry, thank you! Red, grey and black (sometimes with white added into the mix) is my unofficial cold weather uniform, so I definitely here you regarding owning scads of this pairing.

      It's almost funny to me at this point how often, for years now, I've sported that palette during the chilly months (I'll get dressed on autopilot, go out, and then see my reflection and be like, "oh gosh, I've done it again!" :D). This year though I have been trying to reach for a few other shades, very much including both navy and my colour of the year for 2015 (brown).

      Thank you for your great comment. Have a beautiful start of March!

      ♥ Jessica

  10. i used to not wear blue most of my adult life. it reminded me to much on the blue-gray-ish hues that symbolized the east-block for me. BUT - a few years ago some navy blue - marineblau - sneaked in my wardrobe in form of a sailor jacket/blouse and a plissé skirt. the navy department did grow on me and in the numbers of items. now i could wear navy a whole week with different outfits. and spring is the right time to do this :-)
    love&hugs!!! xxxxx

  11. My favourite pairing with navy is currently hot pink! It looks great, really pops. Thanks for all these suggestions and reminders that navy doesn't have to be boring x

    1. My pleasure, sweet gal! It was a blast putting this post together and getting to shine the spotlight on one of my all-time favourite colours. I adore that pairing, too - it's both very 1940s and 1980s to me, which as I'm wild about both decades, earns it a permanent place in my wardrobe. :)

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. All of those images are completely swoon-worthy!
    Hehehe does this mean I subconsciously want to be an authority figure? I'm terribly shy but navy pretty much outranks all the other colours in my closet. ;)

    1. It's possible, but if you ask me, I think it just means that you a great eye for colour and fashion! :)

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Oh I treasure this post! Navy blue is one of my favorite colors for everyday and vintage. I love learned more about color combinations since I have not fully perfected my skills in that area. Oh thank you for this dear. Do more! Love it!! xox

    1. That's awesome to know, my sweet friend, thank you very much!!! If there's ever a specific colour that you'd like me to shine the spotlight on, please don't hesitate to ask.

      Tons of hugs & happy start of March wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. I love navy with white (one of my favorite outfits was a navy with white polka dot jumpsuit), and also with red. I loved the photo where it was mixed with the animal print-more interesting than basic black.

  15. The only navy in my wardrobe is my dark denim jeans. Although navy really suits me it brings back horrible memories of a horrible school uniform! I usually go with black and grey as neutrals, maybe I need to get over my dislike and start to introduce a bit of navy? It always looks so smart.

    1. I get that for sure, my dear. Though I didn't have school uniforms, navy is undoubtedly one of the most common colours for this category of clothing and if you were to ask which hues spring to mind first when I think of school uniforms, navy blue, white, light blue, and black would be my first picks.

      Perhaps you could try something very un-school uniform, like a jaunty 1940s hat or dark blue/navy Bakelite bangle or a pair of alluring, mile high navy heels, warm up to the colour more that way, and then perhaps introduce more into your closet via your garments. (And don't forget about navy blue underpinning, too - they're every bit as gorgeous as black!)

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Thank you very much, lovely Dawn! Seeing that outfit again reminded me to make sure I wear the same pairing (navy + burgundy or maroon) again this year. It find I'm drawn to it most often in late summer/early fall, but really do enjoy it all year round.

    Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday,
    ♥ Jessica

  17. Where black doesn't suit me, navy usually does-- a good reason to add more navy blue to my closet (plus I feel it looks great with red hair!). What amazing inspiration you've provided here, I particularly like the idea of mixing prints and navy, like the animal print in the image above, something I'll have to remember when I'm putting together an outfit or shopping. While it's definitely a color for all seasons, navy for spring sounds so good right now-- something to look forward to!

    1. I completely agree. I usually flock to black (and red + grey) in the winter and am am so ready to lighten the palette and mode a touch with navy garments. It's an ideal spring colour for both ladies and gents, in my books.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment, dear gal. I hope this month is off to a terrific start for you!

      ♥ Jessica

  18. I must admit that I am a navy colour gal, however I dont have that many pieces with this colour in my closet.
    But whenever I wear it; i get compliments, so I can only guess it suits me.
    For me blue is very day to night appropriate and very business like.

    1. It definitely is and so adore it for that reason. I've often worn navy to very important medical, government, lawyer, business or other similar appointments and meetings over the years and definitely feel that it can help instill an added boast of confidence in such settings (especially if your mega shy like I am).

      Thank you very much for this and all of your splendidly nice comments today, dear Lorena. I hope you're having a beautiful week!

      ♥ Jessica

  19. OMG, fell over with a heart attack over the 1949 Dior Coat with fur trim. Drool!! :)

    1. Believe me when I say that I am toppling over in unison with you! :)

      Have a marvelous Tuesday, dear lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I would actually wear navy way more if it weren't so hard to find! I have a navy coat that I love to death, and one of my favorite dresses is navy blue and white (and yes, I wear it with a black belt and shoes all the time, I didn't even know there was a rule to not wear the two together until very recently). I would love to find a nice pair of navy blue shoes, which I think would be really versatile, and maybe a navy patent purse.
    I just about gasped aloud at the second picture - I love the navy and the red, and those fur sleeves (or maybe that's a wrap or shawl, on second glance) are amazing! I'm really digging the leopard and the navy as well, and I think what makes it work so well is the solid yellow belt as a bridge, since it works so well with both of them. Really fun and inpsirational, thank you for sharing yet another wonderful set of images.

    1. That is so true, especially if we're not talking uber nautical inspired garb (which I love, but it isn't the best choice for every last setting), uniforms, and men's suits. I have a navy blue spring/early fall 40s/50s coat that I wear love to death myself (interestingly though, it has not made an appearance here to the best of my memory - perhaps this year). I have zero qualms with wearing it anytime black could do the job, too. It brings way more colour to my complexion and always tends to perk up my mood a bit (much like red, I find it a confidence instilling hue).

      It's tricky to say. I thought sleeves at first, too, but it could be a stole/wrap or something similar. I'd be curious to know what Joanna from Dividing Vintage Moments had to say there, as she is the absolute queen of 1950s couture/uber glam styling of the sort that positive drips from that ensemble.

      Thank you very much for your terrific comment - here's to a navy filled year for both of us!
      ♥ Jessica

  21. I really love this color, and I want more things in navy! I might have my hand at making a navy blue dress sometime in the winter, I think.

    Carla, TinyAngryCrafts

    1. I think you would look smashing in navy, sweet Carla. Given how great yellow looks on you, and how nice navy + yellow are together, perhaps you could try giving those two colours a spin together.

      I'd really like to a navy pair of swing trousers to my wardrobe. A navy suit would be great, too. I have a dark blue one (the fit is so-so; sometimes I think about selling it, but haven't yet, as I do wear now and then), but not a true navy suit. That along with green and brown are topping my vintage suit wishlist at the moment.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Have a beautiful Wednesday!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. I love navy - it;s such a classic chic colour that will never go out of style. It is almost perfect for all seasons and so fabulous to brighten up the winter season. I love my hubby in navy suit or casual.
    I have to admit I still have to buy a structured navy chic vintage dress... one day!

    1. You know, objectively, they're not the easiest things to come by. I only have one solid navy blue dress (it's a great, lightweight 40s number) and it took me years to find. Sure, I saw others in that time, but none in the right size and style that I was after. It's really too bad that more repro brands haven't focused much on navy so far. There's a fair number of colours where I feel that rings true, and if I ever have a repro/vintage inspired line of my own (hey, a gal can dream! :)), I will definitely not leave navy blue out in the cold.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. I had a fabulous navy suit-dress when I was 20. I loved it so much, but my boyfriend at the time told me I looked like a stewardess and scoffed at it. It kind of ruined it for me. But you know, I think it might be time for me to re-invest in some navy!

    1. Oh dear, what an insensitive thing for your ex-BF to say. I'm very sorry that his comment put you off of your beloved suit and navy in general for quite a while. I hope that this post does indeed inspire to embrace it again and that you find another suit (or other garment) that you love every bit as much.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. I love navy as well! it's perfect to wear any time. Great tips <3

    XoXo, Pri

    1. It truly is. There are extremely well circumstances where one can't wear navy blue. From weddings to funerals, business meetings to date nights, navy is a true team player that will see you through countless situations and events.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely blog comments this week,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. I'm a big fan of navy. I love pairing it with purple. While I used to buy a lot of black, I find myself buying more and more navy. It's still slimming but less harsh and better with my skin tone.

    1. Hi lovely Lisa, thank you very much for your great comment. I adore navy and purple together as well and second your take on it being as slimming as black. It really is, yet can look less severe/harsh than black, especially in large quantities. Even a navy blue hat, I find, can work wonders on that front.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. I'm not opposed to navy but the school uniform of my much hated secondary school was navy so I think in part I'm guilty of ignoring it because of the association.

    I do in fact have a lovely navy (not as dark as traditional Royal Navy blue) one button hip length jacket which I used to wear to forties events which I love. I'd really like to get a full circle skirt in the same shade to wear with the jacket but I'd have to be pretty lucky to match the shades perfectly; I have visions of creating a look similar to Dior's New Look!

    I hope you're well Jessica xxx

    1. Oooohh, I think that a New Look inspired outfit in navy blue would be nothing short of resplendent! There's no fashion silhouette I adore more than that of the New Look (so hence why I always cite the decade spanning 1947 - 1957 as my favourite ever from a sartorial standpoint) and your mention of partnering the two has made me want to put together a similar outfit myself. That will take some time and shopping though, as I have neither a navy blue nipped waist blazer or full skirt (or wide brimmed hat). It's something to strive for big time though. Thank you for bringing up the inspiring idea, sweet dear.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. Great post! I love navy, but I seem to struggle to style it unless i pair it with red or reddy colours. This is a real gem :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I hope that this post has helped give you some fresh ideas for sporing navy blue. Some of my personal faves to partner it with are emerald green, mustard yellow, burgundy/maroon, grey, and light blue. If you'd ever like to chat more about styling navy, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. I had to try to wear navy blue when I was younger but now it is really natural to me. Usually I go for the nautical themed outfit, with red and white, mostly on summer, maybe with some polka dot or stripes piece :)

    1. I'm wild about nautical looks involving navy blue, too, sweet dear. I just thrifted a modern, but very vintage appropriate shirt a couple weeks ago that is navy and white strips on the body, with white and red stripped detailing near the neck/shoulders. It's super nautical looking and will no doubt make an appearance here on my blog, likely in just such a context, sooner or late. :)

      Big hugs coming your way!
      ♥ Jessica

  29. Jessica,

    I love all the images here! I love nautical themes and navy blue is such a great colour. Thanks so much for this great post.

  30. I'm wearing Navy and green right now! But this shirt is one of only two navy items (well, excluding jeans, as pointed out above) that I own. I don't think it has ever really stood out to me, but I do quite like the navy things i have, so maybe I need to keep that in mind.

    1. What a delightful coincidence that you're sporting navy as you read this post. I've certainly found myself reaching for it even more often lately since penning it. It's a great pairing for spring's lighter/pastel shades and I'm really enjoying putting my navy garments to good use after a winter of blacks, greys and browns (not that I don't wear navy in the winter sometimes, I do, it's just that those three tend to see more play than it does).

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment, dear Amanda. I hope that this month is off to a splendid start for you!

      ♥ Jessica

  31. I also like vintage things!! So I love your outfit!

    If you like Audrey Hepburn and the style of her époque, please see my last post full of inspiration!

    New follower!!

  32. I'm not much around in blogland, so I'm a bit behind with reading post ...
    navy blue, blue ... I can't believe that blue was once my most hated colour! It really took me a while to learn that this colour loves me and makes my eyes, skin and hair shine. Meanwhile I love to get dressed in all kinds of blue.
    I really enjoyed going through your collection pictures showing wonderful blue pieces and colour combos including navy ... awesome post. very inspiring.
    one reason more to RUN to the vintage store after work on monday to finally try on a cute darkblue 40s dressI fell in love with last week (it comes with a white, olive green and pink print). I hope it is still there and it fits ... It is a bit pricey but I was lucky with my Ebay sales. :)

    1. Ooohh, I will keep my fingers firmly crossed for you, my dear friend. It sounds exquisite!

      Every shade of blue you've ever worn on your blog really has looked dazzling on your. It suits fair skinned blondes like you (and my mom) so well. I'm a huge fan myself and have good luck with many shades, thankfully including navy. I'm massively feeling baby/pastel blue at the moment, too - good thing the pair look so lovely when combined. :)

      Lots of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  33. Navy blue is my absolute favorite neutral. It's classic, flattering on everyone, good for vintage, nautical, and military looks, and the perfect winter color. Thanks for the tips on wearing this color to its max. :)

    1. It really is one of those fantastic colours that is universally flatting on just about everyone. I find certain shades of grey to have the same ability, but navy has a sparkling crispness to it that's unmatched. Penning this post has really reminded me to make the most of the navy pieces I already own and search for a few more this year, too.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  34. I really enjoyed this post, it is a great discussion about the merits of navy. I like it paired with burnt orange, mustard and maroon best but as you pointed out it is so versatile everyone could find a combo that they would like. I think with pale skin like mine navy can often be more flattering than black. Also, my wedding dress was navy and cream so I very much like that combination too!

    1. Ohhh, those colours all sound sublime with navy. Mustard + this dark shade of blue is a firm favourite of mine as well and in the fall and winter, I sport them often (ditto for the other two beautiful shades you mentioned), especially since (finally!) finding a mustard cardigan in 2013.

      Agreed so much! Navy is so much kinder to my fair skin and eyes (which it usually really makes "pop" when worn near my face) than black. Thinking, researching and talking about navy so much lately has really made me want to up the amount I have in my closest. Going forward, I'll definitely be trying to do so. (I wish more repro/vintage inspired brands made navy offerings on a regular basis, that would help there a bit for sure.)

      Tons of hugs coming your way from windy Penticton,
      ♥ Jessica

  35. And here I thought I didn't like navy blue! But now you've convinced me, like you always do, dear. I really love the examples with red, pink and surprisingly orange. I would never have thought about that. I adored your collection of examples and have looked through them twice. In my opinion navy has always been a boring basic. My basic is grey, because I think black is too hard for my pale skin, and because grey goes with almost everything and is very elegant. And now you have convinced me same is true for navy! You are truly a vintage style guru! Wishing you a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Isn't it sublime with orange? Tony's favourite colour is orange and anything related to it (peach, coral, apricot, salmon, etc), so I've upped the amount of this hue I own since meeting him and would say that I partner it most often with navy, followed by grey, followed by brown (though usually just in the fall for the case of the latter, as it does look soooo autumnal).

      I'm delighted to help made a new "team navy" member out of you, my dear friend, and really look forward to seeing any Instagram snaps you share of yourself wearing this colour in the future. Talking and thinking about it so much lately has certainly renewed my passion for this timeless colour and I'll be looking to up the percentage of it in my wardrobe from here on out, too.

      Tons of hugs & blissful Sunday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  36. Navy is not a color I think about much but your post changed my mind. I think my favorite way to wear it is in a polka dot pattern of white dots. I think navy, like black and white together, is a knockout that way. Now, you've made me reconsider it for other things as well!

    1. That is one of my favourite ways as well. I have a really lovely 1950s dress in white and royal verging on navy blue (it's like a cross between the two) that stands out as one of my top three favourite genuine 50s frocks in my closet.

      Agreed. Navy and blue together is very sophisticated and versatile. I'll often sport the two with dark green, burgundy, or eggplant thrown into the mix.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comments this week. I hope that you're having a terrific first day of spring!

      ♥ Jessica

  37. Pairing navy with black is my favourite. It's always a chic choice when done well.


    1. Agreed - it's fantastic! I was just talking to a relative about the so-called rule of not partnering the two recently and how easy it to dispel with the right outfit. The two together can be a touch harsh now that spring is here, but if we get a cloudy/rainy day or when the chilly season kicks again, I'm sooo doing a navy + black outfit post just to talk about that point further and help show more folks just how terrific the two are as ensemble mates.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica
