
May 19, 2015

I feel the winds of change blowing (and I love it!)

Despite my darling husband sometimes playfully teasing me that the opposite is true, I am not afraid of change in the slightest and rarely shy away from it. However, that doesn't mean I necessarily go out of my way to introduce it into my life 24/7 either.

Like many of us, I have my usual routine. It isn't always perfect, and sometimes (aka, everyday!) there aren't anywhere near hours in the day, but it's mine and I can become rather steadfastly attached to it. Until, that is, I grow weary and restless with with it and certain other elements of my life (not, mind you, my “dedicated days” work schedule - that is life changingly amazing and not budging an inch any time soon!).

Ever since I came back from visiting Calgary in the fall of 2013, which was a profoundly important trip for me (as I delved into in this post), I've been doing an even greater amount of soul searching and introspective thought than ever before. I frequently feel like certain things need be altered, yet they remain exactly as they are because other bigger issues, points of stress, or worries come along and knock them squarely onto the back burner.

At this stage in my life, a few weeks before my 31st birthday, my heart and soul feel very, very open to change, as well as to both embracing new opportunities - whatever they may be - and getting in touch again with certain things that I love doing dearly, but haven't been kind enough to myself to make time for, in many instances, years now.

I realize that such statements sound a touch vague, and that's intentional. This isn't because I don't want to share the details of such with all of you, but rather because in many cases, I don't even know exactly what those changes will be yet myself. I just know, that like a runner bracing themselves on the starting line, I'm ready to burst forward and turn over a lot of new leaves - or so I hope!

{There is a certain almost palpable quality to the air when the winds of change pick up. I feel recharged thanks to it and am so excited to see where it will lead me this year and beyond. Vintage image source.}

That said, here are a few things that I'd really like, and am planning, to change in the coming months:

-Take actual days off. If we exclude days when my health keeps me bedridden and unable to do pretty much anything at all, which I don't feel should count because I have zero choice in the matter, I haven't taken a single day off this year and can (excluding our trip to Victoria last fall, which I did a lot of work related things on all the same) count on one hand the number I took last year.

Not kidding there in the slightest. And I put in long days. I mean like an average of 12 - 20+ hour workdays, which my health pays quite often, I know, but as a lifelong workaholic, it's genuinely hard for to be any other way. That said, I know, I know, I know oh-so-well that I must take days off at least once or twice a month and am going to try even harder to push myself to do so.

-And while I am, I'm going to craft. I love crafting, it's been near and dear to my heart my whole life, but you wouldn't know it from my blog. I have a dedicated craft room in our little basement that in recent times has doubled as my home office + photo studio + where I store inventory for my Etsy shop and I have not actually crafted in it, for all intents, for about 2.5 years. I literally shudder when I stop and reflect on that. I'm all for hard work, being driven, and pushing yourself, but every last one of us needs to stop and enjoy a hobby or two every now and then and I absolutely must get back to creating once more.

-I feel like some of my blog posts series and/or certain topics I cover are getting a bit staid/old (and not "old" in a good, vintage kind of way!) and aren't as popular as they once were, so I may be retiring some and/or introducing others later in the year.

-Speaking of my blog, looking ahead to late 2015 and beyond (aka, after this coming summer), I think that I'm going to scale back just a touch on my posting frequency. I madly adore writing and blogging and could do so almost everyday, but there is a great deal of behind the scenes work that goes into posting - as any frequent blogger who puts a lot of effort into their posts will quickly tell you - and in order to keep my blog and shop both going strong, I need to take a little bit of that time and apply it to other areas of my work and home life alike, as well as to those mythical days off.

-I need to spend more time outside. Sometimes that isn't possible and I fully accept that, but nothing, and I mean nothing, in the whole universe soothes my soul (as discussed in posts such as this one and this one) like connecting with nature and genuinely require that sense of serenity in my life.

-Worry less. Plain and simple. Tony recently reminded me of the importance of just going with life's natural flow and that's something I'm trying to embrace on an even deeper level these days.

-Weed out more "time sucks" from my life, be they online or off (this is something I've been doing for quite a while now, but there's always room to cut down on or entirely remove others still).

-Try a new wig. I love my current wig and it's been a very good friend to me for over 2.5 years (not literally the same wig, but the same model - I go through a new one every 3 to 6 months or so, just depending on the weather/heat and how often I wear it), but I've been jonseing for both darker and, even more so, shorter hair, so I'm planning on purchasing one soon (I hope) that fits this bill.

I've actually tried several other wigs since becoming a wig wearer due to medical hair loss in 2012, but none of them have worked well or looked flatting on me, so that's part of the reason I've stayed with my current one for so long (and why the others that didn't pan out haven't made it onto my blog). Time to at least try another wig - worst case, I'll return or resell it. No biggie - especially since I know that I can rely on my current one so long as its still being produced.

♥ ♥ 

Again, these are just a few things. The real key here is somewhat less about specifics and more about being open and ready for change. Hopefully most of it will be positive, but even if some negatives happen, I'll embrace them and hunt down the silver linings that they house, for there is one in very nearly every situation in life (that's been a guiding principle of mine ever since I was a child).

Spring, which we're about 2/3rds of the way through at this point (can that really be?!) is such an important time of rebirth and growth, and I think that is a big part of the reason why, amidst the April showers and May flowers, I've been feeling the winds of change blowing lately.

I'm really glad that they’re out in full (gale) force and hope that they'll continue to propel me forward for a long time to come!

Are you also feeling ready for change in your life this spring? What sorts of things would you like to see happen for you on that front in the weeks and months ahead?


  1. Hi, Jessica! It's been a while since I've stopped by. We've had a rough winter in our house. Anyway. I love to see how you're embracing change and enjoying life. It's so important to see the positive.

    Here's to the wig of your dreams!!


    1. Hi sweet Sarah, it's fantastic to hear from you again. I'm sincerely sorry that you've had a rough winter/start of 2015. My heart goes out to you and I'm always here if you need someone to talk to about anything at all.

      Wishing you better, happier days ahead and sending tons of hugs your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Good post! And good instinct to reflect on your life and make adjustments. Your proposals all sound healthy and, in fact, are things I'm trying to do as well. I'm sure they'll make you happier.

    And yes! Try new wigs. I know it's hard to find ones that suit us but it's worth the effort. Good luck with that, Jessica. And, as we used to say in the past, keep on keepin' on!

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderfully nice words of encouragement, Ally. You're such a great friend. Wigs really are hard to get right, especially if you're aiming for ones that look (or at least sort of look) the mid-century part. There are so few out there in that category that don't look woefully Halloween costume-y, but I'll never give up and if I ever have the means, I'd love to have several custom wigs made in different super vintage-y styles.

      Many sincere thanks again - have a fantastic week!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. I'm so happy for you, Jessica!! You definitely deserve to take some time off and enjoy the simple things! I can only imagine how busy you must be with your lovely Etsy shop and your in-depth, constant blogging!!
    Have a wonderful time exploring new fields of interest and relaxing out of doors. It's the best! :)

    Have a wonderful rest of the month, and happy birthday!

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Esther. Though, based on the way things are shaping up at present, this summer could be busier than ever, I swear, I have every intention of starting (or furthering) these changes as 2015 progresses and suspect that I'll start making some more noticeable changes (such as to my posting frequency) in the fall. I'm not delaying things there, it's just that I've got my summer related posting schedule mapped out already and am keen to carry through with it as much as possible. :)

      I will be taking some days off before then though and connecting more with nature and my hobbies. It's the healthiest and best route to take, and I'm really looking forward to it.

      Many thanks again & tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. At age 41, I feel exactly the same way!! I feel like a big change is coming on but it is due to small but important changes I have made in my life since January. The question I keep asking myself is, "what do you really want your life to look like" and I haven't quite figured it out yet. Once I define the answer, I know I will be unstoppable! ;)

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

    1. Yes, oh my word, yes, dear Bethany! You nailed it squarely on the head. That is exactly how I feel at present, too. I know that there are tons of restraints, so to speak, in terms of what is and isn't possible in my life, but within what I can do or could eventually do, I am trying to figure out how I want my life to continue to unfold in this current decade of my life. I don't have all the answers yet, but I'm loving the process and far from feeling burned out, so to speak, actually feel really revitalized and excited.

      With all my heart, I hope that more answers come your way and that we're both able to become even more unstoppable as 2015 and beyond progresses!

      Thank you for your awesome comment!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Hi Jessica, just like you, I welcome change. So hear hear! Hopefully, we can read about your journey. Sounds exciting!

    1. Thank you very much for saying that, dear Sylvie. I want to document some of these changes here and I'm touched to know that you'd enjoy reading about them. I can be very shy and quite a private person at times, so knowing that my readers are eager to learn more about how my life unfolds in the coming months really means a lot to me and will encourage me all the more when it comes to sharing (about these new happenings).

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. I feel like this very frequently - I was exactly the same last month before my 31st birthday! Must be the age for reflection! I hope you do get the chance to take healthy days to yourself and get some crafting done!!

  7. Wonderful post as always dear Jessica.
    I hope the winds of change bring in lots of fresh, good, soul-renewing things into your life. I can completely relate to your 'worry less' and 'spend more time outside' pointers, I have been struggling with anxiety for the past few weeks, and dragged myself out to the beach this morning. Just breathing in the sea air and listening to the crash of the waves made me feel cleansed and peaceful.
    Looking forward to reading your future posts (as always!)
    Love, Jenny xx

    1. Thank you very much, darling gal! I'm very sorry that you've been battling heightened anxiety levels lately. Anxiety has been a part of my life since day one (it was worse in general actually when I was a child) and believe it or not, one way I cope with it is to work my tail off and really throw myself into my job and/or projects I'm working on. This can help, sure, but taking time off to do things like go to the beach, take a walk through the woods, or enjoy a quiet picnic in a lovely park are all equally helpful and arguably healthier, so I will really be trying to follow your lead.

      Thinking of you sending and sending countless understanding hugs your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I often find myself getting into a routine of "stuff" and forget to smell the roses. I've already announced to my husband that this year will be the spring/summer/fall we are going to try some different things. For starters, I've picked up our local hiking guide and hopefully we will try all the trails in our county as one of our "get out and do something new". We are getting too comfortable walking or biking our local trails and although they are lovely,there's so much more to discover. I think these will make a great day trip and who knows what else we will find along the way.

    Looking forward to seeing what new things come your way!!!

  9. I hope you take MORE than only 1-2 days off a month! I am also a person that loves entrepreneurial ventures and working hard to build something, but it's just not sustainable (as you very well know!). I'm almost perfectly healthy and need more time than that to rest, and I hope you'll take a few more craft days to rejuvenate! There's nothing wrong with it; it's necessary!

    1. Thank you so much for your wise, caring words, sweet dear. I've always been the kind of person who feels - even though I know this is usually completely illogical - guilty if I'm not working around the clock, burning the candle at both ends, and pretty much pushing myself to the point of complete exhaustion. That's nuts though! Hard work is fantastic, but as you said, it's not very sustainable if one doesn't stop to relax and focus on other passions some time, too. Just as even the most powerful and beautifully engineered car in the world can only run so far as one tank of gas will take it, so too do even the hardest working bloggers have a limited about of "fuel", so to speak, and we must all stop and fill up (aka, recharge) from time-to-time. I truly appreciate your comment and understanding, Emileigh. Thank you again.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. These sound like great goals to have - I found myself nodding away to most of them! I'm a little bit hesitant towards change, but find myself embracing it quite often since having a career! Going straight to the superficial one, I'm excited to see you getting along with a new wig - a shorter, darker one I could see working very well. My big change for the second half of 2015 is attempting to buy my first house... I'm currently having grown up conversations with a broker and it finally feels like things are on the move. This is one of the biggest changes in my life, potentially! x

    1. I love that you honed in on that one, as it's actually one of the changes that I'm most looking forward to, so long as the wig gods are in the mood to smile on me. I'm leaning towards darker because, funny as this may sound, of the super cheap, shed like a German shepherd in July, Halloween costume wig I wore last year for my October 31st costume. It was raven black with bright red highlights and not only did I love seeing myself with really dark hair, but I could a ton of positive compliments and comments on it. I didn't see that coming and have been eager to embrace dark locks (though probably not jet black - more likely a warm dark brown, but we'll see!) on a daily basis (at least for a while) ever since. Fingers crossed I can find a wig that it's about shoulder length or shorter and that at least quasi-looks the mid-century part. I've been hunting for months with very limited success, but do have a couple of possible choices in mind.

      It's truly exciting that you're planning to purchase your first home. With all my heart, I wish nothing but the best there and hope that everything goes smoothly for you, my darling friend.

      Huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. You are and remain an inspiration, dear Jessica

    1. That is so heartwarmingly lovely of you to say, dear Sasha. Thank you deeply.

      Have a beautiful week!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. How wise you are, Jessica! I'm excited to hear of changes in your life, and wish you absolutely all the best.

    1. That's wonderfully kind of you to say, dear lady. Thank you very much!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Like you I like routine but you're very right that sometimes change is good. When we get too comfortable things can sometimes become a chore and we no longer get the joy out of them that we once did. The changes you have listed sound fantastic and I look forward to hearing your progress with them, best wishes xx

  14. They do say that a change is as good as a holiday :-)

    All your changes are ones that are easy to achieve and will benefit you, which are vital ingredients in positive changes. Hopefully more rest days will mean less sick days.

    I have a rather big career change coming up and I am champing at the bit for it to begin but I must possess my soul in patience while I complete this stage of my life will be a lesson in allowing events to take their course!

    1. How exciting that you have some substantial career changes in the cards. I'm happy for you and hope that everything goes even better than you're hoping.

      Thank you very much for your comment. Have a beautiful day!
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I'm sure you have wonderful things in store for your readers
    Retro rover

  16. Great ideas! Soul searching is not something I thought I had time for, until last week. Suddenly, my brain is not cluttered with school and I don't know what to do with myself. That combined with the fact that our preacher said that as a people we needed to pay attention to ourselves and the way we acted and not slip into a comfort zone, and me having an apocalyptic dream two nights later. It is kind of scary, but a healthy scary that will help shake me into the right mindset. So, change it is! I'm ready for it, and I'm making plans, just like you. I can't wait to see how your summer turns out. :) Good luck!

    1. that definitely sounds like it could be unnerving. It's nothing short of amazing how profound some of our actual dreams can be when it comes to shaping those goals we call dreams in our waking lives. I hope that your own path of change unfolds wonderfully for you, Hannah, and am always here for you if you'd like to chat more about such things with someone.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Change is exciting, and it feels like you have some great ideas here!

  18. What a great post, and I'm happy for you and the fresh changes that lie ahead of you. Bravo to you for embracing it, because it isn't always that easy.

    I hope they work out for you as you planned them.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Thank you very much, my sweet friend. I know that some people will read this list and think that it sounds easy, and while I'm the first to admit that it's not like I've got "scale Mt. Everest, solve global warming, and cure five diseases" on there, some of them - especially taking days off - are genuinely challenging for me. If they were easy or even quasi-easy, I'd already be doing them, so it means a great deal to me that you picked up on that. You're a very perceptive person and I always appreciate your kindness, understanding and support.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. This sounds so great, Jessica. I love these sort of life-changing feelings and actually doing something about them is so rewarding. Good for you :) xx

  20. Hi sweet friend. I can relate to you on the feeling of time for a change. Is as it we can deeply feel it, something began already and didn't toke place yet on the physical world. It makes me happy, because I think something good is coming there for you, and hopefully for me too! That's my hope :-)

    I cannot wait to see which surprises will take place soon in your life my lovely friend.

    Hugs xxxx

    1. That is such a profound and wonderful way to describe things, my darling friend. It's like the seeds of change are growing underground, but we can't see them yet because they haven't broken through the soil yet. That is exactly how I feel and I really love it, in many ways, because I feel like a lot of amazing things can potentially come out of this kind of energy, drive, and sense of optimism. Fingers crossed that such is the case! :)

      Huge hugs & many heartfelt thanks for your fantastic comment and observation,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Jessica, As one of your many readers who also blog and sell on Etsy, I often wonder "how does she do it?" with regards to your own blog and shop. What really got to me with this post is your neglected craft table-- "me too!" I thought (because my own craft table has turned into shipping wrap central for my shop). If you are like me, maybe you have thought about hiring help with the small stuff. Yep. Hiring a friend to become a regular helper might be a good way to maintain your enterprizes and still plan a day each week for recreational pastimes. Sure, itl will take a bit of time and money, but the benefits would be priceless!

    1. Hi Jen, thank you very much for your understanding and lovely comment, my fellow Etsian. I'm sorry to hear that your own craft table (room?) has been feeling a bit lonely lately as well and hope that you'll also be able to spend some quality time with it this year. Let's both vow to try and make this happen!

      Truthfully and objectively, I don't need to put in as many crazy long days as I do. I just flat out love working hard, so that constantly propels me to do so, when circumstances permit. Thanks to implementing a system of "devoted days" a few months ago (wherein I primarily focus on one main task - such as blog post writing, photographing inventory, listing items, replying to work related emails, etc) I've been having a lot of luck with my time management. The trick is just to actually force myself to take days off and to recharge my depleted batteries every now and then, instead of just constantly burning the candle at both ends through my own free will.

      That's certainly a great suggestion regarding hiring someone to help out and I really appreciate you bringing it up. I've thought about the obvious benefits of such before, however am not at a point where I need or could afford that yet. It would be very cool to have an employee (or multiple employees one day) one, as that would likely mean my business had taken off in an even more substantial way.

      Thanks again & happy crafting!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Those sound like some good changes! :) Sometimes the status quo has to be shaken up a bit. :D

    Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork

  23. Hello Jessica,
    you say so many things important and delicate in this post, you know I understand ...
    It 'important to take time for themselves, many times this coincides with the work but is not always so.
    When I'm away from Nature, from the meadows, the woods I feel dry and tired .. This is a period that I would just sit in the trees with a good book, but ... it is not so easy, or are just bad habits , I have to say "enough" and go in search of good energy!
    Life is a complicated and fascinating way, we just have to walk!

  24. I think your goals for change are all well deserved and, if anything, expected of you! I mean, everyone could use more days off, less stress, shorter work hours, more creative outlets, and a new "do" ;) Don't allow yourself to feel guilty in the least, and don't wait to make these changes. They're important ones! If I've learned anything so far this year, it's you have to make time for everything, even time! That sounds so weird, but if you don't say "I'm going to take this day off (or this hour off!)" and actually write it down and plan for it, then you might never get it. I sense you're like me: the type of person who must ALWAYS be doing something, to the point where you feel seriously guilty about getting sick or taking a much needed rest... Don't do that lol. Take care of yourself and make time for change because it's already almost JUNE and there's so much change to work towards still (this is as much a reminder for me as it is a comment for you!). Anyways, change is good and I think you have some wonderful, rewarding goals to work towards <3

    1. Hello my very sweet friend, thank you deeply for your caring, wise words. I truly appreciate them and want you to know that I'll be taking them to heart - especially what you said regarding not feeling guilty about taking time for (non-work related) creative outlets. I'm not sure when exactly that happened for me, but God knows that it did somewhere along the lines and opening my shop last year only intensified those feelings all the more. They're not right, nor healthy and I objectively know that, but that doesn't seem to make taking days off or even chunks off days off to craft or do other creative things any easier (oddly, it almost makes it harder). Why, why, why? I find myself asking. Many factors, I'm sure, but at the end of the day, it boils down to the fact that I know in my heart of hearts, that I must take time for myself and my (again, non-work related) passions. Doing so will, I'm sure, only make me more focused and revitalized when it comes to work and will, I'm sure, broaden my creativity on that front, too, as I've long found that creativity begets creativity, no matter what area of your life it happens in.

      Yes, yes, and yes again! I am truly that way. I'm not restless per se by nature, but I do always feel like I have to be doing something, have to be accomplishing tasks or making things or writing posts or whatever else. Just "zenning" out and doing nothing or focusing solely on fun activities doesn't come naturally to me at this point in my life and it truly means a lot to me that you can relate so deeply on that front. I love your idea of literally writing down day a day, hour, etc off and aiming for it. I haven't really done that so far, but am going to starting next week. Thank you so much for suggesting it.

      Huge hugs and my sincere appreciation,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. In times when I'm feeling poorly and dealing with my own chronic health issues, I think of you and what you have built here and in your shop, and I feel inspired. Sometimes, I just don't know how you do everything you do, and do it so well (and with such grace!), but you've given me something to aspire to. That said, I'm a big fan of the day off, and taking time for a craft project or two, it's what keeps me going and what allows me to recharge my creativity.
    The changes you've laid out for yourself sound like the perfect way to recharge and revive your life, and I wish you the best in implementing them. I also cannot wait to see your new 'do should you find another wig that works for you (as I have no doubt you will). Change is exciting!

    1. Sweet Randi, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so incredibly much. Your words are not only deeply touching, but immensely uplifting and encouraging as well. I swear, there are tears threatening to escape my eyelids right now and I will not soon forget the kindness and beauty of this comment.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* I really, really hope I can find a fun new wig. I'm not sick of, and certainly don't dislike, my current one, but just as many folks with their real hair yearn for a change of styles periodically, so too am I at present.

  26. oh my heart. my heart is in this same place right now. the list is perfect, and i hope and pray and with all of this for me as i do for you.

  27. I am currently taking a class in school where we have to sit down and do a lot of introspective.
    I think its an interesting exercise that could help.
    You start by doing a "life timeline" where you chose the most defining moments in your life (about 12 of them), moments that left a mark.
    Then with that in mind you create a vision of what you want … its very time consuming but very positive.
    Just a thought.

  28. Oh I forgot to add that it would be fun to see you with a new hair do :)

    1. Thank you sweetly for both of your wonderfully nice comments here, dear Lorena. I really want a new do! I'd like to save up, perhaps next year, if possible, for a custom (synthetic, probably, still) wig, but for now I'm just looking for an off the shelf one in my price range that looks at least quasi-vintage. Somethings short would be great for the summer, so we'll see what can be had. I've found a couple that might do the trick and they both have a somewhat 1950s shorter style vibe to them.

      I appreciate you sharing that highly helpful suggestion with me and am going to create a life timeline very soon. Thank you so much for the terrific idea.

      Huge hugs & happy weekend wishes.
      ♥ Jessica

  29. This is an inspiring and, for me, thought-provoking post, regarding my own life. You put things into words so beautifully. Very good luck with your plans. xxx

    1. Thank you deeply, lovely lady. I sincerely appreciate your beautiful comment and good luck wishes.

      Have an awesome weekend,
      ♥ Jessica

  30. Change makes me very anxious so it is always interesting to me to read about people embracing change and being reminded that change doesn't automatically equal bad which is kind of how it feels to me. I really don't know how you manage with so little time off! I would be beside myself! One thing I can identify with is the guilt, but it really is important to make time for you so that you don't burn out. I am glad to hear that you are planning to get back to your crafting, that will be fabulous. Perhaps you can give us a blog tour of your craft room?! Good luck with the wig hunt. I think your current one is gorgeous but I can see a darker one looking lovely on you too.

    1. Hi sweet Kate, thank you so much for sharing some of your own very personal feeling pertaining to change with me. It can be a double sided coin for sure, and I don't deny the potential negative ramifications of change for a nanosecond. Sometimes the prospect of change brings about anxiety or stress for me as well, especially if there are a great deal of details to be worked out in a short period pertaining to one event (e.g., moving homes).

      The glass half full side of me tries to come out regarding change though, and I aim to look for the positive(s) what it/they may be in such circumstances. In this instance, it's more like me saying to the universe, "Hey there, universe, I'm ready for whatever you want to throw my way. I need to see some differences in my life and am keen to embrace them." Hopefully this mindset, along with various actions that I'll take myself, will help generate and propel some cool new things in my world. It likely can't hurt at the very least, so why not, I figure, give it a spin! :)

      Thank you again very much for your kind comment and well wishes with the wig hunt. I really want to get a custom one made (and am fairly certain of the US custom wig maker I'll approach if I ever have it in my budget to do so), but for now I have to stick with "off the shelf" styles and that is quite limited when it comes to vintage or even slightly vintage-y looking options. That said, I have found at least a couple of short styles on one US site that are big contenders and plan to order at lease one of them in the next four to eight weeks, if possible.

      Thinking of you and sending tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. I had no idea that you wigs had a limited lifespan!

    1. That's neat, isn't it? Human hair wigs will typically last a lot longer than synthetics, and even within the synthetics realm, there's a lot of variation. I've seen pro wig makers on YouTube revive "dead" synthetic wigs, but it often takes a lot of work and some equipment like a garment steamer that I don't own (though, I do plan to buy one some day, as it would be very helpful for some of the clothing I list in my Etsy shop). My current wig isn't that expensive. Even with shipping from the US (I can't find a Canadian source for it), the exchange rate difference, and import costs, they run less me less than a $100 each and if you consider that they last for 3 to 6 months, that's much less than many people pay on visits to a salon, hair care products, blowouts, dye jobs, etc during that same time frame. That is pretty inexpensive for a wig though, I'm the first to admit, and if I was paying a lot more per wig, I would do even more (beyond what I do now, such as regular washings, storing it in a room with low humidity, etc) to try and keep them "alive".

      Thank you very much for your both of your blog comment yesterday. Have a fantastic weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  32. I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Jessica, and all the lovely photos and outfits! Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonder filled weekend. :)

  33. Clap clap clap clap (applause). :) You write so well, and I can hear you when I read it. It seems like you are soon ready to scale down. I've told you before about my stress breakdown, and how a weekly (not just twice a month, dear) day off has changed my life. I have been a workaholic like you all my life, and a dedicated perfectionist, and it is hard work. And this was not meant as a joke. I worked hard and long hours at my job, believe me, all my bosses have loved me, and when I came home I worked hard on making everything look perfect and being the perfect wife and later mother, which I was neither. I was always tired, impatient and unsatisfied with my life. I remembered everything and I helped everybody, but you cannot keep doing it and I think you are ready to change it now, to do something for YOURSELF, to cut away what you don't think is funny or helps you. I would love if you only blogged once a week, because then I knew that you have taken your time and enjoyed it fully, and I would look forward to it like a treat. Not that I don't enjoy all your blog posts now, which I am sure you know all about. And I would love to see your wearing or using your own crafted things and I would buy them in your shop. And believe me, a day off doing exactly what you want to is like a battery being recharger. My boss thinks I am an even better employee and my husband loves me even more. I have found inner peace, and you know what? It feels fantastic, and I certainly hope it NEVER ends! Go girl, you have my full support - and Tony's too, I am sure. Lots of hugs from sunshiny and chilly Denmark XOXO :)

    1. My very dear friend Sanne, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your caring comment. Please believe me when I say that every single wise, insightful word you've ever shared with me - along with your own personal struggles on this front - have been taken to heart, I promise you (despite the fact that it may look as such, I swear they do not fall on deaf ears in the slightest).

      Though I struggle massively to take time off (because I love to work, because I feel guilty if I'm not working, because there is always so much to do, etc), that doesn't mean that I don't fully recognize the fact that I should do so and am the first to admit that there could be serious ramifications for me, if I don't.

      I'm not overworked right now in the sense of feeling overwhelmed, but I do have a lot on my plate for sure and even if I didn't, it's not healthy or right for anyone to deny themselves days off.

      It's a very tiny step, but I took an hour off yesterday, as Rochelle suggested trying in her lovely comment here, and though I had to battle serious feeling of "you know, you could be doing X, Y or Z right now for the blog or business" the whole time, I enjoyed the serenity of that hour and feel like it's a good baby step towards to taking whole days off.

      It's great to know that you'd be interested in seeing more of my crafts and purchasing them, if they were in my shop. A lot of what I make isn't the kind of thing I'd likely sell (for example, scrapbook pages and cross stitch projects), but one big exception there is my handmade nickel-free jewelry, which I've been giving a lot of thought to possibly listing some of in my shop. When the shop launched I'd planned to sell both vintage + handmade jewelry there, but then things got so busy with the vintage side alone, that I put the handmade side on the back burner. I might try a trial run of a few handmade pieces this summer and see how they go. I wouldn't open a separate shop for now (one is plenty to manage!), so hopefully having a built in audience/customer base there and here on my blog would be helpful in selling some of it. We'll see! :)

      Truly, thank you again. You are a true inspiration, endlessly sweet person, and beautiful friend.

      ♥ Jessica

    2. Oh, you are so very welcome, dear. I also think the graduated version, taking one hour at time, is a good way to start. But do plan it, like every Tuesday you take an hour off, and in July you take two hours off, and so on. You will soon find that your mind, and I am sure your health too, will benefit from it. And make it your own time, doing exactly what you want to, even if it is just reading. Your shop is ready to carry handmade items, it is in your logo, so do keep it that way. In general keep things simple, it has also helped me a lot. I cannot wait to see what you create, dear. :) XOXO

    3. Reading will be high up on my to-do list on my hours (and days) off for sure. Interestingly though, reading is one thing that I've always made time for, no matter how busy my work schedule/life. Sometimes I'll read in the car (as, not being a driver, I'm always the passenger), while waiting for a doctor's appointment, if I'm on the bus, and most frequently, for a few wonderfully tranquil minutes before bed. Much as it pains me to do so, I can go without crafting for a long time, but books are like water and air for me, and sustain me in ways I could never willing give up.

      You truly are so sweet and caring. With all my heart, thank you again for your support and wonderfully kind, encouraging, helpful words.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  34. Many great words.
    Amazingly full of wisdom, darling.
    I have proven to myself many times, that what you wrote here is true. So true. Because, one can not reach happiness unless he/her accepts that the world is an ever-changing, living "organism".. and we must "breathe" along with it. :)
    (I'm so ZEN today..)


    1. Thank you deeply, dear Marija. That is so true - happiness, or at least long-term, deeply rooted happiness relies so much on being open to, and okay, with change and accepting that it sometimes the curveballs we didn't see coming, that stand to better our lives the most.

      As always, you are sagely in your wisdom and sweet as sugar to me, my darling friend.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  35. I love this post so much. I'm feeling so much the same way lately, and you've put it into words well! :-)

    Looking forward to seeing where your changes take you this summer/year!

    1. Thank you very much, honey. It seems like a lot of us are in this same sort of mood at the moment, and honestly, I'm not terribly surprised. There's something about spring and summer set really lights a fire for newness and change under many of us and if you pair that with the fact that I think people are starting to look for better ways to balance their online and offline lives after many years of (often) heavy web usage, it's natural that change would be in the air.

      I hope that many fantastic new faucets of life come your way and that you have a truly marvelous summer!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  36. I'm not one for change in my own life, I need time to get used to a shake up of things as I like to be fully prepared for eventualities! Andy likes to be spontaneous which is in direct contrast to me which can lead t friction, but hey ho, opposites attract as they say :)
    I look forward to seeing what changes you have in store and can't wait to see your new hair xx

    1. Thank you very much, my sweet friend (and, for the record, I can truly understand where you're coming from). I'm excited to and just love being in this state of total openness. There's such a sense of liberation and positivity to it. I haven't settled on a new wig (and of course, as I know from past experience, there's nothing to say that I one I pick will work well for me at all - wigs can be very hard to get right, especially when you're dealing with wallet-friendly, off the shelf synthetic versions), but I do have it shortlisted to about five and am currently doing further research on all of them, so I'll probably order one of them in the next month or two. Fingers crossed it works for me!

      Big hugs & many thanks for both of your lovely comments today,
      ♥ Jessica

  37. I am not always open to change. I get a good routine down and tend to stick with it. Then, a year down the road, I wonder why I feel stagnant and unfulfilled and bored. I know I do it to myself. Yet, I keep doing it. I need to take a page from your play book here. Great post, I fully support you getting back to crafting and creating. The feeling of accomplishment when you have finished creating something beautiful is like non other.

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. Thank you very much for speaking so candidly with me about some of your own feelings pertaining to/struggles with change, honey. I'm guilty of going to routine route sometimes, too, in fact, I feel like I've been doing that for while with my blog and online in general, and really want to shake things up a lot more in the second half of 2015 and onward.

      Huge thanks for your encouraging words and support,
      ♥ Jessica

  38. I wish I was open to change as well as you were. The outlook you have is wonderful. It's good to step back and relax. I've always seen it as a way of self inner healing. :) And whatever changes may come your way, I'm sure you'll be more than able to handle them. Even if they are small such as making time to craft or searching for a new wig. Which shows how little I know about wigs, because silly me thought you've been wearing the same one for years now. LOL!

    1. That's such a thoughtful, wonderfully nice thing for you to say, sweet Seanna. Thank you so much. I hope so as well and have already experienced some interesting chances since penning this post - very much including Tony going to the States for work this summer.

      No worries! There's tons I didn't know about wigs before I started wearing them. Perhaps one day I'll write a little "wigs 101" kind of post and/or ask my readers for any questions they might have on the subject and turn those into a post.

      Many thanks again & have a great weekend!
      ♥ Jessica
