
May 24, 2015

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want (to see here)!

Okay, if that eye-rolling Spice Girls reference doesn't belie the fact that I came of age in the 1990s, I don't know what would! :)

Seriously though, today's quick entry poses a question to all of you that follows up on the heels of my post about being open to all kinds of change from earlier this week.

You guys provided some wonderfully kind words of encouragement and feedback there (thank you!) and as I genuinely feel open to making some changes to my blog, much like my life in genera, I would love to hear your thoughts on what kinds of posts you'd like to see more, or conversely, less, of on my blog.

{I'm tuned into my blog's audience and am all ears when it comes to the kinds of posts you'd most enjoy seeing here in the future! (Total side note to this image, but I love that the earrings this beautiful lady is wearing look like they were very likely Bakelite.) Vintage image source. }

I know that outfit posts are always huge hits here, as they are on most fashion blogs (by there very nature), and you can bet your bottom dollar, that health and weather permitting, I'll always keep those in frequent rotation.

In addition, recipe posts are usually much loved, as are others pertaining to vintage fashion related topics (such as this year's look at how to wear navy blue and seven vintage garments I don't own, respectively), and so are interviews with fellow vintage bloggers, so those aren't going anywhere either.

I'm certainly not looking to toss the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, just because I'm in the mood for change. However, because I feel so receptive to newness and because I want the time, effort, energy, and even, objectively, health, that I put into my posts to result in ones that are not only well received, but which may stand to further grow my blog's reach, I would sincerely love to hear more about what kinds of posts you'd like to see here in the future.
My blogging schedule (and list of topics I hope to cover) is already largely planned for this coming summer, but when the nippy winds and pale golden days of fall return, having long tabulated the results of the comments received on today’s post, I will honestly take them all to heart and likely start writing even more of the kinds of posts that you guys have expressed the most interest in.

I'll always be true to my own heart when I blog, but I love the very act of blogging so much, that if I know you want to see a greater percentage of something (say, posts about some of my own vintage collections, fashion/beauty how-tos, reviews, giveaways, craft projects that I create, you name it!), I have no qualms with shifting my focus that way.

So, my lovely dears, don't be shy! Please share your thoughts on this subject with me, getting as specific and/or creative as you desire - and while you're at it, if it's not too much to ask, please let me know as well if you'd like to see some posts specifically dedicated to showcasing new listings (of which there are usually several dozen per month) in my Etsy shop.

Huge thanks in advance for all of your feedback! And to my wonderful US readers, I hope that you're each having a marvelous, fun filled Memorial Day long weekend!!!


  1. To be honest I really like your blog the way it is. I especially like it when you post helpful things like 'How to wear Navy'. I know that's probably not helpful but it is my honest opinion. Also I love that you reference the Spice Girls :)

    1. Thank you very much for your feedback, sweet dear. It's touching to know that you enjoy the variety and diversity of posts here as they stand now. That's just as helpful for me to hear as if you'd suggested other topics. If the general consensus is that "if it aint' broke, don't fix it", I'll likely leave most things as is (just weeding out a couple post series that don't seem to be as popular as they once were).

      Thanks again & have a fantastic Sunday + week ahead!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I'm really loving your interview series, it has introduced me to many blogs which I now follow and helped me get to know those I already follow.

    1. Hi lovely Georgette, thank you very much for sharing that with me (it's great to know!). This new interview series has taken off like wildfire, which is so encouraging for everyone involved with it, and I find myself getting genuinely excited each time I write a new set of questions for the next interviewee.

      Many thanks again & have a gorgeous Sunday!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. It's good that you're attentive to our needs, but as Natalie says above, your current mix is a nice balance. We love the diversity of posts. Even fashion-blogs that show only outfits get boring once in a while; it's nice to spice them up with recipes, vintage history, etc.

    Personally, my favorite posts of yours are those that present the history of vintage, both in writing and beautiful pictures. I learn from them and am entertained by them. They are rare to find, even in the Internet, but I recognize that they take a lot of work to create. So offer them at a frequency that works for you.

    1. Hi Ally, thank you very much for wonderful impute and for letting me know what your favourite types of posts are. I adore that kind of post as well and always do a proverbial happy dance with the idea for a new one comes my way (that "light bulb moment" feeling is the best!). They're well received here and are an area I'll continue to cover on a regular basis for sure.

      Huge thanks again & have a terrific Memorial Day,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I too have really been enjoying the interview posts! It is always great to find new vintage bloggers to follow. I would love to see more about your vintage collection, like perhaps the extent of your hat collection, since I am a major hat lover! In general however, I think you do a marvelous job with the variety of topics you write about!

    1. That's awesome to hear, dear Bianca, thank you very much! I key reason why I haven't shared more about my own vintage collection (there have been a few such posts over the years, but not tons for sure) is twofold at present...

      One, we have an atrocious lack of natural light in our house (a condo that is flanked on three sides by other condos and a tall hill on the fourth) and no fenced yard, so taking photos can be a challenge (I use a white box or white paper drop sheet and studio lighting in our basement to take those for my Etsy shop) and even after more than three years of living here, I haven't come up with a good work around there (believe me, I've tried many, all to no real avail).

      The second is that I'm actually incredibly shy and have an irrationally hard time sharing about certain things, including what I own - beyond the portion of my wardrobe shown in each new outfit post. I covered this topic a bit in this post:

      I have been working hard to get better at that though, because it's such a strange way to be (it largely boils down to a fear of someone accusing me bragging, which is something I try very hard to avoid doing most of the time), and even if the photos leave a bit to be desired, I can certainly share more, including one about my hat collection (I've actually been wanting to do one about that for ages now and am so glad you brought the idea up here).

      Many thanks again & have a splendid Memorial Day, lovely lady!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I definitely see what you mean about how a collections post may come off as bragging, I have had that worry myself when I did some posts about my vintage jewelry collection. I forgot about that aspect! Though I tend to think of vintage collectors as curators of mini vintage museums in a way and I admire an individuals collection in a similar manner as I would a museum's. It's a bit different than the traditional "fashion haul" -ish videos on YouTube and elsewhere in that vintage is often a crazy bargain and sometimes the best finds are out of sheer luck! I mainly suggested the idea because I was recently re-reading your posts about your glove collection and how you store them. Seeing all those rainbow gloves in a row was so pretty!

      I can certainly relate to the bad lighting situation, I am constantly wishing there was and area of our house where I could get outfit photos on bad weather days!

      I hope you had a lovely long weekend! <3

    3. I've never in the absolute slightest through that any of your posts came across in that way in the slightest. I guess I'm just old-fashioned (natch! :)), in that humbleness is really near and dear to my heart, even though so many online (and I mean in general here, not calling out the vintage community specifically at all) act as though they have literally never heard of the concept. For a shy, introverted, often very private person like myself, that just doesn't sit right and so I tend to veer far too much on the side of caution and rarely share about my collections, whole wardrobe, things I purchase, birthday/Xmas/similar gifts, etc, less it come across as bragging. Silly I know, because it's my blog and I wouldn't be boasting up a storm no matter what, but this mindset has been ingrained in me my whole life, so it can be genuinely hard to bypass/shake sometimes.

      Your point about vintage collectors being curators of mini museums is so incredibly spot on and a fantastic way to look at things. Going into such posts with the in mind, I think I'll have an easier time and know actually kinda of want to share more of my collections/favourite pieces/etc. Thank you so much for the encouraging, inspiring words, sweet dear (as well as for rereading those old posts).

      Big hugs!!!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* We did indeed, thanks so much! Here in Canada, our long weekend was the one prior to the Memorial Day weekend, as Victoria Day is the third Monday in May, and Tony and I definitely enjoyed it - complete with two outfit shoots. I hope your holiday weekend was fab, too!

  5. I honestly don't remember for sure, but if you ever did a vintage kitchenware post, that's probably how I found you. Those are my favorite types of blogs. But I have stayed because I enjoy the fashion history posts.

    1. Hi there, that's really cool to know, thank you for sharing about how you came to discover my blog with me. I've covered that topic in the course of a few posts before, including one of my annual vintage Christmas gift guides, before, which might have been the very post that you found my site from.

      Knowing that you'd be keen to see more on this topic, I'll aim to pen a post specifically on it later this year and to look for more ways to weave the subject into my posts in general.

      Thank you so much for your great impute!

      ♥ Jessica

  6. I love your blog just how it is, we all have different aspects that we focus on or lean more towards and that makes each blog unique. However, if I had to suggest some ideas, I'd love to see you share more craft or selections of your vintage treasures. I'd also love to hear about your inspiration for outfits and your love of vintage in general. I'm looking forward to seeing what ideas you have and how your fantastic blog develops further xxx

    1. Hi sweet dear, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice feedback! It's great to hear that you're a fan of the mix of things I share here. I completely agree regarding each blog and its respective blogger having strengths and that focusing on those things can be wonderful. I know, for example, that one of my strengths is writing - which I love doing - and as such, I'm never going to have the kind of blog where your average post is just a couple of lines and the scores of photos to pad it out.

      Those are great topics and ones I will certain try to devote more posts to. Thanks again so much for the great impute.

      Have a beautiful week,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. I truly love your blog as Is but maybe some more on Ivintage. Shops particularly repro
    Retro rover

    1. Thank you very much for your feedback, dear Kate. I'm delighted to hear you say that, because I have two posts that I've been gathering research on for months now pertaining to this very topic and plan to write and post them in the second half of 2015 - so be sure to stay tuned for them! :)

      Many thanks again & have an awesome week,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. What I love about your blog is that you are always so genuine in whatever you talk about. You are very open and honest about yourself and keep your blog a positive and accepting place for others. I think that is why your interview series works so well, you compose thoughtful questions and it is clear you enjoy getting to know the person your interviewing. So for me it doesn't matter what you write about, as long as you are writing it, I will always enjoy reading it!

    1. That is incredibly kind of you to say, sweet dear, thank you so much! I'm 100% touched to know that you perceive that about me and my posts and wish you could see how much I'm smiling with happiness right now. Really and truly, thank you again.

      Huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  9. I, too, love your blog as it is. Personally, I love a good outfit post. Also, I believe that Instagram has turned us all into lazy readers and picture addicts. Modern blogs therefore need to be structured into bite sized chunks with an easy comment facility (no sign up hoops etc to jump through). Lost in the 50s are a good example. That blog is easy to read and creates a real story with pictures. In terms of topics, I also loved the interview series. As the first crop of vintage bloggers are heading into their 7th year, their main audience has probably matured as well ( from 20s into their 30s or beyond). Consequently, interviews, making vintage work for the over 30s etc would probably Work well.

    1. Hi Sascha, thank you very much for your insightful, excellent impute. I am with you 110% when it comes to the impact that social media has had on blogging, for which there are scores of pros and cons alike.

      It's really interesting to me that you raised that point regarding how first wave (to borrow a term from feminism) vintage bloggers are aging. I've had some requests to post on the subject of vintage fashion for ladies over 30/40 and am already working on a substantial post devoted to this topic for June. Chances are in general, it's a subject that will appear here again in the future, especially since I'm in my 30s now, too.

      Thank you again very much. I sincerely appreciate your great feedback.

      Have a beautiful week,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I imagine in your research for vintage recipes, etc. you often stumble across vintage needlework / sewing / knitting projects; I'd love it if you occasionally shared some of those. And although I know people are here for the fashion, projects other than clothes would also be welcomed by me personally. :)

    But I think your blog is great just the way it is! I don't know how you manage to write as often as you do. And although I recognized the title, I didn't know that was the Spice Girls. ;)

    1. Hi lovely lady, thank you very much for your terrific feedback - very much including a reminder to share more of those types of projects. I have posted a few over the years (more so, I'd say, in the first three years of my blog's life) and will aim to include more. Not being a knitter or a sewer myself, it can be hard to write in-depth about such topics, but that doesn't mean I can't look for ways to include more and will put on my thinking cap there. I really appreciate that suggestion. Thank you again!!!

      Have a fantastic week,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* That's very sweet of you to say: a very detailed blogging schedule, keeping lists of future post ideas, constantly doing research and image gathering, setting aside specific days each week where the focus is just writing blog posts, and always looking for new inspiration are the key factors behind my posting frequency.

  11. Well, I found your blog a few days ago, and subscribed, so I guess I am not entitled to say much :) But alas, OK, then outfits and recipes, and maybe home decoration in a vintage/retro way!

    1. Hi Denise, I appreciate your feedback immensely - and was actually secretly hoping that some of my newest readers would weigh in, as you did.

      For all my love of vintage, my own home isn't actually that vintage-y looking (in large part because I've moved a lot and often had to just "make do" with what I could in terms of both decor and housing in the moment, and so haven't always been able to set up anything that even came close to my dream decor, plus, as much as I love a vintage interior, my eclectic tastes tend to make for a more mixed bag), so I think that has held me back a bit in terms of posting about vintage decor. That said, I used to do so more often (especially in 2011), and can certainly look for ways to incorporate such into my blog more frequently going forward from here.

      Many thanks again & have a wonderful week,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. I've been waiting to see what others say in case there was something that hadn't occurred to me but I agreed with, but to be honest people are largely saying what I already thought - which was I couldn't think of a way to improve your current mix of posts! I would, too, like to see more about your opinions and wearing of repro - but that's selfishly because it's more my interest ;) And also selfishly, because I'm currently getting into vintage homeware I wouldn't say no to more posts on interior decor ;) x

    1. You're such a sweetheart, thank you very much for your splendidly nice impute and for sharing more about what you like, and would enjoy seeing more of, here. I've got two posts in the works this year (and possibly more - time will tell) that pertain directly to repro, both of which I hope you're really enjoy.

      Duly no about vintage interiors and the like. I agree that this is an area that I could write more on and will definitely put my thinking cap on and see what I can come up there. If there's any specific topics/post ideas that you may have, I'm all ears! :)

      Thank you again very much. Have an excellent week! (It's so hard to believe that this is the last one in May!!!)

      ♥ Jessica

  13. personally i think your blog is perfect, Jess!!! and it's great that you want to be true to your heart but also asking for feedback. I think i read among the other comments about a vintage kitchenware post? that would be lovely, to be honest.
    Keep up the great work :)

    1. Thank you very, very much, my dear friend. You are always so sweet and sincere, and I really value your feedback. A kitchenware post seems to be a hot topic, so I will definitely plan to pen one pertaining to that and to look for ways to include the subject here a bit more often.

      Many thanks again & have a marvelous Memorial Day!
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Denise @ BuyRVintageJunkatEtsyMay 25, 2015 at 6:22 PM

    I'm new to your blog too. Not knowing every post you've written, well, Here Goes!! Recently I have become *slightly* obsessed with vintage accessories. I scored about 20 pairs of stockings/hosiery from an estate and really, what is the history of hosiery-and stockings for that matter? A suggestion might be- history (and historical facts) about some of the things that go with vintage clothing other than really obvious things like shoes, etc. There are quite a few accessory-type items that make an outfit-as you well know! And, if you've done this already then...nevermind and oopsie. :) Chronically Vintage is the best blog I have found.

    1. Hi Denise, thank you very much for your wonderful feedback, my fellow vintage accessories loving lady. I really appreciate it! Way to on scoring so many vintage stockings/hose at an estate. They're not only one of the trickier vintage items to find these days (in my neck of the woods at least), but they often fetch a high premium, so a score like that is well worth writing home about, so to speak.

      I think I get where you're coming from. Do you mean a post about some items that vintage wearers and ladies of yore might have taken for granted, but which are not nearly as common nowadays as they once were? (Such as seamed stockings, girdles, overshoes/galoshes, rain bonnets, etc?) You know, I've been thinking of penning a post like that for years, so I can definitely add it to my blogging schedule for 2015.

      In general though, penning more posts on accessories (here are two such past posts that you might enjoy, on gloves and bangle bracelets, respectively: and is certainly something I can aim for, and as it's a subject that's very near and dear to my own heart, one that I really look forward to doing.

      Many thanks again & have a beautiful day!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. ***Do you mean a post about some items that vintage wearers and ladies of yore might have taken for granted, but which are not nearly as common nowadays as they once were? (Such as seamed stockings, girdles, overshoes/galoshes, rain bonnets, etc?)***

      Yes, Jessica, that's exactly it!! We find a vintage dress, Yay! We find vintage shoes, woo hoo! Even hats- :). But there is more, so much more-and many of these accessories build the vintage look that we see in old photos.
      I remember my mom saying that panty hose were sold on the Black Market in WWII, so women must have valued them a lot.

      If anyone can do justice to these under-the-radar accessories (lol) it would be you!!
      Off to read your writing on vintage gloves and bangle bracelets. Thanks!

    3. My pleasure, Denise. Thank you again for your impute. Your comment seals the deal for me. After bouncing around the idea of such a post in my head for ages, I will aim to pen one this year and really appreciate that you suggested it.

      Have a fantastic day!
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I'm sure that whatever you choose to do, it will turn out lovely!! :D You've always been a wonderful person! <3

    1. Hi sweet darling, what a truly lovely treat to hear from you again! How have you been? It feels like an age and a half since our paths last crossed.

      Thank you very much for your tremendously nice feedback and encouraging words. You are a stellar person as well!

      Huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Jessica, your blog is amazing! Reading your blog is fun and your sweet personality always shines though. As others said the idea of vintage home decor might be a fun addition.

    1. You truly flatter me, dear Akram, thank you so much for that awesomely nice comment - as well as for letting me know that more posts on vintage home decor related topics get your vote, too. Given the high degree of interest in them, I'll definitely be putting on the 'ol thinking cap and coming up with some more on this subject and/or ways to weave the topic into the course of other posts that might focus on heavily on a different vintage related area.

      Many sincere thanks again. You're such a lovely person!

      ♥ Jessica

  17. i think your blog is wonderful balanced with interesting themes!
    but personally i love your outfit posts! to see you smiling, in a fab attire makes my heart sing!! but i know that it´s sometimes hard for you to make this shoots - so i´ll be patient.
    love <3

    1. You're such a sweetheart, dear Beate, thank you very much for your feedback. I adore outfit posts, too, but as you said, it isn't always possible for me to get a new one up each month (or occassionally even each month), but I do really try and will always keep posting them here for as long as I possibly can. Hard as it is to believe, given the microscopic dimensions of my closet itself, I still have lots of things to share here that I haven't worn on my blog before and plenty of ideas for teaming up others that have (appeared here before) in fresh new ways. Summer is the best time for outfit posts, I find, so hopefully quite a few will be in the cards for me this year.

      Tons of hugs & happy end of May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. thanks for sharing these great finds

    retro rover

  19. thanks for sharing these great finds
    retro rover
    ps I realize i left this comment originally on the wrong post

    1. Hi sweet Kate, no worries at all! I've done that a time or two myself on other peoples' blogs over the years. I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed the roundup of budget-friendly beach themed offerings in today's new post.

      Have a splendid Tuesday!
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I love your blog as it is, it's perfect, dear. I adore your writing and love Tony's photos. I cannot think of anything I want less of or that has to be retired. You mentioned your Flickr post were less popular, but I think they are very charming and inspiring. If you changed the title to Pinterest, I'm sure it would be another story, but still the same. ;) New, new .. Hmm ... I loved your posts about storing earrings and gloves. I loved seeing your collections, so everything vintage you might collect be it stockings (as I do), kitchenware, table cloths, whatever. I would also love to see more seasonal things, what you do, wear, how you decorate, and all your tips to celebrate the vintage way. I always love the posts that are about you, the personal ones. And once I mentioned that you could write about wearing vintage at a mature age. I know you are only thirty and I'm fifty, but perhaps you know other adult vintage bloggers you could interview about the subject. I often think if I am too old, if I am considered crazy, but what the hell, I love the fifties and will rather be considered the crazy old lady than change my style. And no, you don't have to create update mails on your Etsy items, since I follow you on Etsy, but it is your blog, so if you want to make an ad now and then, you should. I love how you incorporate your own items in your "deals under 100" and your "vintage fashionistas" post. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. :) XOXO

    1. Hi sweet Sanne, thank you very much for your wonderfully lovely comment. I have been getting tons and tons (well before this post, I mean) of requests for an entry on the topic of vintage for those who are 40 or older, including from a woman that I worked with as a sponsor here once (Canadian author Elinor Florence), and have started work on a very substantial (aka, thorough) post on that very topic, which will almost certainly go live in June. I'm really excited about it and hope that I can do justice to a topic that I don't have first hand experience with yet and to all those, yourself very much included, who have requested such a piece. Wish me luck! :)

      Great minds!!! I've been thinking for over a year now about switching to Pinterest instead of Flickr, but in some ways, I think it's the type of post itself that people aren't feeling, not the website. For better or worse, I am accurately aware that people want to see outfit posts first and foremost, and that's totally fine, but it's not possible for me to just post outfits and I wouldn't want to anyhow, so I guess that I'm just looking to better fine tune my current posts to not only appeal to my existing audience, but ideally to grow my readership further. There's only so many people who are into vintage, let alone who reads blogs, so if I could draw in readers from outside this relatively small niche of ours, that would be fantastic. While, again, making the time, energy, resources, health, etc that goes into all of my posts, ideally worth it in terms of the amount of interest that I see in them.

      All of your suggests are great and jive a lot with some of the directions that I've been thinking about taking things (or expanding them, as the case may be). Thank you very much for all of your awesome impute. It's given me a lot to think about (in the best kind of way!).

      Giant hugs & happy end of May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Suggestions - that would be my overzealous autocorrect at work there! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  21. I really appreciate the "how-to" kind of posts. Some of them are things that I realistically do know how to do, but it's always great to see the photos that you post alongside for inspiration. It's amazing how often just seeing one great picture can spark an idea, and you always find really interesting and unusual photos and illustrations to go along with those posts.

    1. Agreed - even if I know how to do something inside and out, if I see a post detailing a fellow vintage blogger's method, I'm there in a flash! I really appreciate you letting me know that you'd like to see more of these kinds of posts. Thank you so much for your helpful feedback, sweet dear!

      Have a fantastic last week of May!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. I'd really like to see your furbabies in some posts if that's possible :)
    That would be such a treat xx

    1. You and me both, sweet dear! :) By that I mean, both our pets are incredibly camera shy and when it comes to Annie, she has off-the-charts energy levels and isn't keen to sit still and pose for even a few seconds, though a shot with her (and I together) would likely be more apt to happen than with Stella (our cat). We have tried before, but it always turned into a series of blurry shots that weren't usable, but I'm not giving up there and will give 'er a try again this year. Wish me luck!!! :)

      Thank you very much for your feedback here. I really appreciate it and hope that you're having a lovely tail end of May.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. I love the outfits posts! I would like to see some home decorating posts. That would be fun. But other than that, your blog is already so entertaining. Thank you for posting! :)

    1. You're so kind, Hannah, thank you very much for your lovely words and helpful suggestions. It's very clear to me from those received here that posts pertaining to home decor and related topics are an area I need to focus on more and I've put my thinking cap on in regard, so hopefully some fun ideas will be forthcoming.

      Many thanks again & have a fantastic week,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Well, I really love your blog just the way it is. I think you have a perfect mixture of entertaining and informative posts and your research and joy of writing always shines through. I've said already that I am enjoying the new interview series. I always enjoy outfit posts but they are not the only thing that I come to your blog for. I think your how to wear posts are very useful, like the ones on gloves, navy blue, starting a vintage wardrobe etc. I would always be interested in seeing collections, like hats and brooches because I love to see great finds that people have had. If you do get back to crafting I would find posts about that interesting too.

    1. Hi lovely Kate, thank you very much for your terrific feedback, I really appreciate it (seriously!!!). I adore those kinds of posts do and honestly get a little bit giddy when the idea for a new one strikes or a reader suggests a topic for such.

      So much good has come of this post and my head is swirling with ideas, some of which I'm already brainstorming into future posts. It's really great to hear from my readers like this and find out what they love (or don't care for) and what they want to see more of.

      Huge thanks again & have a marvelous Thursday!
      ♥ Jessica
