
August 2, 2015

25 reasons why British Columbia is awesome

This is, without a doubt, a list that could stretch on for the rest of eternity. I say that with out a speck of bias. British Columbia doesn't, objectively, need a PR department, one has only to spend a few days here, especially if you're traveling around and seeing its stunning natural beauty to realize that there is something incredibly special about Canada's most westerly province.

Tomorrow is the August Civic holiday, also known as the August Long Weekend, the only official holiday that most Canadians get between Canada Day at the start of July and Labour Day on the first Monday is August. Here in British Columbia, it's also referred to as BC Day sometimes.

It is something of a midway point in the season, too, and as a child I remember that it always instilled a wave of panic in me, because I knew that school would be back in session in about five weeks. Not that I dreaded school, quite the contrary, but like most kids, I loved summer vacation even more and wasn't keen to see it end.

{The August long weekend, a time of fun, connecting with nature, great barbeques, and heading to the beach, if you live near one. It's basically the breather we all need in the middle of the summer to kick back, let lose and celebrate a lot of what makes summer so spectacular!}

This holiday is akin to what is commonly referred to as a bank holiday in Europe and does not have strong historical ties to any particular event or public figure. Interestingly, and rather unfortunately for those who live there, it is not even observed uniformly across the nation (Quebec, Newfoundland, and the Yukon don't formally observe it and some of the other provinces don't currently recognize it as a statutory holiday). Thankfully here in British Columbia we not only observe it, but it's a stat, which means that we get a day off from work and believe me, we put it to good use!

As you guys know, I'm flat out wild about my country and will talk about Canada until the cows, err, I mean, moose and bears, come home! Today, in celebration of the August Civic Holiday tomorrow and that fact that there are few times that can revival August when it comes to the sweeping beauty of my home province, I thought it would be tons of fun to share some fascinating facts about British Columbia here with all of you.

This is by no means an extensive list, but it touches on many of the many reasons why I absolutely love this corner of Canada, as well as some of the things that help it stand out from its other provincial and territorial peers.

So sit back, grab your favourite summer beverage (it is a holiday weekend after all) and join me on this fun, fast paced look at 25 reasons why British Columbia is awesome!!!

1. According to leading authorities such as the United Nations, we have some of the most livable towns in the whole world

2. We have a fantastic living Victorian era gold rush ghost town called Barkerville (where I had my first "grownup" job in my teens, as a waitress)

3. There are hundreds upon hundreds of lakes and rivers in BC, making for some of the best fishing to be had anywhere in the world

4. Our official provincial animal is the ultra rare Spirit Bear, which is only found in BC!

5. British Columbia accounts for approx. 10% of Canada's total land mass size

6. We have some of the best ski hills in the world (they didn't host the 2010 winter Olympics here for nothing!)

7. The (huge!) Trans-Canada Highway starts in Victoria, BC and stretches out across all ten provinces

8. The first, and oldest, Chinatown in Canada is located in Victoria (only San Francisco's is older in North America)

9. BC has the closest thing anywhere in Canada to a desert, and it's located right here in the Okanagan Valley, where we live

10. This province has produced a lot of great artists, performers, musicians, scientists, and other seriously talents folks, ranging from Michael Bublé to David Suzuki to Emily Carr

11. Canada's tallest waterfall, Della Falls, resides in Strathcona Provincial Park on Vancouver Island

12. We have some unbelievably gorgeous sunrises and sunsets

13. BC has a high number of annual Sasquatch sightings/encounters

14. The vast amount of stunningly beautiful, highly diverse wilderness makes it an outdoor enthusiast, camper, nature lover, or photographer's paradise!

15. There is plenty of world class surfing to be had here on the Pacific Ocean, especially in Tofino on Vancouver Island

16. We're the birthplace of the fabulously delicious Nanaimo bar!

17. Vancouver (and its surrounding area) is nicknamed Hollywood North, with many world famous movies and TV series being shot here each year (X-Files being one of the best known)

18. Orca whales!!!

19. We're an extremely tourist friendly province, which is great as BC begs to be explored from tip-to-tip and side-to-side

20. You can see the breathtaking Northern Lights from various parts of the province, including - but by no means limited to, the Rocky Mountains

21. We're home to Canada's smallest official town, Greenwood, BC (with a population of around 700 people)

22. BC produces a massive volume of fruit, vegetables, and spirits (particularly wine) each year, with the Lower Mainland and Okanagan Valley both excelling in these kinds of areas in particular

23. The Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver

24. We have the oldest operational movie theatre in Canada, Patricia Theatre, founded in 1913 and still going strong to this day in Powell River

25. A legendary lake monster named the Opogopo is said to inhabit Okanagan Lake, located right here in my own town!

{To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}

Now tell me you aren't itching to visit BC? If you do, be sure to shot me a line, if you're headed through the Okanagan, we could certainly try to plan a meet up, such as the one that I had with my lovely online friend, Rachel, last year.

Nearly ever corner of the globe has its charms, its strengths, and is fascinating facts. BC does not have a monopoly on such things in the slightest (nor is it necessarily the only place where you can find each of the things on this list), but it is an incredible province. I've lived in two others (Alberta and Ontario) and visited areas of two further provinces (Saskatchewan and Quebec) so far and while I loved each of them and would highly recommend spending time there to anyone, no other part of our vast nation has yet to grab my soul and heart alike quite like British Columbia.

While I'm quick to cite Calgary, Alberta as my favourite Canadian city, I really do believe that British Columbia will be my favourite province for all time. I was born here and though I've ventured fairly far afield at times (including living in Ireland for a while), I find that something akin to an internal magnet draws me back time and time again.

I've had the good fortunate to reside here again most recently since early 2012 and to welcome my Italian born and raised husband, Tony, into the BC fold for the first time in the process (he'd previously only lived in Ontario when it came to his time in Canada). I could happily live here for the rest of my life and I love knowing that no matter where I go in this vast, amazing world of our, British Columbia will always be home.

And you know, at the end of the day, that is the number one thing that makes BC awesome for me - though of course, the points highlighted here, and scores of others, certainly go a long way there as well!


  1. What a beautiful part of the world you live in! Love the spirit bears! I live in Gippsland in Victoria, which is in Australia. It's an amazing diverse rural area of Australia.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Amber. I think that Australia is a truly breathtaking country. I would love to see it in person one day - both the urban and the rural parts if possible. My heart is a total 50/50 split between loving the city and country, no matter where I go in the world, so I'd definitely try to spend time in both parts of Australia.

      Aren't spirit bears amazing? I love them beyond measure and can't help but feel such a deep connection to them. I've never seen one in person, but spotting one (safely!) would be a genuine dream come true.

      Many thanks for your lovely comment. Have a terrific new week!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. A while back, my husband and I seriously considered moving to BC! You guys have a warmer climate (less harsh winter than here in Quebec) and the summers aren't so hot.

    1. Hello dear Sylvie, thank you very much for your lovely comment. It's really cool that you guys have thought about movie to BC (where the weather can be milder in some parts of the province for sure, especially the Lower Mainland area at the bottom of BC). If you ever do relocate out this way, we'll definitely have to try and meetup!

      Have a splendid first week of August!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Cool! My visit to Vancouver whetted my appetite for your province. I'm eager to explore its natural beauty and friendly people. As soon as I can steal time off of work, I'm firing up my motorcycle and heading West. Your encouragement is inspiring.

    1. That is awesome to hear, Ally! BC is a gorgeous province, as you now know firsthand, and there is a limitless array of places to explore and things to see here. I've lived here collectively more than any other place throughout my lifetime and even having done a fair bit of traveling, have only begun to scratch the surface myself. I love that point and enjoy knowing that there's always so much more to see and discover in my own province's backyard. :)

      Have a fantastic first week of August!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. You've definitely tempted me - and as you know, I hate flying! It looks absolutely beautiful. Give me a naturally stunning location and I'll be happy for days, just walking around in it with no plans in the world. Especially if there's lots of water. I'm feeling quite jealous of your beautiful scenery right now - there's nothing like this anywhere near me! x

    1. I sincerely hope that even though flying isn't your favourite thing ever, somehow one day you'll be able to visit Canada. Really, objectively, the whole country is utterly stunning from coast-to-coast, to whether you made it British Columbia on the Pacific side or anywhere else in Canada, you'd likely have some breathtaking landscapes to enjoy no matter what. If you're ever in BC though, I hope with all my might that we're able to meet up. That would be beyond awesome!

      Tons of hugs & happy start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I've been to a movie at the Patricia Theatre! It's lovely inside.

    Happy BC Day, Jessica! I'm going to enjoy it ensconced in the Bengal Lounge at the Empress Hotel, and the oldest pub in Victoria, the Garrick's Head, in Bastion Square.

    1. How fantastic that you've been to the Patricia Theater! I've not had a chance myself, but super-duper want - hopefully with a photo shoot out front (how could a vintage gal like me not do so? :)).

      That sounds like a wonderful, fun filled way to celebrate the August long weekend. I hope that you have a blast and that all is well on your end as we embrace this month's return.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Yes, this is a fantastic list. I call BC home as well, and it was wonderful having friends in from out of town to reopen my eyes to all that is wonderful about Vancouver, the city where I live.

    1. Hello my lovely fellow British Columbia. Thank you very much for your comment. I'm delighted to have been able to help remind you of some of what is so amazing about both our province in general and about the stunning city of Vancouver. I adore your city and try to get back there when I ever can (the back being in reference to the fact that my family lived on the Coast until about a month before my 9th birthday and my maternal grandma still lives in Maple Ridge, though the rest of my close relatives have moved elsewhere in recent decades, too).

      Have a fabulous long weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. What a truly beautiful place you live! Totally different from where I am in London,England. I am definitely sold on going there to visit one day!

    1. Hi lovely Christina, I wholeheartedly hope that you're able to visit one day. Be it BC or anywhere in Canada, you're apt to be spoiled for stunning scenery, tons to do outdoors, fun things to do and see, and lots of friendly Canadians to interact with, so chances are, you'd have a stellar vacation. Of course, if you're ever anywhere my neck of the woods, please let me know. It would be awesome to try and meetup with you.

      Oodles of hugs & happy start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I love your province pride! You really do make me want to come see British Columbia, it sounds really lovely. I've actually never been to Canada (although I'd visited towns quite close to the border), but it's on the list of places to see. I should make a point to visit your pretty town, it always looks so lovely in the photos that you post.

    1. Canada - and I say this with out a speck of bias, given that it's my home and native land (to borrow a phrase from our national anthem - is utterly and completely stunning. We need to do a better PR job though, because I don't think that the world in general is aware of what a stunning, huge, diverse country we have, nor of the countless enjoyable things that there is to do in the second largest nation (only Russia is bigger and when the Soviet Union was all split up, we held the title of largest country for a while) in the whole wide world.

      I sincerely hope that you're able to visit one day and that you have a fantastic time when you do. Of course, if you're anywhere near my corner of the country, please let me know and we'll definitely try to meetup in person. That would be so cool!

      Tons of hugs & happy Monday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Wow! What a great post, Jessica. You've sold me on a deluxe vacation package to tour Canada. Such natural beauty everywhere. I've always wanted to visit Canada, especially BC. SPI Is in Vancouver now, and maybe through my husband we could get a work related trip up there. My daughter goes to a work retreat in Whistler every year. It is very pretty where I live, but I think you've got me beat. Xx Christy

    1. I think that California is stunning, too. I've never been, but everything I've seen of the natural landscape there looks equally breathtaking. Fingers crossed we're both able to make it to each other's corners of the Pacific West Coast one day (Whistler is super pricey, but otherwise awesome - it's like the Aspen of Canada).

      Big hugs & joyful start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Great post, I really want to go! Really really want to go. I wish it weren't so far though. My brother is there right now and I am insanely jealous!

    1. It is a bit of a hike for sure and the fact that Canada, unlike Australia and much of Europe (and possibly other parts of the world, too), doesn't have a budget-friendly airline and/or railway system, doesn't make traveling long distances any easier. I would love to pop around the country, if not on a whim, than at least once or twice a year, but a modest budget + the high cost of airline (or rail) travel just does not make that possible usually. Still, one of my bucket list goals is to visit all 10 princes and 3 territories (I've made it to 5 out of 13 so far), so hopefully I'll get to do some more national traveling as time goes on. Likewise, I really hope that you're able to make it out here to BC. If you ever do, please drop me a line and if you're nearby, we'll try to meetup.

      Have a stellar August long weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. If and when I am ever able to move out of Alaska, I plan on driving through BC on the Alcan Highway. It would be absolutely amazing if we could figure out a way to meet each other. I have no idea how far away you are from that highway but I would absolutely willing to drive some extra miles in order to meet such a special lady.

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. Aww, you're so sweet, dear Cherry, that would be fantastic (meeting up, I mean). The Alcan Highway itself begins in the tiny town of Dawson Creek, BC in the north of the province and runs all the way up to Delta Junction in Alaska. As you head south from Dawson Creek, it turns into Highway 97, which is an epicly huge highway system that runs all the way down to the town of Osoyoos, which is about an hour south of US. There are various other routes through the lower part of the province, with the Coquihalla Highway being another way to reach the Coast (the Vancouver Lower Mainland Area), but if you take Highway 97, you will pass straight through Penticton on your way, which is where we live, and that would make a meetup a snap. If you take the Coquihalla Highway, you'd get about 45 - 50 minutes away from us at one point, with Kelowna then being the closest town to that area, so as long as Tony was available to drive me to Kelowna (I don't drive due to my health), we could meet up there, too. Either way, there's a solid chance you'd be in the general area when working your way through BC to reach the States. It would be absolutely marvelous to meetup with you and I really hope that's able to happen one day.

      Tons of hugs & happy Monday wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I'm doing a little(on the couch) happy dance hearing how close I will be to you when driving through. We will definitely have to try to make this happen.

    3. Yippee!!! It warms my heart to even think about that possibility. Fingers crossed that it's able to happen one day.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Hi Victoria, thank you very much for your comment. That is undoutably another stellar element of British Columbia's past and present alike. This was not an epicly all encompassing list at all and in making it, I certainly did not leave that point off intentionally (I would never do that, especially since I have a profound respect for the First Nations and their culture).

    Should I ever pen a "25 reasons why BC is awesome" part two or a similar post, I will be sure to include the wealth of First Nations history and culture that this province contains in it (I have certainly mentioned such in other posts before over the years and its always a topic I'm happy to discuss).

    Have a fantastic long weekend,
    ♥ Jessica

  13. To this day I still cherish my memories of my first overseas travel (and my first travel at all without my parents) I made - to BC. I always anted to see Canada but knew almost anything about BC. This travel is still precious to me, I must admit, I fell a bit in love with BC and in particular with Vancouver Island. Coming from a country that has no sea and that is too densely populated, this was an extraordinary experience for me (and still is). I remember our host - my friends uncle who lived on Vancouver Island - taking us out on the sea with his boat to catch salmon (even though I don't like salmon, sorry to say...). One particular evening we were blessed with the most amazing sunset, accompanied by the sound of a bagpipe someone played on one of the small islands there. Or the days we spent in the "wilderness", off the beaten track in a old VW camper in those impressive forests. These things I'll probably never forget.
    You see, I'm getting very sentimental just by the very thought of it... :-)

    I deeply hope that one day I can visit this place again with my family.

    Best wishes to beautiful BC from Switzerland! Doris

    1. Hello dearest Doris, thank you very, very much for your heartwarmingly lovely comment. I adore that you've had a chance to visit parts of my province and loved knowing that you enjoyed and were touched by your time here so deeply. Vancouver Island really is a resplendent part of BC with an allure and beauty all its own. I rekindled my love for it during our two week holiday there last year (my first visit to the island since I was just 14 years old) and have felt it calling to my soul ever since.

      I really hope that you're able to visit BC again one and that perhaps the two of us could even meetup in person, if you do - that would be so fantastic!

      Many thanks again & tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. If I ever show up in Canada, I'll drop you a line!! I have a friend in Vancouver, and I told her I wanted to play the 'spot this TV shooting background' at some-point.
    Thank you for sharing your province with us! It sounds very charming, and I hope our paths cross there one day! We can skip rocks at a lake!

    Carla, TinyAngryCrafts

    1. That would be such a joy, Carla, thank you very much. You always have an open invitation if you're in Penticton (which is about 4.5 hours north of Vancouver).

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. for sure i will come again in your beautiful corner of the world - especially as i realized that i saw only a fraction in 1990! but now with you as my travel guide the trip would be marvelous - one day!
    and visiting you! how gorgeous would that be!!!!
    tons of hugs!!! xxxxxx

    1. Ooohh, that would be over-the-moon awesome, dear Beate and I sincerely hope that you are able to make a return trip to Canada one day. It would be such a special treat to meet you in person after knowing each other online and from snail mail for years now. Let me know the moment you make travel plans to Canada and we'll start brainstorming together right away!

      Huge hugs & happy Tuesday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Such a great place as a big fan of the x files and also supernatural which Is Filmed there too I've always wanted to visit Vancouver
    Retro rover

    1. I wholeheartedly hope that you're able to get there one day, dear Kate. it's a thriving, energetic, gorgeous part of the world that marries the rush of city life with the beauty of nature so sublimely. I really think you'd enjoy a trip to - or most anywhere in Canada.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. This is a breathtaking post, for sure! I knew that Canada or BC had the best livable cities in the world, but I learned many things from your post! The Capilano Bridge, I would love to visit, I didn't know about BC Day :) and Spirit bear and Barkerville town... or the smallest town with 700 inhabitants... and the northern lights - and oh my word, the sunsets! There are so many beautiful places in Canada and I am eager to visit your country! It's a shame, I studied in san Diego and could have gone there (OK, not that close, but doable) and I didn't go :( But I am sure I will, one day! I hope you have a very beautiful week, dear Jessica!

    1. I'm truly delighted to know that you enjoyed and learned so much from this post, sweet Denise. Canada, as a whole, is a rather humble, quiet nation and we haven't done a very good job with PR when it comes to spreading the good word about the countless amazing things that are to do and see in this country. I like to pen posts about Canada from time to time to help in my own small way on that part and to perhaps even encourage some of my fellow bloggers to come and take a holiday in my beautiful country. I really hope that you're able to visit one day - if you're ever near Penticton (4.5 hours north of Vancouver), please let me know. It would be so awesome to meetup with you in person.

      Tons of hugs & happy Tuesday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. I must say I want to go now as well :D I've ever been anywhere near Canada, the farthest north I've been from North Carolina has been Washington DC :P But if we ever make a trip to Canada near where you live I'll let you know :D

    1. It would be a blast to meetup, if you are anywhere near these parts. If you like warm weather and sunny beaches, Penticton excels there in the summer and come winter, our ski hill (Apex Mountain) springs to life and is a must visit, if you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or outdoor skating (they have a rink). In general though, there are elements to enjoy through each season and a trip in the early fall promises some truly gorgeous colours and an abundance of local produce from pears to pumpkins.

      Thank you very much for both of your lovely blog comments yesterday, honey. I hope that you're doing well and having a great start of August!

      ♥ Jessica

  19. These images are great! I had no clue that the X-files were shot in Canada! Very cool!

  20. Wonderful! I too would love to visit all Provinces and Territories. So far I can only check off Québec and Ontario. BC sounds delightful and I always enjoy the landscapes in your outfit posts and instas!

    1. That's a great start! One of the handy things about there only being 10 provinces and 3 territories isn't that you don't have an epic list to work through. Granted though, Canada's hefty size does still make a such a goal a lofty undertaking for most folks. Seeing all 13 segments of this country is one of my life goal's, too. So far I've spent time and/or lived in 5, so I've still got a ways yet to go myself. Fingers crossed that it's able to happen for both of us.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Great post! I adore BC.. it's beauty and adventure. I used to live in Vancouver, and found the experience very interesting. Speaking of deserts, Saskatchewan has deserts too.. really cool ones! My husband grew up near Swift Current, and there are some serious desert landscapes within those Prairie grasslands. I hope the summer is treating you with delicious fruit, sunny skies and fresh air my sweet. xx

    1. Hi lovely Erin, thank you very much for your great comment. How cool that you lived in Vancouver. I've never actually lived right in the heart of Van proper, but my family did call the Coast home until shortly before my 9th birthday and I've been back many times since, so it feels like home in many ways to me, even though at this point, I do identify with Penticton being my hometown more than any other.

      That they do! I've not seen Sask.'s dessert offerings myself (I've only every been to that province once for a few days shortly after I turned 15, as my step-dad is from a small prairie town and we piled in the car to go to his family reunion there), but I'd definitely love to. I was really taken with Saskatchewan and think that it's a beautiful province with such a great sense of space and serenity.

      Tons of hugs & happy start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. With no doubt:
    There's an overwhelming sense of pride in this post (and proud you deserve to be). By the looks of it, British Columbia is an amazing place. I say: one day, when my wallet manages to keep the cash for a bit longer than a month's time.. I'll plan a trip off of my "to visit" list.. and as it just happens BC is going a step up on that list.
    I suppose best time to visit is early autumn?


    1. It warms my heart to know that BC speaks so very much to you, dear Marija. Thank you for your terrific comment and question. Honestly, it really depends on whereabouts in the province you're going and what you're keen on doing. As blanket statement though, and if we assume that one is not coming for the key purpose of skiing or snowboarding in the winter, than mid-May to mid-June is perhaps the very best time to visit. Winter is usually done with, the summer temps are setting in - but not hitting their zenith yet - and the major throngs of tourists that flock to many parts of the province haven't showed up en masse quite yet. There's no "bad time" to see BC though and I can recommend things to do and enjoy at time of the year, if you are able to take a holiday here (which I soooo hope that you are!).

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. YAY BC! I love BC but have only been there a handful of times but would go back over and over again. What a fantastic post on what makes your province so great. Love it so very much Jessica.

    I hope you had a wonderful long weekend (I know I did).

    Liz :)

    1. That's awesome to hear! It would be amazing if we could meetup one day if you're out this way. Penticton is about 4.5 hours north of Vancouver and the Okanagan Valley that it resides in well worth seeing, especially during the warm half of the year - but it has some winter perks, too, especially if you're into skiing or snowboarding (we even have a ski hill right here in Penticton called Apex Mountain). Of course if you're ever in these parts, we must do everything in our power to try and meetup. That would be soooo much fun!

      Have a stellar first week of August, lovely lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Hello Jessica!
    This post is beautiful and very precious! Now I love your land!
    How many things in one region .. desert, mountains, lakes, sea and traditions!
    I can dream of a day to see with my own eyes so much beauty ...?!?
    I also think it's important to have roots and love your country, just so they can become good citizens of the world!


    1. That is such an insightful, wonderful way to look at national pride. I agree with you completely, dear Serena.

      I'm thrilled to have helped deepen your love for Canada and hope, knowing how much you adore traveling, that you're able to visit my country (and perhaps even my own province of BC) one day.

      Many hugs & happy Thursday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. In many ways, British Columbia reminds me of my own hometown, Benalla Victoria. We are situated quite close to the area where the gold rush occurred and there are still a number of historical towns close by, such as Beechworth and Ballarat. Victoria has a lot of lakes and streams and is a popular fishing spot. Also, Benalla is quite close to the high country where some of the most delicious wine, fruit and cheese in the country is produced. It's a lovely corner of the world.

    Canada has long been on my to-visit list, and the more I hear about British Columbia the more excited I am to plan a journey to this amazing place.

    1. Thank you very much for your fantastic comment, dear Vanessa. I too have long noticed similarities between Australia and Canada (not the least of which is that we were settled in part by folks from the UK), but wasn't aware of just how many awesome ones your hometown shared in common with my slice of Canada. That's really, really cool and I appreciate you sharing that with me (us) here. I adore traveling and learning more about any spot in the world. I'd love to visit Australia myself one day, so hopefully we can both zip across the world and spend time in each other's countries eventually. Of course if you're ever near Penticton, we absolutely must try to meet up, my lovely friend - that would be so much fun!

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Such beauty! I would love to visit one day. So scenic!

    1. Thank you very much, my wonderfully dear friend! I hope with all my might that you're able to visit BC one day and that we can meetup, if you do. After knowing one another and being so close online for years, that would be a dream come true!

      Tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. I love Spirit Bears - I watched a documentary on them the other day. Such a beautiful, rare animal.

    Nanaimo bars look good! I like millionaire's shortbread; I reckon I'd like those too.

    1. They truly are. I've never had the joy of seeing one in the wild, but assuming it was done safely, I dream of that perhaps happening one day.

      Pictures don't do Nanaimo bars justice - they are one of the most delicious desserts I've ever had - and I say that without a speak of bias, given that they hail from my home province. If you get a chance, I can't recommend whipping up a batch (or 10! :D) highly enough.

      Big hugs & happy mid-August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. And #26 - You live there! I've made it clear to my husband that we would have to try to catch up with you when we go again one day :)

    It seems ridiculous now that we visited and really only got to enjoy one of those things - the skiing - and even then I didn't really participate in that!

    1. Aww, that is so touchingly sweet of you to say, thank you very much, my dear friend! I truly hope that you guys are able to make it over this way again and that we can meetup when you do. What a dream come true that would be - and of course, we pour over my vintage hat collection together! :D

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. If you boil water for tea, I'll go pack my suitcase right away. WOW! What a lot of beautiful photos you've collected here. Pure eye candy. The Northern Light alone would make it for me. I've always dreamed of seeing this beautiful natural miracle. But I would also love to see Stephen Amell aka The Arrow (DC Comics TV series), yummi. ;) Wishing you a lovely day, dear. It's my weekly day off, and I will sketch on son's tattoo drawing. We have talked about a lot of ideas, and I'm the artist apparently. :)

    1. Water a boiling, prettiest china laid out, and GF scones in the oven! :) It would be so fantastic if you could come for a visit, dear Sanne. Seeing the Northern Lights is truly one of the most memorable and amazing sights we as a species can ever witness. I've only seen it a small number of times and never to the degree that one would get much further north of the equator (such as in the arctic), but even those few sightings have stayed with, and inspired me, my whole life. I dearly hope that you're able to see them one day as well.

      That sounds like a lot of fun! I adore tattoos and the art behind them. Have a great day off, my sweet friend!

      ♥ Jessica

  30. I definitely have BC on my "to go" list!

    1. It is a beguiling beautiful, incredibly diverse part of the world and I wholeheartedly hope that you're able to visit one day, dear Laurie. If you do make to this neck of the woods and are in the Okanagan, please be sure to let me know. I'd love to meet up with you!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. Wow! If I could go anywhere in the world... Probably a bit cold for me though. It looks like such a lovely place. I love learning about where you live.

    1. Thank you, my dear, I adore sharing about it with you! The winters can get very chilly, that's for sure (though we get some of the mildest in the country, thanks to the fact that we're so far south - relatively speaking! :)), the weather from May to October is usually fabulous and summers in most of Canada are very warm. We live in especially hot part of the country and routinely hit in the range of 35 - 45 C during the hottest days of summer, so if you're craving warmth, come visit the Okanagan Valley in July! :) (And totally let me know that you're here so that we meetup).

      Big hugs & happy Sunday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica
